city ​​of sanctuaries

Chapter 836 Heavy Chapter Snowy Region

Chapter 836
Kaha Icefield, the leveling point for level 45-55.

This area belongs to the northern part of the entire empire, part of Hasdar Snowland.

Due to the climate, there are relatively few players active here.After all, the cold climate makes many players uncomfortable. Coupled with the special settings of the game, players need to consume twice as much stamina and satiation as normal to fight monsters and level up in the cold environment.

There are advantages and disadvantages. There are also some special wild creatures on the snowy ice fields. The blood burst out after their death contains enhanced ice attributes. These bloods are deeply loved by magicians and sub-professional players.

The ice field is very large. During the day, the players leveling here formed small groups to spawn monsters independently without affecting each other.

Suddenly, a player focused on leveling noticed the shadow floating over his head. He looked up and couldn't help being stunned. He was hit by the snow-capped giant in front of him with a stick, and a large amount of blood fell out.

"Iced coffee! How many times have I told you! Focus on me when you're fighting monsters!" the captain yelled over there.

"Damn it! Captain!? What the hell is that?"

The iced coffee reacted, he pointed to the sky, and screamed, "Look at that red bug! Is that the boss?"

When the captain and the players in the team heard what the iced coffee said, they couldn't help but look up to the sky.

I saw a huge red worm creature floating in the originally pure white sky.

What the hell is that?High level boss! ?
On closer inspection, there seemed to be something standing on the back of the red worm.

It turned out to be...

player! ?
The captain rubbed his eyes, wondering for a moment if he had read it wrong.

When will players be able to have such a strong baby summoned beast?
At this time, Fang Tian stood on the back of the hell-originated worm, looking into the distance, as if he was thinking about something.

Hesna and Chris stood behind Fang Tian respectively.

After enduring all the way, Chris finally couldn't help it anymore. Just as he stepped forward to pat Fang Tian on the shoulder to say something, Hesna stepped in front of Chris first.

Hesna looked at Chris with guarded eyes, and she already had me on the long sword with one hand, as if she was about to fight if she disagreed.

"Cut." Chris cut, and stepped back half a step. It seemed that he was very afraid of the power of the holy light on Hesna. Are you wasting time in the game? Don't forget, Lisa was..."

"I know." Fang Tian interrupted Chris and said, "I promise you, I will definitely go to hell, but at least not now..."

Chris didn't let Fang Tian go, and asked: "Then when do you want to wait!"

"You should know that it takes a lot of strength to break open the door of space, and none of us can do it now, can we?" Fang Tian turned his head and looked at Chris calmly, "With all due respect, You know the power of mana exhaustion better than I should, even she is controlled by the power of hell, let alone us."

Fang Tian shook his head and continued, "With our current strength, it is very difficult to rescue her."

Chris clenched his fist, he clearly knew that what Fang Tian said was correct.

Speaking of this, Fang Tian paused again, "And until now, you have refused to tell me what happened to Mana Exhaustion, and we don't know anything about the situation in hell..."

"You don't need to know about this." The worry in Chris's eyes flashed away, and it turned into a hostility in an instant. He stared at Fang Tian and said, "You just need to know that you owe her all this, and you owe her everything." The hell you pushed her into, you must also rescue him!"

Unable to help, Fang Tian felt a little dazed. His mind recalled scenes from the time when he encountered mana exhaustion in the past. Two years ago, he almost went to hell with mana exhaustion...

Mana is exhausted, why does she have that necklace?All these puzzles can only be solved by mana exhaustion.

Looking away from Chris, Fang Tian habitually took a deep breath, "You are right, so I will definitely go to her."

Hearing Fang Tian said that he was going to hell, Hesna looked at Fang Tian nervously, biting her lips, but soon, her eyes gradually became firm.

Chris thought about it for a while. He seemed to accept Fang Tian's words and said, "Don't forget your promise! Fang Tian! Don't think about being lazy. I'll keep an eye on you these days. Where are you going now? ?”

"Go look for the things left by the temple, there is the power I need." Fang Tian's eyes gradually moved away, and he asked, "Hesna, what is the specific situation of the Gelugelu territory?"

"Well, after Princess Anya gradually stabilized the situation in the empire, and because of your role in the battle, Princess Anya proposed to reward our guild with a large territory. The territory is located in the Hasdar Snow Field. This territory includes This ice sheet below."

Hesna had met Glu Gelu before, so she knew something about the territory.

"Hey! What are you talking about?" Hearing the conversation between the two, Chris was a little anxious, and he couldn't help but rushed to say, "You still have time to care about the territory? Hell! Hell!"

"This territory is very important to us. We need to use the strength of this territory and the players in the game to build the portal to the temple. This is only the first step, and we need to take it slowly."

Fang Tian nodded lightly, he simply explained something to Chris, then continued to shift his gaze to Hesna, and continued to ask, "You said before that Gru Gru and the others seemed to be in trouble?"

"Yes, I heard from Gelu Gelu that when Princess Anya gave this territory to the player guild, she was opposed by many ministers in the empire. In the end, Princess Anya was forced to choose this land under the compromise of all parties. area."

"Oh?" Fang Tian snorted, he probably discovered some problem, and asked, "So there is a big problem in the snowy area?"

"Yes, the problem is very big. The ice sheet is located on the border of the empire. The biggest problem lies in the snow mountain. Some small towns under the snow mountain are often threatened by avalanches. In addition, special events often occur in the Ice Goddess Temple on the snow mountain. It caused intermittent outbreaks of wild monsters on the snowy mountains, and in severe cases, events similar to a large number of high-level wild creatures invading cities would occur. As a result of these events, there were very few players and npcs active in this area, serious hinder the development of the guild."

(End of this chapter)

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