city ​​of sanctuaries

Chapter 616 Original Solution

Chapter 616 Original Solution
Fang Tiandao: "How is their strength?"

The two apprentice magicians looked at each other, then shook their heads at the same time, "I don't know."

"What about the orcs outside? Why are they so afraid of you!"

"This is all Mark's trick. He deliberately spread the news of the horror of the Mage Tower, and even made a few scenes. The purpose is to make the orcs outside feel scared, so that they will not break into the Mage Tower at will. .”

The fat man asked some more detailed questions, and after confirming that there was nothing wrong with the two people's answers, he pulled Fang Tian aside and said in a low voice: "These two people have come into contact with so many things, and if you continue to ask, maybe you can do it again." It’s a small gain but we don’t have that much time to spend with them.”

Fang Tian nodded in agreement, "Well, you are right."

"Our mission is to obtain a high-purity Gadim. According to what they said, the research and configuration of Gadim should be at the top of this mage tower. I think the magician named Mark should know more. There are many things." The fat man paused as he spoke, and then said hesitantly: "It's that Mark that makes me a little worried. Judging from the current intelligence, this Mark is very likely to be the big boss of this mission. There are only two of us. I’m afraid it’s a bit difficult to deal with.”

The fat man talked a lot, and finally asked Fang Tian, ​​"Do you think we should take advantage of today and move on, or withdraw first and come back when we are more prepared?"

Fang Tian nodded, and continued to think along this line of thought: "The problem now is, no matter how we deal with these two people, once Mark finds out that they are missing tomorrow, he will definitely increase his vigilance. broke in."

Fatty nodded approvingly, "It makes sense, so returning will make it more difficult to infiltrate next time, or why don't we just try it tonight?"

Fang Tiandao: "Trying is a must. The task requires us to obtain a high concentration of Gartim. If they are not lying, we can find it here. Let's be careful, and we don't have to conflict with Mark. But if you want to complete the follow-up tasks and find the secrets in Gadim, you must attack Mark, so he is not the final boss, and Srod should be the final big boss."

"You're right. I think we shouldn't think too much about it. We might as well go up and have a look. In short, we must first get Katimla!"

Fang Tian nodded, and then glanced at the two magicians on the ground, "How to deal with these two magicians?"

The fat man glanced at the two mages, and replied as it should be: "Is there any need to think about it? Of course it's silenced, maybe something else will explode."

Fang Tian was stunned for a moment, and then remembered that these two mages were just NPCs with high IQ, and their equipment would explode if they were killed.

After all, the fat man went up with a smile, and swung the machete...


Leaving the room again, this time their goals became clearer. The research room located on the top of the mage tower, where Mark and his mages prepared the Gatim la dilution potion.

"Hint: Hidden side mission - Gatimla Raw Solution triggers."

Task: Gartimla stock solution.

Mission description: From the mouths of two trainee magicians, you have learned about the original solution of Gatimla. The original solution of Gatimla will be very helpful for the research of the empire. Try to find them and bring them back to the sea General Na, you will receive additional mission completion rewards.

Task requirements: Find the original solution of Gatimla (0/1), and bring it back to General Haina.

Seeing the prompt given by the mission, Fang Tian was extremely curious about the original solution of Gatimla. The Gatimla he obtained from the orc mission last time was considered to be the source product with the highest concentration. The Gartims obtained are all diluted products in the mage tower.

So what will the current Kartim look like?How powerful will it be?

While thinking about it, the two had already sneaked to the upper level of the mage tower.

In order not to attract attention, Fang Tian and Fatty did not use the teleportation formations every five floors, but climbed layer by layer.

With his back against the wall, Fang Tian could see the aisle with magic crystal lamps in front of him, as well as the room with lights.

Fang Tian used stealth to sneak into the edge of the corridor, gently pushed open a laboratory door, and the fat man followed behind him cautiously.


Inside the room, two orc shamans were facing away from them, seemingly doing some configuration experiments. The two orc shamans were concentrating on the experiments in their hands, and were not aware of Fang Tian and Fatty peeking from outside.

Fang Tian gestured to the orc on the left, then pointed to the fat man, and pointed to the orc shaman on the right.

Meaning he sneaks up and goes first, then he takes the left one and lets Fatty deal with the right one.

The fat man nodded, and gave Fang Tian a thumbs up, which meant he had received the order.

Entering stealth, Fang Tian suddenly appeared behind the enemy on the right. A sap knocked the shaman on the right into a long-term stun, and at the same time swung his dagger to attack the shaman on the left.

The strength of the sneak attack of the assassin profession is fully reflected, properly controlling the two enemies, just like playing.



Fang Bu looked indifferent, and immediately used the most powerful skills.



This amount of damage made Fang Tian feel extremely uncomfortable, it must be the damage reduction caused by a high-level shaman.

The orc shaman who reacted turned around and reached out for a lightning bolt. The instant lightning bolt caught Fang Tian a little off guard. He was sure that an ordinary shaman couldn't instantly fire a lightning bolt, and he was a high-level shaman.

But this was not a problem for Fang Tian. Seeing the shaman raised his hand, Fang Tian immediately interrupted it with an instant kick.


But what Fang Tian didn't expect was that there was still a roar in his ear.

A bolt of lightning accidentally hit the test bench, causing a violent explosion.

Almost at the same moment as the explosion, the game prompt sounded in the ears of Fatty and Fang Tian at the same time.

"Hint: Task - Escape from the Mage Tower is triggered."

Mission: Escape from the Mage Tower.

Mission description: You who sneaked into the Mage Tower caused quite a commotion in the Mage Tower, which attracted the attention of the enemies in the Mage Tower. As time goes by, you will encounter more and stronger enemies. You may run away. It's a good choice.

Task requirements: Get rid of the pursuers and escape from the mage tower.

Tip: The first wave of enemies will arrive at the Mage Tower in 10 minutes.

Fang Tian looked sideways, and it turned out that the lightning bolt just now was sent from another shaman.

I saw the fat man next to me smiling awkwardly, "Mistake, mistake, I didn't expect him to instantly fire lightning bolts, I didn't leave any interruption skills."

(End of this chapter)

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