Chapter 84 Orcs
Indeed, Fang Tian is only at level 19 now, and if he were himself, he would not let a person who looks weaker than himself participate in such a critical task. It seems that the task of killing a certain number of ordinary bosses is more difficult than imagined. Trouble.

There is still time, Fang Tian continued to browse the forum again, he needs to find a task, the level of this task should not be too high, level 20 should be about the same...

However, Fang Tian searched for a long time until his eyes became a little sour, but he didn't find any similar tasks.

In the forum, almost all the missions that have been released that require someone to help you punch are between level 35-60, and there are very few such low-level missions.

Fang Tian shook his head, he began to change his strategy, looking for other more useful information, to see if the supernatural forum could help him find a place to spawn ordinary level bosses.

Fang Tian just flipped through the pages, until after more than 1000 pages, a post caught his attention.

This post is very old, already a month old post.

The content of the post is about the war between the Empire and the Orcs.

In September, after autumn, there is an annual orc frenzy. At this time every year, the orc army launches an attack on the empire that borders them.

Yes, the Orcs launch a similar attack on the Empire every year.

There are many reasons for the orcs to attack. There are two main reasons. The first is that the orcs show off their strength to the outside world.

Secondly, in order to survive the winter, strong orcs will invade the empire and plunder enough food. At the same time, the orcs who die in battle will also reduce food consumption.

In short, the orc's territory is located in the barren land in the west of the empire, and they have peeped at the fertile land of the empire for a long time.

Since similar incidents happen every year, the empire usually prepares early and gathers troops to defend Twilight City on the front line, taking advantage of the geographical advantage to repel the orcs, but this year seems to be unusual.

This post describes in detail the information collected by the owner of various posts.

This time, for some unknown reason, the empire's attitude towards the orcs seemed to be particularly tough. They sent a large number of assassins and thieves to go deep into the orcs to spy on information, and they also stored a large amount of military power to mobilize the people who had been guarding the orcs for many years. The mage group in the snow mountain in the north gathered in the direction of Twilight Moon City, and it seemed that they wanted to compete with the orcs.

There are also some uncertified reports that several hawkish city lords have assembled soldiers in their respective territories, intending to catch the orcs by surprise before they launch an offensive.

It is worth mentioning that the lord of the ruined city is also one of the representatives of the Eagle Faction. For this reason, he also opened the Ghost Tower outside the city in the name of summoning warriors.

There is a ghost tower outside the ruined city, which is usually guarded by special personnel. The souls of all kinds of creatures are sealed in the tower. After each level rises, the level of monsters will become stronger, and this tower can only allow a single person to enter .

Every ten floors, you will definitely encounter the boss guarding the tower.

This tower seems to be open to all players who have received the quest, and the quest has no level restrictions, it seems that anyone can accept it.

After clearing the tenth floor of the Ghost Tower, you can get a Warrior Medal. If you clear the tenth floor, the Warrior Medal will be promoted to the second-tier Warrior Medal.

Medals do not have any attribute bonuses, and the monsters in the Ghost Tower also do not explode their equipment and experience. It seems that there is no reward, and each time they challenge the Ghost Tower, they need to pay five silver coins. After dissipating, the players quickly lost interest in this ghost tower.

However, the players in the post speculate that this medal may be of great use in the battle between humans and orcs. At the same time, the owner of the post is also obsessed with climbing the Ghost Tower. In the post, he claimed to have successfully defeated No. .70 three-ply.

Fang Tian read the post carefully, he didn't care about the invasion of orcs, in fact, before entering this mode of the game, he had never even heard of the name of the empire he is in now, the Pedila Empire Pass.

This empire seems to be far away from the place where Fang Tian lived before.

Not to mention this, in short, the task of this ghost tower seems to be suitable for Fang Tian now!
Fang Tian browsed through the post again, but in order to enter the Ghost Tower, he needs to complete a simple pre-task.

It has to be said that with the assistance of the whole team, Fang Tian's monster spawning efficiency has been improved qualitatively. It only took a few hours for him to complete the task condition of killing 99999 ordinary creatures. For this reason, Fang Tian Re-opened the taskbar.

Task Name: Trainee Assassin Practice.

mission details:

Goal 99999: Kill creatures higher than your own level (99999/[-])

Goal 0: Win in the Dueling Arena (100/[-])

Goal 0: Kill a boss of a normal level higher than your own level (10/[-])

Goal 10: Kill elite level bosses that are 1 or more higher than your own level (1/[-])


Death Tower.

It is precisely because of the toughness of the city lord of the ruined city that the city lord has set up the task of recruiting players to fight against the orc invasion in every corner of the city. Fang Tian easily found the instructor who received the recruitment task.

"The cruel orcs are about to attack us again. Although our ruined city is located in the south of the empire, it is still far away from those orcs. They have never hit us, but the annual invasion has made the king lose his patience! We This time, let those stupid orcs take a good look and see whose fist is the biggest!"

The instructor was an old man with a gray beard. As soon as he saw Fang Tian approaching, he chattered to him about the conflict between the empire and the orcs, "Boy, when you were young, I was fighting for the honor of the empire." warrior!"

As a listener, Fang Tian patiently listened to the instructor finish all the conversations, and finally said, "Then what can I do?"

"Of course it's fighting for glory!" The instructor spit, "We need manpower and strength. If you can help us, you can get military ranks, gold coins, and even the opportunity to recruit soldiers. The king will even reward you Excellence in battle..."

Fang Tian's patience is very good, but when it's almost time to go offline, he had to interrupt: "How can I join you."

The instructor looked at Fang Tian, ​​"We don't need such things as cannon fodder. If you want to join us, you can prove your strength. The city lord has set up a dead soul tower at the gate, and the soul of the strong is sealed in the tower. You can break through it." The higher the number of floors you enter the tower, the more important you are in our hearts, do you understand?"

(End of this chapter)

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