Chapter 584
Princess Anya took out a scroll from her hand.

Item: Sid's Teachings - Dharma Saint.

Type: enchanted props, one-time consumable items, dropped after death.

Note: Only weapons above epic level can be enchanted.

Description: After enchanting, the effect of all spells of the player will be increased by 200%, the upper limit of mana will be increased by 1000%, mana will be recovered by 200 points per second, and a mana barrier with a maximum energy value of 2000 points will be obtained (the barrier can be broken, but will not disappear), Every time an enemy is killed, it will get 200 mana points, the mana barrier will be charged by 200 points, and the damage will be reduced by 30% when receiving physical attacks, and it will have medium resistance to physical negative effects such as bleeding and bone fragmentation.

Duration: 60 minutes.

The scrolls that work on players can also be used on npcs. In order to increase the success rate of killing the undead monarch in the end, Fang Tian has already spent a lot of money.

With a gentle pinch, the scroll turned into red powder, and the stars sprinkled on Princess Anya.

A majestic elemental power evaporated from the body. Princess Anya frowned and moved her right hand forward, pointing at the thickest black mist in the undead's death aura.



A very fine purple energy wave shot out from Princess Anya's palm, penetrated the darkness, and hit the center of the black mist!

The moment Black Mist was hit.

A violent soul ripple erupted from that point as the center, spreading in all directions at lightning speed.

The violent ripples destroyed all the trees along the way, including those undead that had just crawled out of the ground, they were all reduced to dust in the violent soul ripples.


The ripples hit the barrier opened by the ancient tree of life, and there was another explosion, and the entire barrier trembled violently.

The barrier withstood the impact, and a new explosion was generated at the impact point, and the ripples actually hit back in the opposite direction again.

The barrier of the ancient tree of life blocked the impact of the soul, but it couldn't stop the strong wind generated when the soul wave swept wildly.

Fang Tian and Hesna had just rushed down the city wall and ran a few meters, when a gust of wind generated by the shock wave blew towards them.

Fang Tian frowned, before he could move, his feet swayed, and he was directly blown away by the oncoming gust of wind.

"Fang Tian!"

Hesna was also hit by the strong wind and flew backwards, but she was wearing heavy armor and was not as affected as Fang Tian. She reached forward, took Fang Tian's hand, and held Fang Tian's hand with her other hand. The long sword was firmly inserted into the ground, and only then did the two of them stabilize their bodies.


After the strong wind passed, Fang Tian took a breath and thought to himself that the undead monarch was terrifying. Monsters of this level could not be solved by ordinary methods.

Fang Tian raised his head and looked over the city wall behind him, only to see Princess Anya frowning tightly, and the purple ripples released from her palm were continuously acting on the undead monarch.

The undead monarch is under control!

Fang Tian's eyelids twitched, and he and Hesna continued to move forward, breaking through the barrier of the ancient tree of life ahead, and breaking into the fog of the undead.

A black mist of undead filled the surroundings.

"Hint: You have entered the range of the fog of undead."

"Reminder: Due to the effect of Soul * Imprint of the Undead (LV: 3), you are immune to all negative effects caused by the fog of the undead."

Seven stone pillars.

The seven stone pillars left from ancient times, Fang Tian is very glad that the elves did not destroy them.

According to Fang Tian's request, these seven stone pillars were relocated in seven special directions outside Capet City, and these seven directions covered a large area.

As long as the undead monarch goes to Cape from the direction of the sealed land, he will inevitably pass through the seal. As expected, the undead monarch entered the range of the stone pillar.

The stone pillars made of special stone materials in the ancient times were not affected by the huge impact of the previous soul wave, and stood there steadily.

What Fang Tian needs now is to enter the center of the seal, use the Evil Eye Gazer in his hand as the eye of the formation, activate the formation, and completely eliminate the undead monarch here!

Stepping into the dead air of the undead, densely packed undead creatures rushed towards Fang Tian.

Hesna completely inspired the power of the Holy Light, bathed her whole body in the golden color of the Holy Light, held up a protective shield to resist the erosion of the undead breath, and danced her sword with all her strength.

Fang Tian was not careless at all. The time Princess Anya could control the undead monarch was extremely short. At this time, it was a matter of seconds. The second-level burning state was activated as soon as she rushed into the mist of the undead. The dagger in her hand was as flexible as The poisonous snake flew up and down, instantly killing any creature that appeared in front of him.

In just 3 minutes, Fang Tian reached the center of the preset formation, but this area was already occupied by the undead.

The field of vision in the fog of undead is extremely low, and the sight in all directions is blocked, and all that can be seen are wailing undead creatures.


Fang Tian roared.

Behind Hesna's file, the light on the long sword rose sharply, and he swung it rapidly.

"Sin! Break!"

The long sword swung out.

The golden light flashed away, and the previously densely packed undead creatures in front of them all disappeared under this move, leaving no trace of their remains, and a clearing was instantly cleared.

Fang Tian frowned.

Found it, the mark he left on the ground in advance!
Hesna danced her long sword sharply, facing the undead creatures rushing in all directions, protecting Fang Tian from being disturbed when activating the alchemy formation.

Fang Tian squatted down, took out the Evil Eye Gazer that he had prepared long ago from his backpack, pressed it down hard, and embedded it into the ground.He stretched out his hands again and pressed them on the ground, stimulating thoughts in his body and pouring them into the alchemy formation.


The dark red light spread from the origin, and the first stone pillar [-] meters away from Fang Tian was induced and glowed red, followed by the second and third...

The seven pillars lit up one after another, emitting red light at the same time, forming a single piece.


Outside the city wall, on the highest point of a watchtower, Kahn stood here at some point, muttering to himself, "The last step."

He suppressed the flickering excitement in his eyes.

Standing in this position, Kahn clearly saw that not far from the city wall, seven dark red brilliance shot up into the sky, breaking through the fog of undead in an instant.

The red brilliance formed into one piece, splitting the mist of the undead in all directions, and the black mist of the undead was purified quickly.

Kahn took a deep breath and took a notebook out of his pocket.

If Fang Tian was here at this time, he would definitely be able to recognize that this is the notebook that Kahn obtained from the secret laboratory of the undead archmage Rafañol!

In the past two days, after Kahn's overnight tempering, the twelve dead soul beads were already a full circle larger than before. Upon Kahn's summons, they circled in front of Kahn and spun rapidly.

(End of this chapter)

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