city ​​of sanctuaries

Chapter 637 Level 2

Chapter 637 The Second Level

"There is another team of orcs escorting supplies after you, which is most likely to be sulfur." ​​Fang Tian pointed to the other side as he spoke, "If you say you found it, that's where it is."

Looking towards the location pointed by Fang Tian, ​​there was actually a fire in that area.

"That's right, this must be the lair of orcs!" Fatty's eyes flashed with excitement, and he glanced at Chen Wu next to him, "How about you? How are you recovering?"

"It's okay, [-]% to [-]%." Chen Wu rubbed his shoulders.

"Then what are you waiting for, let's go and have a look." After that, the fat man was the first to walk out of the grass.

Fang Tian entered the stealth state and carefully explored ahead.

On the winding path, the cliff at the intersection ahead is filled with burning red torches, illuminating the intersection brightly.

Soon, the front line of sight gradually opened up, and what appeared in front of everyone was another larger checkpoint. From a rough look, there was probably a team of orc guards standing in front of the checkpoint. Through the checkpoint, everyone could already see a piece of the back. In the open area, you can faintly see a phantom of a building behind the checkpoint.

In this way, the orcs we met before sent the supplies to the back of the checkpoint.

"one two Three……"

The fat man counted them one by one, "Fuck, there are twelve in total this time, what should I do?"

If it were an ordinary green-skinned orc, the fat man would not ask in this tone, he would just force it, but this kind of orc can mutate, which is very troublesome. It was too much trouble to face the four orcs before. With their great strength, now they have to face twelve at once, and I know how difficult it is.

Chen Wu said in a questioning tone: "Shall we hook him up and kill him?"

"Orcs are stupid, but not stupid, are you sure it will work?"

"Not sure." Chen Wu shook his head, "Then do you have other ways?"

The fat man was also speechless, and looked at Fang Tian with a begging look, "Hey, treasure bag, what can you do?"

Fang Tian also lowered his head and thought, if it was just a level of 12 people, he still has a way.

Break through directly, turn on the second-level "burning" state and sprint over quickly. Presumably, these cumbersome orcs will not be able to catch up, or they will pull away the orcs and fight one by one. This will take a long time, but it is not impossible. of.

However, the most critical question now is that they don't know what is behind the checkpoint, will they encounter more enemies after forcibly breaking in, and if they choose to fight from a distance, will the orcs call more people to come? cause more commotion.

These are all unavoidable questions before Fang Tian.

The difficulty of this task has been determined from the beginning.

extremely difficult.

Just as he was thinking about it, the fat man next to him was already a little anxious and said, "It's not an option to wait any longer. How about we try to seduce him first?"

Fang Tian also hesitated, and shifted his gaze to Chen Wu.

Chen Wu didn't answer, he kept his head down and thinking.

"What are you thinking about?" The fat man pushed Chen Wu gently from behind.

"Oh." Chen Wu came to his senses and said, "I'm thinking about the changes that happened to those orcs before."

"What's there to think about?" The fat man was also confused.

"Do you still remember the ancestor totem we obtained from the Predator Association?" Chen Wu asked suddenly.

"Remember, what happened?"

"I remember that it was said in the illusion at that time that the ancestor totem of the orcs can affect the orcs who have fallen into madness, allowing them to temporarily restore their sanity..."

"Stop, stop." The fat man curled his lips and interrupted: "Don't think about it, even if it is really useful, we have already exchanged the ancestor's totem for the barbaric mark, so what's the use of it now? It’s useless to regret the decision we made back then.”

Fang Tian felt that what Chen Wu said was really possible, but he couldn't be sure.

"Hey, don't worry, listen to me first." Chen Wu continued: "The task of our line is to find the ancestor totem through the mage tower, and then track it down here, right?"

The fat man blinked blankly, "Huh?"

Chen Wu opened his mind and said, "So I was thinking, can the other line also find a way to restrain the mutations in these orcs?"

"You mean the line from the research institute!"

The fat man's eyes lit up.

"That's right, didn't the Seven Gods go to the task of the research institute, what's the situation now?"

"Chen Wu, you're right, why didn't I think of it," the fat man couldn't help but beam with joy, "You guys wait here, I'll go offline and ask what's going on with the Seven Gods, and see if I can find a way to counteract the mutation." method."

With that said, the fat man looked around for a moment, and chose to log off in the grass.

After about 15 minutes, Fatty went online again.

"How? What's the situation?"

The fat man had a bitter face, "No, no, I can't contact the Seven Gods."

"Is it a special mission? Could it be that he hasn't been offline all this time?" Chen Wu's face was full of suspicion.

"Who knows, I contacted him for the last time two days ago, and I didn't have anything to say after that." The fat man scratched his hair a little annoyed, "I really don't understand, does this guy want to eat alone?"

Chen Wu rolled his eyes, and looked at Fang Tian again, "The Seven Gods are unreliable. It took so much effort to find this place. It is impossible for us to go back to investigate the research institute now."

Fang Tiandao: "It's not just this problem, CUIT has already arrived in the City of Shackles. If we go back again, the progress of the task will be behind them, and we may even meet them in the research institute."

"Then there is no choice!"

Fatty focused his eyes on those orcs again, and said softly: "Then just do a big one, and go back to sleep after beating."

Chen Wu shrugged his shoulders, "You are putting yourself to death, can you hold six green-skinned orcs by yourself?"

"Of course I can!"

Chen Wu asked: "How long can you last?"

The fat man stopped talking immediately. Although he could hold so many orcs in the burning state, it was troublesome that the burning state could not last.

"Damn it! Mentally retarded game! I came to play with you because I am blind!" The fat man scolded the game extremely annoyedly, and then began to ask someone to take the blame, "If the Seven Gods and Mana were exhausted, we wouldn't be reduced to where we are now Kind of place!"

Chen Wu agreed: "Yes, there are summons of the Seven Gods, which should be able to hold back the attack of those orcs. We just need to find opportunities to output, and mana is exhausted. Her magic output is high, and she can still use control to fight these orcs." Skill grinds blood..."

Fatty's eyes lit up suddenly, and he looked at Chen Wu, "Wait, what did you just say?"

(End of this chapter)

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