city ​​of sanctuaries

Chapter 818 Failure

Chapter 818 Failure
Hesna bit her lip tightly and said nothing. She stood in front of Fang Tian with her sword in hand.

Archbishop Bonne looked around, took a step forward, and looked at Hesna, "Sinner, you have desecrated the glory of the Holy Cross Church, why don't you put down the weapons in your hands and accept the judgment of the Holy Light?"

Hesna stared at the people in front of her without saying a word.

Fang Tian was controlled, and there was no way to break free at this moment. He clearly knew that everything was over from the moment Ni Kun appeared.

According to the predetermined plan, they will use the teleportation scroll to leave here, but now, he who is imprisoned here by special forces cannot do this.

As for Hesna, she obviously didn't want to leave here alone.

Nichkun seemed to see something, he licked his lips, looked at Hesna, "Make a deal, what do you think?"

Hesna looked at Nichkhun warily.

"I assure you, I won't kill you. Instead, you have to hand over the fragments in your hands." Ni Kun set out his price.

"Will you let us go?"

"No. But at least, you won't die now, maybe there will be a turnaround in the future?" Ni Kun's words seemed to have a positive effect, and he said quickly, "Why don't you try to resist, You're still going to die when the time comes, right?"

"Are you sure you won't hurt him?" Hesna finally bit her lip.

"Yes, I promise you." A smile appeared on Nichkhun's face, and he gestured to Fang Tian with his gaze, "Look, its HP is running low, so it's best to make a decision quickly."

Hesna looked at Ponie beside Nichkhun.

Bonny glanced at Nichkhun, nodded, and continued, "I have no right to deal with this matter. I hand over the fragments in my hand and temporarily put them in custody. Everything will be decided when the Pope comes back, but Hess Na originally belonged to the Church of the Holy Cross, and he must be judged by the Church of the Holy Cross, which no one can stop."

Nichkhun shrugged, it was just an NPC, the Church of the Holy Cross could handle it however it wanted, the most important thing was Fang Tian, ​​he couldn't die, he still had a lot of things Nichkhun needed from his mouth.

"Hesna! Don't believe them!" Fang Tian was extremely anxious. He had finally made so many plans and finally got the fragments, but how could he hand them over so easily?

"Shut up!" Bonie frowned, and moved towards Fang Tian's position heavily, and a golden light pointed towards Fang Tian.


Under the heavy pressure of red, Fang Tian's face turned ferocious, and his pupils were filled with red bloodshot eyes.

"Fang Tian!" Hesna couldn't help shouting.

"Come on." Nikun stretched out his hand towards Hesna, "Hand over the rune fragments of the temple. We won't hurt him. There is no time."

"Fang Tian, ​​I'm sorry..."

Hesna looked up at Fang Tian who was being tortured in mid-air. She murmured in a low voice. She stretched out her hand forward and handed over the fragment of the temple rune in her hand.

"Thank you, I'll do it without any courtesy..."

Seeing this scene, Fang Tian's blood volume had almost reached the limit, and he passed out all of a sudden.



Accompanied by the sound of running water in his ears, Fang Tian opened his eyes and gradually recovered his consciousness.

"Looks like you're awake."

A smile appeared on Nichkhun's face, and he put away the water quality timer beside him.

Here is the state of reality?This is a prison?
Seeing Nichkhun wearing a neat suit outside the cage, Fang Tian frowned again. He turned his head and looked at the environment he was in, and his heart sank.

"Don't you want to talk about it?" Nichkhun outside the prison stretched his waist, "It's okay, don't rush, take your time, I will give you time to think about it, after all, we still have a lot of time, I will talk to you at this time tomorrow. Come again, I hope you will be willing to chat with me at that time, I believe you are a smart person and will not make a choice that you regret."

After finishing speaking, Nichkhun didn't wait for Fang Tian to speak, lifted the chair under his feet, turned around and left along the long aisle.

Watching Nichkhun go away, there was a bang sound of the iron door closing at the end of the corridor outside the railing.

No sound could be heard in the dark prison. It seemed that I was the only one here?
Fang Tian couldn't help lowering his head, he looked at the shackles on his hands that were entangled with iron chains.

It doesn't seem so good.

Fang Tian felt that these shackles were more difficult to break than the nightmare shackles he encountered last time, and he limited the speed of his strength recovery.

What happened after passing out last time?Fang Tian tried hard to remember, but once he tried to remember, he was stunned and had a headache.

Taking a deep breath, Fang Tian sat on the ground and began to think. This place is undoubtedly the real world. From this point of view, he must have passed out and was brought back to reality by Ni Kun's people.

It's a pity, in the end, it was still a little bit short, and I was almost able to get the last piece of the temple rune!

He had planned for so long, but in the end he did not expect to encounter the powerful phantom of the third pope of the Holy Cross Church in the temple. The phantom delayed them for too long.

correct!What about Hesna?How is she now?

Recalling that time, it seemed that he was going to be judged by the Holy Cross Church?
Thinking of this, Fang Tian immediately couldn't sit still and stood up from where he was.

Now if he wants to rescue Hesna, he must leave this place. Fang Tian doesn't know how long he was in a coma before, and he needs to hurry up.

How to do?
Lowering his head, Fang Tian once again focused on the heavy black shackles on his hands.

The shackles similar to the nightmare shackles, can you use brute force to break them apart like last time?

Fang Tian took a deep breath and tried to use his strength to break free.


There was a hint of silver light on the black shackles.

Fang Tian felt that there was still a long way to go before he could break the shackles with brute strength. Under the suppression of the shackles, it was difficult to really use the strength of his hands.

After several attempts, Fang Tian quickly gave up. His attribute enhancements are indeed a lot under the increase of various imprints, but now that the attribute enhancement of the hell-originated insect is missing, Fang Tian still feels that he is being overwhelmed. Weakened a lot.

At least he couldn't break through the shackles in his current state.

He needs stronger instant explosive power.

The burning state through reading is undoubtedly a good choice.

Fang Tian tried to close his eyes, trying to stimulate the thoughts in his body through Zhou Lai.

It's still hard.

The shackles on the hands have a locking effect on the thoughts in the body. They forcefully control the thoughts in the body to circle around the body. The feeling of being locked by the control is slightly loosened, and a trace of thoughts can be squeezed out.

(End of this chapter)

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