city ​​of sanctuaries

Chapter 824 The Gate of Space

Chapter 824 The Gate of Space
The moonlight tonight is extraordinarily bright, and under the light of the moon, Hesna can clearly see this world completely different from hers. The vehicles passing underneath and the tall buildings nearby all make Hesna widen her eyes in surprise. Eyes, looking at all this curiously.

Seeing that she had already escaped from the prison, Yin Shiqi was still running with all her strength, leading Fang Tian and Hesna through the alleys of the city at a speed of a few yuan.

"Where are we going?" Fang Tian couldn't help asking.

"Fang Tian, ​​do you believe me?" Yin Shiqi didn't answer, but asked suddenly.

Fang Tian was slightly taken aback, and said, "I believe it."

"I want to take you to a place, away from here." Hearing Fang Tian's answer, Yin Shiqi's heart was relieved, and she felt an indescribable ease in her heart. She felt that with Fang Tian's words, all the previous sacrifices would be forgotten Enough is enough, she cheered up and continued: "We are wanted by CUIT, this world can no longer accommodate us, I will take you to a new place, after going there, you may not be able to return for a while Come here, would you like to?"

Fang Tian frowned. He suddenly thought of many things, including Uncle Hubbard, Tang Qian, many people, and many things. He suddenly looked back at Hesna.

Hesna said seriously: "No matter where you go, I will follow you."

"We'll be back when things are done over there."

While speaking, Yin Shiqi jumped to the roof of a tall building, and Fang Tian and Hesna followed behind him.

This high-rise building is located on the edge of the city. As soon as he stepped onto the high platform, Fang Tian's heart skipped a beat. He could clearly see that there was a dense layer of strange patterns drawn on the top floor of the high-rise building.

Obviously, this is a magic circle that has been arranged long ago, and judging from its complexity, it definitely belongs to some kind of high-level magic circle.

At this moment, Yin Shiqi walked forward immediately after reaching the roof, and slowly stood in the center of the magic circle.

"Fang Tian, ​​make a decision, we are leaving here."

After all, Yin Shiqi raised her hand towards the front, and under the gathering of thoughts, the entire magic circle under Yin Shiqi's feet was activated, reflecting a faint red light, and spinning slowly.

At this time, Nichkhun had just rushed back to the neighborhood of the federal prison with the people from CUIT, and joined the people Jie brought out from the prison.

It was obvious that they had lost it.

Ni Kun's face was gloomy, and Jie felt that his face was hot and hot. It was his mistake that caused Yin Shiqi to escape with Fang Tian and Hesna. He will take full responsibility for this incident. .

"Captain!" Suddenly, a CUIT member hurried over and said loudly, "Captain, I just contacted His Excellency."

"How to say?"

"My lord said that he didn't know about this matter at all. He and Yin Shiqi are just ordinary tutor-student relationships assigned by the federation. Let's not trust Yin Shiqi completely. It is very likely that she came to our world with impure purposes!"

Hearing this, Jie's face turned ashamed. If he had any luck with Yin Shiqi before, then the last luck has vanished, and he showed a regretful expression. He believed in Yin Shiqi too much, maybe this situation would not happen!

Nichkhun also kept a straight face, without saying a word.

At the same time, a huge doubt arose in Nikun's mind. Could it be that Yin Shiqi is also related to Yiyue?

Just as he was thinking, a member put down his phone and reported loudly: "Captain! I just received an emergency from the headquarters. There was a huge energy fluctuation reaction in the A5433 and G3892 areas! It is preliminarily inferred that someone broke the space door at this location!"

Nichkhun was taken aback, his pupils retracted several times in an instant, he realized something instantly, and shouted, "It's them! They want to leave! Inform all CUIT and other teams to rush over! We can't let them go!"

Jie Fei quickly followed, "Boss, don't you need to inform His Excellency?"

"Your Majesty must have felt the fluctuations of this intensity, and he has rushed over now." Nichkhun was anxious, but he still explained patiently.

Jiewei was taken aback, "So, the Mana Exhaustion who is almost as powerful as the Venerable Master also felt this kind of power?"

"Yes, what you said is not wrong." Nichkhun shifted his gaze to Jie, and said without a word: "Perhaps she is already there now."


On the top of the building, Fang Tian looked at Yin Shiqi who activated the magic circle not far away, his fists were clenched tightly.

Really leave this world with Yin Shiqi?

What about Uncle Hubbard?
What made Fang Tian more concerned was the scene he had seen from the illusion before. He really wanted to find Uncle Hubbard and ask him face to face what happened.

chi chi chi...

A door slowly rises from the magic circle.

In 10 minutes, Yin Shiqi had already released the entire magic circle.

After releasing the entire magic circle, Yin Shiqi looked very weak. Holding on to the door frame of the portal, she stretched out her hand towards Fang Tian, ​​"Fang Tian, ​​come with me, it's time to leave this place."

Fang Tian pulled Hesna behind him and walked forward step by step. In fact, he hesitated a little, but if there was no other way out, he could only choose from Yin Shiqi.


At this moment, a red flame flashed out of nowhere somewhere outside the building.

Immediately afterwards, a red shadow pierced the night sky, flashed several times on top of several buildings, and finally stopped in front of Fang Tian.

Mana exhausted wearing a red robe stood in front of Fang Tian. She stood between Yin Shiqi and Fang Tian, ​​stared at Fang Tian in a daze, and said coldly, "Fang Tian, ​​you can't go with her!" .”

Fang Tian was really surprised to see the exhaustion of mana here.

"How will you be here?"

Turning around exhausted, he glanced at Fang Tian coldly, and said, "Come back with me."

"Fang Tian!" Yin Shiqi, who was standing by the portal, bit her lips tightly, almost bleeding red, "Don't listen to her!"

"She just wants to use you." Mana Drain interrupted bluntly, her eyes fixed on Fang Tian, ​​"Remember, I am the only one who understands you."

Yin Shiqi was in a hurry, and raised her strength to take two steps forward. She wanted to say something, but when her mana was exhausted, she waved her hand backwards. Yin Shiqi was impacted by some invisible force, and suddenly flew backwards, hitting the door of space behind. There was a 'dong' sound on the stone pillar.

"For the sake of saving Fang Tian, ​​I will spare your life." After the mana was exhausted, she turned around and said. She no longer paid attention to Yin Shiqi, but raised her head. She stretched out her hand towards the air and slowly clasped it with her five fingers.

(End of this chapter)

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