city ​​of sanctuaries

Chapter 782 Inquiry

Chapter 782 Inquiry
half a month.

Not too long, not too short.

During this time, Fang Tian and Hesna have been staying in the Lost Forest.

Apart from obtaining the necessary food and water sources, Fang Tian hardly ever went out.

Of course, Fang Tian will not waste this time, he has been trying to make cards for alchemy gargoyle and iron puppet here.

Fang Tian did not try to find Shen Luoluo and the guild. He felt that according to CUIT's ability to control the game, finding Shen Luoluo and the guild would only bring trouble to them. It would be best for them not to find them at this stage. Okay, I believe there will be no big problem with Gruglu over there.

So Fang Tian decided to wait here with peace of mind, waiting for the news that his mana was exhausted.

Unfortunately, until Fang Tian consumed all the materials in the backpack, he did not receive any news.

Fang Tian also tried several times to actively use the hell magic circle to contact Mana Exhaustion, but he did not receive any effective response.

As time went by day by day, this made Fang Tian full of worries.

"Fang Tian, ​​are you leaving?" Hesna has been by Fang Tian's side since she recovered. Every day when Fang Tian draws alchemy, she prays. Hesna's heart felt unprecedentedly pure.

Unknowingly, Hesna's ability to control power is also slowly increasing. If she can continue step by step, within half a year, Hesna will grow into an existence comparable to the archbishop of the Church of the Holy Cross.

"Well, it's time to leave."

Fang Tian clenched his fists as he spoke. There was no news from Mana Exhaustion. Maybe something happened to her, or maybe she was also in trouble. These days, Fang Tian tried to contact Mana Exhaustion more than once through the alchemy magic circle, but Never heard back.

In the past two days, Fang Tian seemed to have figured it out. He was exhausted by relying too much on his mana. What if she just kept not contacting him?To wait forever?
No, you can't do that.

Everything still depends on oneself.

If there is no way, then rely on your own strength to break through from the siege of CIUT.

So at the very least, he needs to reach the intensity of mana drain.

Hesna nodded obediently, and followed behind Fang Tian.


The human tavern is as lively as ever. It is full of all kinds of NPCs, and all kinds of players who want to try their luck to trigger missions. For people like Fang Tian who have been isolated from the world for more than half a month, come here to get information Undoubtedly the best.

Just sitting down with Hesna, the conversations of nearby players and NPCs came from their ears.

Vaguely, Fang Tian seemed to have heard a topic related to the Holy Cross Church.

In terms of listening to information, it is the easiest and most direct way to go to the Assassin’s Guild to ask for help, but this time Fang Tian didn’t do it this time. There is not much money left.

So this time, they set their target on the tavern, and they decided to adopt a more economical method.

After exchanging glances with Hesna, she pointed to the loudly-talking humans with her chin. Hesna understood. Go to a table.


In the noisy hotel room, Hesna tossed the coin in her hand to the sky.


The coins landed steadily on the tables of those players.

This action almost attracted the attention of all players in the tavern.

For players at the current stage, one silver coin is enough to earn the money they earned from mining and working the previous day. Similarly, the consumption in the tavern is of great value. The local tyrant among players.

What they cared about was not the silver coin that Hesna threw, but the tasks that might be triggered by her!

In fact, before this, many players were curious about Hesna. After all, Hesna is a female NPC, and she is still dressed as a paladin. You must know that paladins rarely appear on human beings in games. Tavern's.

Realizing that it was an NPC, the players around the round table were overjoyed, and their alcoholism subsided by half, thinking that this is good, what special mission did they happen to encounter?

One of the more clever players immediately stood up and said, "Dear Lord Paladin, do you need any help? We belong to the highly poisonous mercenary group, and we are one of the best in the city. I believe we have the ability to I can help you."

Hearing this, the players around started cursing in their hearts, what is the number one mercenary group in the city, if you say that the number one number two really get your turn?You really don't have that number in your heart?

"I'm new here, you can simply call me Heather."

"Hi, Master Heather." The player glanced at Hesna, seeing that her name was still not displayed on her head, and immediately knew that Hesna was using an alias.

The players thought to themselves that this eccentric paladin got some special mission, could it be that the god of good luck descended and became rich overnight?
With such a beautiful dream, the player didn't expose Hesna's lies, but became more respectful, "If you need my help, I can help you with anything."

Hesna threw another silver coin at the player, "I'm curious about what you said just now, let's go on, it's about the Church of the Holy Cross."

"Yes, respected Paladin." The player's heart moved, although it was strange, he continued respectfully, "Just two days ago, the Church of the Holy Cross sent priests to join the battle, to cooperate with the rebels. Together, the players captured a small human city in the empire."

Hesna's heart skipped a beat, and her expression changed slightly, "You said the priests of the Church of the Holy Cross joined the rebel army? Does that mean that the Church of the Holy Cross has also joined the camp that is hostile to the empire?"

"Yes, don't you know, Lord Paladin? This seems to have happened more than a week ago."

It's really going to war...they really dare...

Hesna whispered to herself, she suddenly thought of something, raised her head and said, "Sorry, I just came back here from training abroad, what excuse did the Church of the Holy Cross use to start war with the Empire?"

"Excuse?" The player blinked his eyes strangely and said, "You mean the fact that the empire sent people to assassinate the archbishop of the Church of the Holy Cross, right?"

"Assassination? What happened? Be clear."

"About half a month ago, Archbishop Miffy was assassinated by assassins sent by the human empire. Unfortunately, Archbishop Miffy died as a result. After investigation, it was found that the murder of Archbishop Miffy was actually the mastermind of the empire. The Church of the Holy Cross expressed shock at this and immediately demanded that the empire hand over the sinner who killed Archbishop Miffy."

(End of this chapter)

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