city ​​of sanctuaries

Chapter 577 Transformation

Chapter 577 Transformation

Artifact, is this an artifact?
Such a powerful effect made Fang Tian tremble.

The Eye of Exorcism is the main attack, the Eye of Defense is the main defense, the Eye of Blessing and the Eye of Wisdom are used for assistance, and the last nourishment can increase the effects of all four skills to a terrifying level.

The most important thing is that he doesn't have any usage restrictions, even a first-level rookie can use it to sweep the bosses of the low-level evil faction.

It's really a waste for this thing to fall on Kara. Kara only used the ability of Exorcism Eye from beginning to end.

But for Fang Tian, ​​what really made him sweat were the last two auxiliary skills, Eye of Blessing and Eye of Wisdom.

Increase the success rate of a skill by a constant 1%, and under the bonus of Yang Yun, it can actually increase the success rate by 4% in the highest state. It is still an arbitrary skill!
How terrifying is this auxiliary skill, for example, the sneak attack, which is one of the three cheating skills of assassins complained by the majority of players, has a 0.1% chance of instantly killing the opponent after successfully hitting the target, but this probability depends on the difference in level and attribute between the two parties After the calculation, if you expect this skill to kill the dragon in one hit, the success rate is not even 0.000001%.

However, with the existence of a constant bonus probability, in the previous situation, the success rate of a surprise attack with a full charge will increase to 4.000001%!

Compared with before, this is the difference between heaven and earth!
Not to mention this, the description of the skill does not indicate that it is a skill effect. In other words, the success rate can be reflected in various aspects, such as cracking mechanisms, such as refining formations, and such as mechanical combination, mechanical maintenance...

There are too many situations where it can be applied.

This skill is an extremely powerful auxiliary skill for Fang Tian. In Fang Tian's view, it is even more important than the first two output defense skills.

Of course, the last eye of wisdom is the key to destroying the undead monarch this time, increasing the effect of the formation by 300%. Such a terrifying number made Fang Tian secretly feel cold.

No wonder it is stated in the prayers of the sanctuary that the gazer of the evil eye is an extremely important item for weakening the undead monarch.

While thinking about it, a reminder sounded in his ear.

"Hint: Task trigger - Undead Chaser."

Mission name: Undead Chaser.

Mission description: Something on your body has attracted the eyes of the undead, and they will continue to attack you.

mission target:? ? ?
mission rewards:? ? ?
Failure penalty: ? ? ?
The task is still in progress, since Fang Tian might get this artifact, Fang Tian will never allow it to be recaptured by others.

A flash of determination flashed in Fang Tian's eyes, and after making a big circle, he quickly moved towards the location agreed with Kahn.

The second step of the plan has been completed. Next, it's time to wrap up and deal with the last undead attendant.

In fact, after capturing the Gazer of the Evil Eye from Kara, the target of the entourage of the undead changed to Fang Tian, ​​which was also in the plan of Fang Tian and Kahn.

The attendant of the undead has never given up on the target. He chased after Fang Tian from a distance, lost the blessing of the surrounding undead breath, and the strength of the attendant of the undead has been weakened a lot. Compared with the running Fang Tian, ​​the speed of the undead attendant is much slower.

After Fang Tian circled around, he came to an open space in the dense forest.

Kahn had already been squatting on the edge of the open space waiting for Fang Tian's arrival. He smiled and stood up slowly while squatting on the ground, "Everything is going well, how is the effect of the artifact?"

"Very good," Fang Tian said, "Have you arranged everything?"

"Of course, I'll wait for you."

Hearing this, Fang Tian glanced roughly at the formation seals arranged on the ground.

This is a type of arcane formation.

In fact, five pieces of burlap were engraved with formation patterns. Kahn placed the burlap in a special position. Once the undead attendant stepped into it, he would activate the formation through thoughts, so that the undead breath inside the formation would speed up.

This kind of thing is not common, and it should cost a lot of money. It seems that this kind of thing is very practical, but in fact it is not. Since the formations are burned on special linen, it is impossible to engrave more complex advanced formations. The most troublesome thing is that this kind of pattern is easily damaged, and if it is damaged a little, the entire formation will lose its effect.

Generally speaking, this kind of thing can be used not many times.

Fang Tian looked down at the arcane formation and asked, "How far is he from us?"

Kahn closed his eyes for a moment and replied, "It's about 10 minutes away."

"One enough."

Fang Tian took out a very thin pen from his backpack, and squatted in front of the formation to observe it carefully.

"Hey, what do you want to do?"

"It needs to be modified appropriately to unleash its potential, but it will solidify after modification and cannot be used again."

"This is an arcane formation, you understand?"

"Well, I learned some things."

Through the seal of the temple, Fang Tian did understand some arcane formations.

Kahn shook his head, spread his hands and said, "I can't see, you are really versatile."

There are many similarities between the arcane formation and the alchemy formation, but the inner surprise is very different. First of all, the biggest difference when burning the formation is that the alchemy formation requires an object as a medium , that is, it is drawn with specific materials and the flow of thoughts, such as the most common, beige powder that Fang Tian carries with him.

But the arcane formation is different. The arcane formation is completely engraved through elemental fluctuations.

In the game, only a very small number of players can draw arcane formations.

For Fang Tian, ​​he has never made an arcane formation on his own before. Like other players, the biggest constraint for ordinary players in drawing arcane formations is 'thinking'.

The transformation of elements must be completed through the advanced "simulation" of "nian". Before completing the first-level "simulation" training, even Fang Tian could not really complete the drawing of the magic circle.

After silently planning in his mind, Fang Tian poured his thoughts into the tip of his pen, transformed them into magical elements through 'simulation', and quickly started writing.

Kahn raised his eyebrows, looked around Fang Tian for a while and then closed his eyes to rest his mind.

Within a few minutes, Fang Tian stood up from his original squatting position.


Kahn opened his eyes and saw the modified arcane formation on the ground. A strange color suddenly appeared in Kahn's eyes, but he added a few strokes to the original foundation, and the entire arcane magic formation had a new look. A strange change.

The five parchment scrolls on the ground gave off a connected feeling. They were no longer independent and scattered as before. It was more like a thin layer of spell fluctuations flowing on the arcane magic circle.

(End of this chapter)

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