city ​​of sanctuaries

Chapter 814 Chapter 7 Divine Eye

Chapter 814 The Seventh Divine Eye
"I have seen in CUIT's internal information that the special ability of the third pope, in the records of classics, is an eye that can see through illusion, reality, and the past."

Jie couldn't help but blinked, "Is it so mysterious?"

"During the battle, he can use these eyes to pull the enemy into a special illusion, find the enemy's weakest point in the illusion, and pull him into endless confusion. It is said that during that period, many people who were judged The sinners of the three fell into endless penitence after being looked at by the third Pope."

"Is it so unreal?" Jie swallowed, and smiled wryly, "Boss, don't you think the Church of the Holy Cross intentionally used this to scare people?"

"No, in the history of this continent, his strength is close to the ninth level."

Jie was taken aback.

"It's a pity that he has been dead for hundreds of years, and the power of the Seventh God's Eye, which remains the phantom, is less than one percent of what it was in life. I hope this remaining power can control them." Ni Kun shook his head, Instead of continuing on this topic, he moved the topic away and asked, "How is the situation over there in the temple?"

"Just got the news that Fang Tian and Hesna have entered the side hall, and we have asked the people nearby to follow up, and we are still dealing with the iron puppet they left behind." Jie hesitated for a moment, and continued to explain, " The Iron Man puppets they left blocking the outside are of high level, and it is very troublesome to deal with, and we are already doing our best to solve it."

"Speed ​​up, let them not enter the side hall, and wait for us to pass." Nichkhun said in a low voice, "The third pope is the greatest in the history of the Holy Cross Church. Even if it is a phantom, I believe it can be controlled. them for a while."


In the confessional room, the phantom didn't see any movement, he just slowly stretched out his hand forward.

Fang Tian and Hesna both looked at the hand stretched forward at the same time.


Flipping his wrist upwards, his palm pointed at Fang Tian and the two of them.

At that moment, Fang Tian and Hesna were surprised to find that an eyeball suddenly appeared in the center of that hand!
Almost at the moment when he saw that eyeball, Fang Tian felt as if he had been hit hard.

Under the influence of that eyeball, Fang Tian's eyes gradually became dull, and he felt that he was uncontrollably drawn into a strange space.

"Tip: The player is in a nightmare state."

The reminder sounded in Fang Tian's ears, but at this time, Fang Tian, ​​who was in a hallucination, could no longer hear it.

Like Fang Tian, ​​Hesna beside him couldn't help but stand still.

Fang Tian clearly felt that there was a strange change in the passage of four weeks. This situation indicated that he must have entered some kind of illusion.

I don't know how long this strange feeling lasted. After regaining his senses, Fang Tian found that he was still in the same confessional room just now, and the surrounding environment layout was not the slightest difference from before.

what happened?

Fang Tian turned his head suddenly, the strange thing is, not only the golden phantom just now, but even Hesna has disappeared together with him.

Not only them, Fang Tian once again raised his head to look at the statue of the holy angel in front of him. This time, he could no longer feel the fragments of the temple runes contained in the statue of the holy angel.

In other words, my intuition just now was right, and I am still in an illusion?
Fang Tian frowned, but this illusion was too real, he was thinking about how to break through this weird illusion, suddenly, there was a rush of footsteps outside the gate behind him.


The door of the confession room at the back was pushed open with a slam from the outside, and then a long-haired woman quickly entered the confession room from the outside.

The woman held a long black sword in her hand, and the armor on her body seemed to be tailor-made for her. The blood was stained, and there was a deadly killing intent in her icy eyes, but she just swept Fang Tian lightly, and Fang Tian felt the throbbing of his soul being stared at.

The moment he was targeted again, Fang Tian's inherent animal instinct seemed to be triggered in an instant.

run!leave here!

These few words suddenly appeared in Fang Tian's mind, but under the erosion of the invisible murderous intent emanating from the woman, Fang Tian found that his legs were out of control and could not move an inch.

Who is she?
Fang Tian's eyes were filled with a kind of fear that he had never seen before. He had never been stared at by someone before, so he couldn't make any resistance movements.

"Who are you?" Fang Tian wriggled his throat, and a hoarse voice came out of his mouth.

The woman didn't speak at all, she didn't even bother to pay attention to Fang Tian, ​​she just turned sideways and looked at the front door.

At this time, Fang Tian clearly noticed that the woman was holding a small sleeping bag in her right hand, and a baby was lying in it.

Before Fang Tian could continue speaking, he felt another breath coming from outside the door.

Breath from hell.

Those who chased from outside the door were all high-level madmen in the abyss without exception.

The woman's eyes were cold, and she swung her long sword, and all those who rushed from outside the door were cut off by her sword without exception.

Fang Tian's pupils shrank slightly.

Fang Tian suddenly felt extremely familiar with the figure of the woman wielding the long sword. Fang Tian was almost certain that he must have seen her somewhere before?

where! ?

This may be the way to break through this environment!

Fang Tian searched his memory hard, and matched this woman with the memory in his mind.

The pictures of the past were played back in Fang Tian's mind one after another, and suddenly they were frozen on a certain picture.

Fang Tian was taken aback suddenly, he remembered!
He had seen this woman before, at that time, in the environment of the evil dragon dungeon, it was also a phantom at that time, but at that time she used a dagger!
Thinking of this, Fang Tian immediately raised his head to look at the woman, at her chest.

The necklace pendant hanging on her chest is still hanging there!

Sure enough it was her!

Suddenly, countless madmen from hell poured in from the outside, without any exception, all the madmen who rushed towards the woman were cut off by the woman's sword.

Fang Tian couldn't make any movements beside him, he could only watch the woman swinging the long sword again and again.

Who is this woman?Why is she being pursued by hell madmen?Why did Fang Tian feel as if he had seen her somewhere before?

(End of this chapter)

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