city ​​of sanctuaries

Chapter 555 Artifacts

Chapter 555 Artifacts
Almost every next floor, Fang Tian and others have to pass through a hall and a long corridor. Of course, as the number of floors goes deeper, the circular corridor becomes shorter and shorter, corresponding to the entrance seal door of the next floor. also decreased.

Every time he passed the sealed door, Fang Tian would step forward to investigate carefully. It seemed that every sealed door had traces of being forcibly destroyed by the breath of death.

Fang Tian frowned even deeper. All the traces came from the outside of the seal. In other words, outsiders must have entered here and destroyed part of the seal from the outside.

Now that Fang Tian's formation runes have reached the middle-level level, he can clearly see that the formation seals of the entire sealed land are connected as one, and the erosion of part of the sealing gate has already affected the entire formation running, the effect reduces most effects.

With each layer they went deeper, the aura of death became more intense. When everyone reached the fourth floor, low-level undead creatures were already crawling out of the cracks in the ground from time to time under the influence of the death aura.

Fortunately, these newly born undead creatures are not strong, and they are often dealt with by the surrounding elf guards as soon as they are born.

Starting from the fourth floor, the elves deployed many soldiers to guard.

Hesna's face was solemn. The aura of the undead behind the passage of the undead was so powerful that it gradually spread up through the surface of the earth, transforming the decaying souls into undead warriors.

Once the elves guarding the fourth floor find a newly transformed undead creature, they will immediately attack it.

If these undead creatures are not cleaned up, they will try to attack the runes on the wall and the sealed door. Not only that, the existence of undead creatures will aggravate the condensation speed of the death breath.

But even if the elves tried their best, the death breath of the undead was still corroding the sealed door.

The elves on the fourth and fifth floors were able to suppress the constant Wang Linmen and barely maintain order, but the situation on the sixth floor completely changed.

Once entering the six-layer seal, the breath of death around her immediately flooded in like a tide, and Hesna couldn't help but automatically activate the power of the holy light to resist the condensation of the breath of the undead.

Fang Tian also frowned.

After the gate on the sixth floor, we have reached the center of the seal.

After entering, Fang Tian could see two other sealed doors leading to the center not far away at a glance.

Besides this, Fang Tian also saw the last sealed door.

The black sealed door.

Different from other sealed doors encountered before, this sealed door is embedded in the stone ground, just right in the center of the entire sealed place.

Huge square.

Broken statues of gods stood all around.

The runes on the walls flickered incessantly.

The dead air visible to the naked eye spread out around the sealed door in the center of the square.

Countless undead struggled and howled out from the dead air leaked from the sealed gate, but just as they emerged, they were wiped out by the rain of arrows and magic from all directions.

The elves surrounded outside the central seal kept shooting, casting spells, and continuously attacked the undead creatures crawling out of the sealed gate.

Seeing everything here shocked Princess Anya and the others. Fortunately, it seems that the elves are still able to stabilize the situation.

A little farther away from the sealed door in the middle is the elder elf that Fang Tian and the others had seen before.

They came here surrounded by elf guards, apparently they had just come in from another sealed door.

At this time, the great elder and his party seemed to be discussing something. Seeing the arrival of Fang Tian and his party who entered from outside the sealed door, the great elder couldn't help but look over there in surprise.

The person standing next to the Great Elder was Kara. Seeing Fang Tian and the others, Kara snorted softly and said coldly, "It's you again, why did you come here? You are not welcome here, why don't you go back soon?"

Princess Anya stepped forward and said: "Great Elder, Anya originally came here to say goodbye, but she just received a very important news. Anya does not mean any harm. There is one thing she must say to the Great Elder, come uninvited. Please forgive me, Great Elder."

The Great Elder's expression changed slightly.

Hearing what Princess Anya said, the expression of the third elder beside him changed. He didn't know what Princess Anya was doing, so he could only whisper in the ear of the elder, "Elder, I agreed with them to come. They may be able to help, it is always good to have more strength, as for any important news, I don't know."

The Great Elder nodded slightly, but said nothing.

"This is the sealed place of the elves. We don't welcome humans, and we don't care about the important news from your mouth." Kara's reaction to this was great, and he said coldly, "Don't worry about it, the elves and the human empire It is impossible to form an alliance between them, please do what you want!"

Princess Anya looked at the Great Elder, "What am I going to say about the underground seal?"

The elder waved his hand and said, "Stop arguing, what does the princess want to say?"

"It's like this. I heard that Kara found an artifact that can destroy the passage of the undead. I also heard that the Great Elder wanted to break the seal and destroy the passage of the undead. Is that true?"

Many elf warriors around had already got this news, but it was just gossip, and it was not fully leaked out. Hearing what Princess Anya said at this time, they couldn't help whispering around, and focused their attention on the elder. body.

Seeing this, the Great Elder nodded generously to the inquiring eyes of many elf warriors, "Yes, Kara has indeed found an artifact that can be used to destroy the passage of the undead under the seal. Today we are here , in order to completely obliterate this passage leading to the abyss of the netherworld, and give us Capet an eternal tranquility."

Upon hearing the news, the elves around suddenly became excited.

"Did you really find the artifact?"

"As expected of Mr. Kara! I said a long time ago that Mr. Kara will definitely lead our elves out of the predicament."

"Long live Mr. Kara!"

I don't know which elf took the lead in shouting. Driven by him, the elves joined in one by one, shouting Kara's name.

The elves respect nature, and most of them don't like fighting. Being able to destroy the seal is something they have always dreamed of.

The soldiers who were struggling to destroy the undead creatures beside the sealed gate in the center were all excited, and their hands couldn't help speeding up their attack frequency a little.

For a time, Kara's reputation even vaguely surpassed that of the Great Elder.

Carla enjoyed the adoring eyes of the elf warriors, he pressed his hand in satisfaction, and when the sound stopped, he slowly raised his right hand.

(End of this chapter)

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