city ​​of sanctuaries

Chapter 557 2 Attendants

Chapter 557 Twelve Attendants
Without any defense, in almost an instant, the elf soldiers standing guard near the sealed gate were all shocked by the death ripples, their faces were quickly enveloped in a layer of death, and they fell to the ground without any resistance.

The impact on the nearest Laka was even more severe. However, at the moment of crisis, a green barrier suddenly appeared on his body, surrounding Kara in it.

Even so, he who was in the middle of the explosion was still roughly thrown out by the breath of death.

"what happened?"

"what happened?"

"Master Kara..."

The elves who were far away just saw the explosion and didn't know what happened.


Before waiting for everyone to react, the strong death energy erupted from the center of the explosion again. Looking at it calmly, the original center of the explosion turned out to be a vortex composed of death breath!

No new undead appeared, but the vortex was slowly condensing.

The elves who died in the explosion of the undead breath or fell into a coma due to the impact of the death breath were slowly dragged into it by the vortex formed by the death breath.

Immediately afterwards, an extremely powerful breath of death emanated from the center of the vortex.

As the rotation speed of the vortex increased, the speed at which the breath of death escaped also gradually accelerated.

" did this happen?" Kara, protected by the artifact, hit the rock wall and fell down. He looked embarrassed, but the damage he suffered was not serious, but what he saw made him lose his mind. God, "Why is this happening? Where is the passage of the undead!?"

"not good!"

The Great Elder narrowed his eyes, and he clearly felt an extremely evil force gathering in the vortex. Regardless of Kara over there, he immediately ordered loudly: "Everyone, evacuate here immediately! Immediately!"

While speaking, the Great Elder waved his hand violently, and the green gem at the tip of the cane emitted a fluorescent green light.


On the vortex of the stimulated green light lasing, suppressed by the light, the speed of the vortex condensing and rotating suddenly slowed down.

Seeing this, the second and third elders also waved their canes.

Under the suppression of the three green breaths, the speed of the central vortex finally slowed down slightly.

The next second, the air of death filled the sealed land caused countless undead skeletons to crawl out from the ground and crawl out from under the feet of the elves.

The panicked elves threw their weapons behind their backs to deal with the undead emerging from their feet.

The real threat does not lie here, but lies in the phantoms of human figures that gradually gather around the vortex.

Hesna frowned, she was particularly sensitive to the aura of the undead, and she led Princess Anya back slowly while being wary of the twelve phantoms.

Fang Tian also locked his eyes on those phantoms.

The phantom full of death energy, while absorbing the whirlpool death breath, the phantom gradually became solid.

Didn’t it say that the one under the sealed land is the undead monarch?So what happened to these twelve phantoms?

Fang Tian stretched out a detection technique and threw it over.

Creature: Twelve servants of the dead - dead (incomplete body, materializing, spirit body).

Tier: Seven
grade:? ? ?
Attributes:? ? ?

Explanation: Undead Lord - Ke's twelve servants, in the foreign wars again and again, Ke had encountered powerful opponents countless times. After they died, Ke resurrected them through the undead technique and became Ke's servants. Powerful assistance, they are currently in a weak state and need to accumulate the breath of the dead to recover.

Skill: Immortal Undead (LV: MAX).

Skill description: The undead creatures transformed by the undead monarch through high-level undead spells are infused with dead energy. Because they have the brand of Ke on their bodies, they cannot be killed by ordinary methods. Once they die, they will reabsorb the dead Breath, the creature will be reborn.

Skill description: 50% more damage will be received from Holy Light spells and purification spells!Injury (MISSING) Harm.

Skill: Charge.

Skill description: By absorbing the breath of death, the undead attendants can recover their health and improve their attributes.

Skills: Combat Awareness.

Skill Description: The attendants retain all the combat awareness and skills they had during their lifetime. They can use some of their skills in battle. These skills are transformed by the breath of death and will produce special effects.

Skill: Life Looting.

Skill description: The attendant can plunder the death energy from the killed life, greatly replenishing its own strength.

Skill:? ? ?

"Reminder: The level of the player's scouting skills is too low to obtain complete skill and attribute information. Please increase the level of the corresponding scouting skills."

"Hint: Players gain scout experience: 200."

"Hint: Your peeping has attracted the attention of the servant of the dead - Mie."

Fang Tian suddenly felt very bad. Is he a seventh-level creature?Or twelve?

What kind of task difficulty is this?
Imagine facing a seven-headed Skeletal Dragon?
No, calm down and think about it. Although the rating of the servants of the dead is seventh rank, he should have calculated this rating based on their strongest strength. Now that they have not yet fully materialized, their strength should be greatly reduced.

In addition, having undead skills will also have a qualitative impact on their ratings.


As soon as the reminder sounded, the undead attendant closest to Fang Tian rushed towards Fang Tian's position.

Fang Tian was startled by the speed of the figure wrapped in a black air.

As worthy of being a seventh-level creature, it can achieve such speed even before it has fully materialized.

Spiritual bodies cannot be hit by ordinary physics attacks, and the dagger in Fang Tian's hand is temporarily useless. He doesn't want to be hit head-on by a cloud of undead breath, so he can only dodge sideways.

Hesna, who was behind her, displayed extremely strong fighting power at this time, and swung the long sword condensed by the strong power of the holy light fiercely forward.


Most of the black breath melted the moment it encountered the holy light sword.

A wail from the soul exploded in the ears of everyone around.

The power of the holy light has a high degree of restraint against the undead.However, in this special environment, the breath of death that filled the surroundings once again gathered to fill the vacancy in the body of the necromancer.

At the same time, two other undead servants approached Hesna from two directions.


Hesna frowned, gave a soft drink, and rushed forward nimbly, fighting fiercely with the three undead attendants.

On the other hand, it was not so easy for the elves to deal with the servants of the dead. The twelve servants of the dead showed their great fighting ability, combined with the breath of death spreading from the ground, they almost wiped out the elves in the hall overwhelmingly.

The resistance of the elves is only temporary. The three elders of the elves are standing on the high platform in the distance at this moment, releasing their spells and trying their best to restrain the formation of the vortex of the dead spirits in the center. Where are they afraid of seeing the twelve servants of the dead?

(End of this chapter)

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