city ​​of sanctuaries

Chapter 846 Dark Power

Chapter 846 Dark Power
"Hi! Larum!"

After entering the small shop, Mining Earth warmly waved and greeted the boss.

"Damn it! It's you! You greedy stranger! Haven't you been satisfied with the emerald you cheated from me last time?"

A white-bearded dwarf poked his head out from behind the counter and saw that the person was digging the earth, and immediately widened his eyes and shouted at him, "Get out of here! You damn alien!"

"Don't say that. How can you call it a lie if you agree with me? Lalum, I am the new guest you brought this time. You should thank me."

After digging the earth, he brought Fang Tian and others to the counter, propped his neck on the counter with one hand, winked at the white-bearded dwarf, and said, "Larum, I brought you something good this time. , a special gem, I can guarantee that you have never seen this kind of gem..."

"Impossible!" The dwarf interrupted disdainfully: "Impossible! The great Larum has never seen any gems."

"Hey, if you don't believe me, let's try."

Digging the Earth said, and winked at the Fang Angel.

Fang Tian rarely saw dwarves as a race, and he was a little surprised when he saw Larum for the first time. He quickly reacted, took out the ice crystals that exploded from the boss before from his backpack, put them on the counter, and presented them to the dwarves. Pushed over.

"Tch, I thought it was something. Isn't it just ice crystals? Although they are a little rarer, high-level elite creatures in the wild have a chance to appear after death. Don't fool me with this." I just glanced at it casually. , Larum accurately said the name of this gem.

Excavating the Earth laughed and said, "It's not that simple, take a closer look, and don't miss it."

Larum listened and glanced down at the ice crystals on the counter again.This time, he seemed to have discovered something. He let out a light sigh, then reached out to grab the ice crystal, looked over it over and over, and finally took it in his hand to examine it carefully.

Excavating the earth said excitedly: "How is it? Larum, didn't you know everything just now? A small ice crystal stumped you?"

"Hmph!" Elalum's temper couldn't stand the provocation. He snorted softly and said while playing with the ice crystals in his hands: "The ice crystals are still ice crystals, but they are eroded by a layer of dark power. This kind of ice crystals The power originally belonged to the Ice Queen. Now, it is affected by the dark power. The two merge together to form a new state. This new state should appear for the first time. Well, according to him Named after Larum, the first discoverer, let’s call it Larum ice crystal..."

Digging the Earth was taken aback for a moment, and then shouted, "Hey! Larum! Is there any mistake? Don't be so presumptuous!"

"Wait!" Chris felt something keenly. He took a step forward and stared at the excavated earth. "Dark power? What are you referring to?"

"'s a kind of dark power, I can't say it, but..." Larum looked at several people, hesitant to speak.

"But what? Don't play tricks!"

Larum thought for a while, and finally said, "Well, you are really a young man with a strong thirst for knowledge. Since you really want to know, then I will tell you directly. I once had this kind of power in the lord of Ego Castle. I have seen it before. It was probably more than twenty years ago. Lord Warren of Eagle Castle asked me to inlay a gem into a high-level sword, saying that it was to commemorate the souls of the dead soldiers. At that time, I never The same power is felt in that gem as it is now in the ice crystal."

After finishing speaking, Larum coughed lightly again, and looked at the people in front of him, "But I don't suggest you go to Fort Igor to find Lord Warren."


Fang Tian looked suspiciously at Mining Earth.

"Fort Igor is part of the snowy area, and that area is Lord Warren's domain." Excavating Earth shrugged his shoulders and explained briefly. Seeing that Fang Tian was still in a daze, he added, " Oh, Lord Warren is the uncle of Princess Anya, he has royal blood and is a hereditary lord."

Fang Tian blinked, and asked suspiciously: "What's going on? Didn't Princess Anya divide the entire snowy region to us?"

"Of course not. We only occupy the central part centered on Twilight City in such a large snow area."

Fang Tian suddenly realized that he seemed to have misunderstood something, but it didn't matter, he raised his head and said, "Mr. Larum, can you feel the source of this power?"

Hearing this question, Larum was stunned for a moment, and then he said, "This power contains a dark aura. He should not belong to the undead, nor to the dungeon, nor to hell..."

Fang Tian frowned slightly, that is to say, does this force not belong to the orthodox force?
While thinking about it, I heard Larum continue beside me: "It seems that the changes in the Ice and Snow Goddess Temple during this period of time should be related to this dark force. The Ice Queen is a middle god and can affect her temple. , In my opinion, this power must at least belong to the middle god, Lord Warren gave me a bad feeling more than 20 years ago, if you really want to go there, you have to be careful."

As soon as the voice fell, the game prompt sounded in everyone's ears at the same time.

"Hint: The player has completed the quest item identification."

"Hint: The player loses 10 gold coins for the identification fee."

"Hint: The player gets the quest item - Larum Ice Crystal."

Item: Larum Ice Crystal
Quest items: Unwearable, tradeable, dropable

Explanation: The ice crystal affected by a dark force was strengthened by the dwarf Larum, and named Larum Ice Crystal.

"Hint: The player's special main task is triggered - the Ice Queen's Temple shrouded in darkness."

Mission Name: The Temple of the Ice Queen shrouded in darkness.

Task Difficulty: Mainline level (not fully triggered).

Mission description: From Larum, you found that the recent appearance of mutated creatures in the snowy area may be related to the Ice Queen's Temple. Larum believes that the Ice Queen's Temple has been affected by dark forces.

Task guide: try to find more clues.

Task requirements: ? ? ?
mission rewards:? ? ?
"Reminder: This mission is a main line mission. The mission can be triggered by multiple people at the same time. It can be completed in a variety of ways. The player's choice will lead to different endings and affect the progress of the game. Please choose carefully."

At the same time, when he received the game prompt, Digging the Earth was stunned for a moment, and then he said angrily: "Larum! You bastard! 10 gold coins for the appraisal fee! How did you do it!?"

(End of this chapter)

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