city ​​of sanctuaries

Chapter 829 Rainstorm

Chapter 829 Rainstorm
"They just sent some young, low-ranking soldiers to come to us. On the surface, they want to help us, but we all know that these people are new to Nian, and most of them are first-rank novices. They don't accept us. The dispatch is just to come to us for actual combat training."

Yin Shiqi sighed leisurely again, "Gradually, with the passage of time, our place has become a leveling area for newcomers in other high-level positions, and most of the aborigines living here have no hope of counterattack .”

Hearing this, Fang Tian couldn't bear it anymore. He said anxiously, "Then what happened after that? Where did my father go? Didn't you continue to look for him?"

"No, during this period of time, I have never given up looking for Master. Unfortunately, not only me, but even the entire Human Federation had no news about him until two years ago."

"Two years ago?"

"Well, two years ago, I received a letter." Yin Shiqi said, carefully taking out a white envelope from her pocket and handing it to Fang Tian. "I don't know where this letter came from. It seemed like it appeared on my desk as soon as I woke up."

"Can I watch?" Fang Tian asked.


Fang Tian took the envelope and opened it carefully.

"This is the handwriting of your father, my master." Yin Shiqi flicked the long hair next to her ear slightly, and she said, "He told me that you will appear in a certain world, and he asked me to find you and protect you. And train you."

Fang Tian's hand holding the paper trembled slightly. Looking at the unfamiliar but familiar handwriting on it, Fang Tian felt a sense of recognition in his heart. He almost instantly recognized that it was his father's handwritten letter. He had never imagined Unexpectedly, there would be such fluctuations in his mood, and there was a trace of tears in his eye sockets.

Uncle Hubbard was right, his father was indeed a hero, but why didn't he see him?

"Finally, you have to finish what your father didn't finish back then." Yin Shiqi stared at Fang Tian with burning eyes, "To save our world, this is your father's trust in you, and perhaps it is also a test."

Fang Tian's clenched fist was a little stiff, he slowly raised his head, and looked at the world shrouded in pitch black death in the distance, "After this is done, will I be able to see my father?"

"I don't know," Yin Shiqi shook her head slightly, "Your strength has grown too fast, beyond my expectation, but there is also a huge danger in it, you should have discovered it, you didn't There is no way to completely control your strength. The resources of this world are close to being exhausted, and the undead don't have much power left here. For you, this is the most suitable place for training. I will hand over the master to you. I will give you all my things, and teach you how to control the power in your body."

Yin Shiqi said and looked into Fang Tian's eyes, "Fang Tian, ​​will you choose to stay?"

"Hesna..." Looking into the distance, Fang Tian whispered, "It seems that we are going to stay here for a while, will you stay with me?"

Hesna was slightly taken aback, bowed and said, "Hesna is with you."


Summer, coastal city.

"Weather forecast, No. 19 Typhoon Xieter is about to land in the coastal areas of our city tonight. Relevant departments are requested to take precautions. It is expected that the wind will reach level [-] or above. Residents are also requested to stay at home as much as possible and do not go out."

Outside the window, there was a violent storm, and the bean-sized raindrops crackled on the window, which was disturbing.

Jay dropped the half-read document in his hand and walked over to the coffee machine.

"Old Wang, why is the coffee machine broken again!"

Jie was still dissatisfied with bang bang bang bang on the coffee machine several times.

The voice of Uncle Youyou came back slowly in the distance, "You just found out? It's been broken for two or three days, and the guys in the logistics are too lazy to repair it and say they will replace it with a new one the day after tomorrow."

"Cut, those people in the logistics department are really lazy, and they are really rich!" Jie cut out in displeasure, poured a cup of hot water and returned to the table, habitually took out a bag of Instant coffee, tear the hole and pour it into the cup.


Old Wang suddenly let out a light snort. He rubbed his eyes and felt that something was wrong. He took a closer look, and suddenly his eyes widened, "No! Jie! Something happened! Come and see look!"

"What's the matter?" Jie was still stirring the coffee with a spoon, lying on the bed like a puddle of ooze, talking nonchalantly.

"Don't dawdle, something really happened, come and have a look!"

There was a rush in Lao Wang's voice, as if he had discovered something serious.

"Really, if you have anything to say, just say it."

Jiehuan's thoughts were all on the cup of instant coffee in his hand, so he took the coffee and walked over there, walked to Uncle Wang, and glanced at the computer screen in front of him.

The hand that had been stirring the coffee just now stopped involuntarily.

Jie's pupils shrank several times.

How is this going! ?
He clearly saw that there was a huge energy cluster gathering on the energy area monitoring platform.

The location is in this city!

Lao Wang was also shocked by this extremely fast energy group. To be honest, he had never seen such a strong energy group in all his years of work. He couldn't help but swallowed and raised his head to look at Jie behind him said, "Jie, you said you had been on the front line with the people above for a period of time. Please tell me, is this a sign that the gate to space is about to open."

"Not good!" Jie put the coffee cup on the table with a bang, "This is an important event! Go and inform your superiors!"

After all, Jie had already put on his shirt and left the monitoring department in a hurry.

An hour later, Central Park.

The typhoon didn't mean to stop, on the contrary, it intensified, and the violent wind and rain devastated this coastal city.

The peaceful Central Park is now occupied by a group of people wearing silver masks, almost without exception, wearing dark black raincoats.

A group of people stood upright over there, with heavy raindrops falling on them. Their faces could not be seen clearly under the silver masks, but the atmosphere around them was strange and solemn to the extreme.

Looking closely, there is an extremely small spot of light floating in mid-air right in the very center of the place surrounded by everyone on guard.

Standing in front of the light spot was a man in a gray coat. He was the only one without a mask. The heavy rain hit his face and fell down his cheeks, but he didn't know it Usually, stare at the light spot in front of you.

(End of this chapter)

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