city ​​of sanctuaries

Chapter 566 Pursuit

Chapter 566 Pursuit
Normally, Moon Shadow would have to intervene in such a situation, but now, Kara knew that Moon Shadow had all been buried in the ruins of the temple.

The leadership of the elves remaining in Cape must fall to one of them.

Countless thoughts flashed through Kara's mind. If Neos leaked his breaking of the deepest seal, his reputation would plummet and he would be in danger.

The best way is to control him, or...

In just a short moment, Kara had already shown killing intent.

At this critical moment of the elves' survival, there is no room for any kindness!
On this point, Nios is not as good as Kara, he didn't think so far, he suppressed his anger, and said: "This is not a place to talk, let's go out first!"

Carla narrowed her eyes slightly, nodded and said, "Okay!"

The elf guards led by both sides gathered together and rushed towards the outermost seal together.

Not far away, the two undead servants chasing Kara were weak and the other strong. They were entangled in two positions by the team sent by Kara respectively. Pausing on the spot, the induction turned into a black death breath after a moment.

The breath of death actually dissipated in the air!
At the same time, not far from the entrance of the first floor, a black aura spread in through the cracks in the wall, and gradually recondensed into the entity of the undead servants on the spot.

This time the cohesion is much faster than the previous cohesion.

In just a short breath, the servant of the dead has condensed into a solid body.

The black aura surrounds the body of the undead servant. It absorbed a large amount of undead aura from the corpse of the elf before, and the already tyrannical undead servant became even stronger.

Seeing the undead attendants blocking the intersection ahead, Neos and Kara stopped at the same time.

Kahn's face became more and more serious.

In the end, there were only two undead attendants left. I didn't expect them to strengthen so quickly, and they were fully materialized.

When he met Kara's team, Kahn had already taken off his mask. He intentionally mingled with the crowd of elves to hide his aura. Now that the situation was critical, and Kahn wanted to avoid it, Kara didn't notice Kahn for a while. different.

Hesna's physical strength recovered slightly, but her condition was still not good. She was holding a long sword at this time, with a dignified expression.

As she is keenly aware of the aura of the undead, she can naturally discover that this attendant of the undead is stronger than the ones she has encountered before.

Fang Tian glanced around quickly, quietly pushed to Princess Anya and Hesna, and whispered in a voice that only the three of them could hear: "This undead servant is different from the ones we encountered, full of dead energy, we If you are not in good shape, don’t go first, look for opportunities.”

Hesna nodded without rebutting.

The undead attendants didn't give everyone too much time to prepare, and after discovering the target, they strode towards the elves with big strides.

"Chuck! Chuck! Chuck!"

A dense rain of arrows flew out from the elf archer.

The footsteps of the undead servants were strange, and the figures flickered in the air, and they kept approaching the elf team while avoiding the rain of arrows.

Seeing this situation, the last few young druids in Kara's team immediately turned into bear forms and went up to them, trying to entangle the undead servants.

Hesna couldn't bear it anymore. She held the long sword of holy light in her hand and was about to step forward when Princess Anya held her hand down.


Hesna looked at Princess Anya suspiciously.

Princess Anya bit her lip, shook her head at Hesna, and shifted her gaze to Kara next to her.

Not far away, Kara clenched her fists and said loudly, "Quick, let's go!"

The few elves behind were stunned, showing a hint of unbearable, put away their weapons one by one, and quickly passed by the elf druids.

No one spoke, and no one wasted the time bought by the lives of their companions.

This isn't the first time Kara has done something like this.

Every time they encounter the pursuit of the undead attendants, they will pay the lives of several young druids.

For them, this is the cruelty of war, and the continuation of the race is an extremely important thing for the elves.

"Hesna! Go!"

Knowing that Hesna was kind-hearted, Princess Anya couldn't bear to see this situation, so she took his hand and rushed towards the entrance of the cave.

Bear-shaped druids are about the fourth or fifth level of strength. Naturally, they are no match for the servants of the dead. It's just that under such a desperate defense, it will take some time for the servants of the dead to get rid of them.

Taking advantage of this time, Kara led the escaped people to rush towards the exit, widening the gap with the pursuers of the dead.

The last floor!

Just a little bit to the exit.

At this last moment, a looming mist passed through the wall and floated in front of the exit.

The black shadow was like a vortex, frantically absorbing the dead breath around it, and condensed at a rapid rate, it only took less than ten seconds from the beginning to the completion of the condensing.

Unlike the undead attendant just now, the weapon he used was double swords, and the almost completely condensed death energy lingering around his body could even make people feel a little suffocated.

In other words, he was the last of the undead servants.

Without a word of nonsense, the servant of the dead unfolded his figure and walked towards Kara who was at the front.

Kara's heart skipped a beat.

The moment he was stared at by the undead attendant, he felt a tremor rising from the bottom of his heart.

"Be careful! Master Kara!"

The last two druids who followed immediately moved forward, trying to block the undead attendant.

But, it's too slow!

No one thought that the already extremely fast Undead Attendant would be able to accelerate again.



Two loud crashes.

It is an epee.

The servants of the dead use two heavy swords.

The two druids hadn't finished their transformation yet, and they were sent flying by the two swords of the undead servant who came back quickly in mid-air.

Under the blessing of the breath of death, the last two undead attendants have evolved a little sanity. Instead of chasing the two bear druids, he went straight to Kara behind them.

The undead warrior wielding two epees at the same time burst out with powerful combat power in an instant, which was extremely surprising. Fang Tian felt it, but he didn't choose to make a move.

On the one hand, Fang Tian's current situation is not good, and Kara is now on the opposite side of his mission, on the other hand, Fang Tian believes that Kara must have his trump card!
If Fang Tian made a move at this time, it would be very dangerous.

There was a hint of sarcasm on Kahn's face. He might have a way to block the blow, but he didn't want to do it. Kara's misfortune seemed to make him feel very happy.

It was when the two druids shouted that Kara could react from the brief absence, and when she regained her senses, the attendants of the undead were already approaching.

(End of this chapter)

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