city ​​of sanctuaries

Chapter 779 The reason

Chapter 779 The reason
The only thing to worry about is that the elite guards will try to call for help after their blood volume drops. Fang Tian has a mind, and every time he sees the guards wanting to leave for help, he will immediately use the stun skill to interrupt them.

Fang Tian's superimposed poisonous damage was fine at first, but after dozens of superpositions, more than 50 poisonous damage would appear on the guard ten times per second, and in the end, even thousands of damage per second would appear, which was unbearable. It was said to be terrifying. In real time, the elite guards had several times more HP than ordinary guards. Under such output, they quickly turned into white light and disappeared.

After dealing with the last guard outside the door, for the first time, a ball of white light emerged from the guard.

Seeing that ball of white light, Fang Tian stretched out his hand and waved it, and immediately there was an extra key in his hand.

"Hint: The player gets a special item - the key to the confessional."

Item: Key to the confessional.

Explanation: This is a seemingly ordinary key, don't guess it, you can use it to open the door of the confession room in front of you.

Fang Tian glanced at Hesna, immediately reached out and took the key in my hand, put it in the door lock and turned it to the right.


With a soft bang, the door lock was unlocked.

Fang Tian stretched out his hand and lightly pressed on the door, trying to push it open.

However, the moment Fang Tian stretched out his hand to touch the door, an extremely faint light flashed between Fang Tian's fingers and the door.

Rao Fang Tian himself didn't notice, the hall mark on the back of his hand suddenly lit up.

Slowly open the door.


In the confessional room, Archbishop Miffy stood in the very center of the confessional room. Regarding the impending death, Archbishop Miffy had already made plans to die. She knew clearly that her time was running out.

In fact, all of this is Cecil's plan. The trial three days later is not for the so-called Judgment Day, but the Church of the Holy Cross wants to take this opportunity to find the inheritor of the temple.

For this reason, they did not hesitate to set a trap here. Except for Archbishop Cecil who arranged the alchemy formation, only the inheritors of the temple could easily push open the door.

Archbishop Miffy shook his head helplessly, and she was the bait in this trap, the bait to attract the inheritors of the temple to come here.

Miffy thought, but this time Cecil is doomed to be disappointed, she did not find the inheritor of the temple, so there will be no so-called inheritor to save her.

However, at the last moment of his life, Archbishop Miffy hopes that Cecil's plan will be successful, and meet the inheritor of the Holy Church at the last moment. After all, the Pope has mentioned that the inheritor of the Holy Church has appeared not long ago , he does exist.

However, at this time, the sound outside the door surprised Archbishop Miffy.

When Archbishop Miffy, who had lowered his head, heard the sound of the door opening, his heart suddenly became turbulent. Someone really came in! ?

Is it the inheritor of the temple?
Archbishop Miffy suddenly turned his head and looked at the entrance of the gate in disbelief.


Seeing Archbishop Miffy who was firmly chained in the confessional, Hesna rushed forward.

"Hesna? Why you?"

Seeing the person in front of her, Archbishop Miffy had a look of surprise on her face, and she couldn't help but blurted out.

The arrival of Hesna did surprise Archbishop Miffy, but Archbishop Miffy was certain that Hesna would never be the inheritor of the church.The next second, Archbishop Miffy reacted immediately and moved his gaze to Fang Tian behind Hesna.

Archbishop Miffy recognized Fang Tian who had met once at the first sight.

"It's you!? It's you!?"

Fang Tian was taken aback. He had no idea what Archbishop Miffy was talking about. He thought that Archbishop Miffy was trapped here, and their mission was probably to take Archbishop Miffy away with him, but from what Archbishop Miffy said now, According to the situation, it seems that everything is not so simple?
Just as Fang Tian was puzzled, a game prompt sounded in his ear.

"Hint: The confessional room has been opened, and your actions have attracted Cecil's attention."

"Reminder: If you forcibly break into the Church of the Holy Cross and enter the secret confessional room of the Church of the Holy Cross, your reputation in the Church of the Holy Cross will decrease."

"Tip: Due to your actions and choices, you have entered a state of hostility with the Holy Cross Church."

Upon seeing this, Archbishop Miffy immediately waved his hand towards Fang Tian and Hesna. The two of them took two steps forward uncontrollably, and the door of the courtroom behind them was closed with a bang.

At the same time, in the hall of the Church of the Holy Cross, the expression of Archbishop Cecil, who was blessing the players, changed.

"Hey! Archbishop, why are you going? I gave you all the money! How do you count this blessing?" The player who was receiving the blessing immediately yelled, and he naturally accepted Fang Tian's task. Erwuzi, when he saw that Cecil was about to leave, he immediately stood up, stretched out his hand to grab Cecil's sleeve, and yelled uncleanly in his mouth, "Don't go, first give me what I gave you. The blessing has been completed for me, if you spend money and do nothing, is this how your Holy Light bullies people..."

The caught Cecil snorted, waved his hand, a golden light flashed, the player was bounced away with a bang, and he was mounted on the wall, leaving a trace of bloody skin. Immediately afterwards, he received a friendly message from the Church of the Holy Cross. The temperature is reduced to a cold reminder.

The players standing by were stunned by this scene. Before they could react, Cecil had already left the hall quickly.

In the confessional room, strong elements of holy light surrounded Archbishop Miffy, and a seal opened from Archbishop Miffy's hand, sealing the door of the confessional room.

Archbishop Miffy stared straight at Hesna and Fang Tian.

"Mentor, what's the matter? What about your strength? Haven't you been..."

"Perhaps everything is the will of the Holy Light."

Archbishop Miffy shook her head, she looked at Hesna, "Hesna, I don't have much time, what I say next is very important, you have to listen carefully."

"Master, tell me."

Hesna shut her mouth obediently.

"I entered here voluntarily. In the last operation, the fact that I was a believer in the Holy Cross was known to the Holy Cross Church. I knew that the end was coming, and I was unwilling to make meaningless resistance, so at that time I Instead of confronting the Church of the Holy Cross head-on, he chose to accept the trial voluntarily."

Hesna looked at Archbishop Miffy, pursing her pale lips.

"The Church of the Holy Cross thought that I had a connection with the inheritors of the temple, and sent out news that it would give me a trial, in order to attract the inheritors of the temple to come here to save me, and use this opportunity to find the inheritors of the temple. "

(End of this chapter)

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