Chapter 658 Epee
Realizing those people, Luo Jianbin and others, who were still discussing tactics, immediately stopped their discussion and everyone looked at the newcomers.

Luo Jianbin pulled Xue Yang who was next to him, and said in a low voice, "Hey, didn't those people come to find out about our tactics?"

Xue Yang curled his lips and said disdainfully, "Do you think everyone else is like you?"

Among the four teenagers, the one walking at the front was handsome, with long slanted bangs, and was wearing ordinary casual clothes. He raised his head and held his chest high, and his face naturally showed a kind of arrogance.

Su Chen stood up, and he extended his hand to the person in good faith, "Hi, I'm the captain of the Sihai High School team, Su Chen."

"Jiang Fan."

Jiang Fan didn't touch Su Chen's hand, he casually looked at these people, and said, "I heard that there is a guy named Fang Tian in your team who released a video, which is very popular on the Internet, and he didn't come here." The other meaning is to hope that he can appear on the stage, and now the outside world is promoting the invincibility of assassins, the strongest rookie, etc., you know, it’s annoying to hear too much of this kind of stuff.”

"You don't need to worry about the internal affairs of our school team." Su Chen's face also turned cold, and he withdrew his hand, "As for whether Fang Tian will participate in the competition, it depends on whether you have the ability."

"Haha, is it just you?" Jiang Fan seemed to have heard some funny joke and chuckled, "Okay, you will see, there is actually no other meaning in coming here. I just want Fang Tian to do it early." It’s good to warm up and prepare for the game, lest he lose too ugly when the time comes.”

"Where did the rookie come from? He jumped so happily that he thought he was very powerful?" Xue Yang couldn't control his anger when he heard Jiang Fan's words. If you challenge Fang Tian, ​​fight me first, if you have the ability, let's fight now!"

Jiang Fan glanced at him coldly, "Who are you?"

"Xue Yang."

"I've never heard of it." Jiang Fan's eyes quickly moved away from Xue Yang, not staying on him.

"You bastard!"

Compared with the previous provocations, Jiang Fan's ignorance made Xue Yang unbearable. Dazed by his anger, he took another step forward and raised his fist to prepare for an offline battle with him.

Su Chen stepped horizontally in front of Xue Yang.He coldly said to Jiang Fan and the others, "Okay, the competition is about to begin, we are going to go on stage, everyone, please come back."

Jiang Fan shrugged, turned and left without even looking at Xue Yang.

"Bah! Who does he think he is?" Looking at the back of the other party leaving, Luo Jianbin was extremely upset, "Don't put us in your eyes at all, wait until you have to beat him hard."

"I'm so mad! Su Chen, why did you stop me just now!"

"Don't talk nonsense! Do you want to be suspended like Fang Tian!?" Su Chen glared at Luo Jianbin, not to mention him, even Su Chen, who had always been calm, was really angry at this time.

Seeing that Luo Jianbin and Xue Yang stopped talking, Su Chen continued: "Prepare for the game! This is their tactic. They want to provoke you and make you mess up the game. What I said just now Do you remember all the points? Wait and follow that plan. I watched Fang Tian’s video. He is really good, but even without Fang Tian, ​​our Sihai High School is not a weak team. Didn't you just make it to the top sixteen?"

The raccoon cat on the commentary seat had bright eyes, "Did you see it, there seems to be an argument over there!"

"There must have been some small frictions, and the two sides are ready to play." The general said, "I heard that this time Daewoo High School is here for the championship, and if Sihai High School fails this time, it will also be beaten as a loser. It's a game that cannot be lost."

While speaking, the two sides were already on the stage and ready, and the game started quickly.

Fang Tian is still sitting in the bench seat. Like the audience in the stadium, he can only watch the game through the big screen. The only difference is that he is very close and can see it clearly enough.

In a five-on-five game, each side has five substitutes, and every time a player dies, a substitute player will follow until everyone on one side loses and exits the game.

This mode of competition is extremely important for the first-hand advantage. If occupations such as totem shaman and summoner are allowed to grab the upper hand and summon a large number of creatures on the battlefield first, it will be equivalent to occupying a huge advantage. advantage, the other party is extremely troublesome to deal with.

So the summoner usually starts the game.

Jiang Fan came on stage as a starting member, seeing that Fang Tian was not present among the opponent's starting members, his face was a little gloomy.


There was no dialogue. After the game started, the two sides immediately launched an attack according to the predetermined tactics. Four Seas adopted the double front row double summoning tactics. The crowd, the pastor at the back began to apply healing buffs, and the summoner and Su Chen summoned on the spot.

The other side turned out to be a strange and ordinary configuration of two warriors, one paladin, one mage, and one healer.

Seeing Shengun and Xue Yang rushing forward, according to the routine, Jiang Fan, who is a swordsman, and another Daewoo High School fighter stood up to face each other.

Xue Yang's eyes were red, he saw Jiang Fan on the other side of the team at a glance, swung his big sword and rushed towards Jiang Fan.

"Jiang Fan! Let me see how strong you are!"

Su Chen felt disdainful, and drew out the epee behind her back.

To everyone's surprise, although Su Chen was fighting with sword skills, he actually chose the epee as his weapon today.

"It turned out to be an epee!?" Limiao in the spectator seat was a little surprised, "General, why did Jiang Fan choose to use an epee today?"

"Well, generally speaking, most sword fighters will use long swords, because long swords are fast, easy to release skills, and more manipulative for skills." The general analyzed rationally over there, "But there is no Absolutely speaking, after all, warriors with sword skills can use various types of weapons proficiently, and heavy swords can also exert great strength in their hands, and some special sword skills can only be triggered by heavy swords..."

Just as he was talking, Xue Yang and Jiang Fan collided fiercely at the station.


The two big swords slammed into each other violently, even hitting the entire screen hard.

Jiang Fan's expression changed slightly, and he took half a step back with his left foot, obviously suffering a small loss.

Affected by the Berserker's skills, Xue Yang has a considerable advantage in judging strength. At this time, his eyes were red, and he shouted, "Aren't you very powerful! Come again!"

(End of this chapter)

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