city ​​of sanctuaries

Chapter 552 Negotiation

Chapter 552 Negotiation
What he saw here made Fang Tian even more frightened. These withered bones were transformed from the aura of the undead. They were so far away. It was conceivable that after going deep into the sealed land, they were about to Face more powerful undead creatures.

Cleaning up the undead creatures that appeared along the way, about half an hour later, a camp built by elves appeared in front of them.

This is the temporary camp ahead of the elves.

As soon as he entered the camp, Nios was hurriedly pulled over by an elf.

Fang Tian rubbed his neck, and wandered aimlessly in the elf camp.

The main task of the team this time is to deliver supplies, most of which are medicinal materials for restoring mental power, and alchemy runes.

While the transporting elves were not paying attention, Fang Tian flicked his finger lightly, and the Silk Spider Ring stuck an alchemy rune off the truck.

Fang Tian held it in his hand and looked at it, and couldn't help shaking his head. This is the most basic alchemy rune, and the quality is very poor. It should be drawn by a beginner. I didn't expect the elves to be so poor. It turned out to be such a defective product.

With a light flick, the alchemy rune flew back to the truck.

In fact, Fang Tian misunderstood the elves. Although the elves are poor, they will not be sloppy with such strategic materials. Unfortunately, this is already the best elementary alchemy rune they can find. In the kingdom of elves, there are very few elves who can master the technique of alchemy runes, which has led to the high price of high-level alchemy runes.

As a result, elves who have achieved a little bit in alchemy runes don't bother to make low-level runes.In recent years, the relationship with the human empire has been extremely tense, and the trade between the two sides has almost stagnated. They can only seize some alchemy runes from some human smugglers.

After walking in the camp for a while, Fang Tian wanted to find where Princess Anya and the others were being held. From a distance, he saw Nios hurriedly finding Fang Tian, ​​"Where have you been? I looked for you. It’s been half a day.”

Fang Tianxin said that he had been here all along, and it was you who was missing.

Nios hurriedly dragged Fang Tianqian to the parliament camp.

As soon as they came to the periphery of the council camp, the sound of arguments between Kara and the third elder came into his ears.

"Anyone who violates the laws of the elves will be punished accordingly. The elves are like this, and humans are too. Even I can't escape the guilt. What's more, this is not a simple violation, it is a blatant blasphemy against the elves."

"Elder Elder, we haven't investigated this matter clearly yet. Princess Anya is a guest from the empire. They were kidnapped and woke up and found that they were taken to the forbidden area of ​​elves. They didn't know about it."

"Ridiculous? I don't know? The third elder is old, is he confused? Can't you understand such an obvious excuse?"

The three elders and Kara who were arguing both noticed Fang Tian and Nios who walked in from outside the camp, but they also just glanced at them briefly and continued to argue endlessly.

Fang Tian glanced at the arch druid with a gray beard sitting at the front, and stood at the very side.

Under the current situation, Fang Tian felt that what he said was useless, the most important thing was the attitude of the Archdruid.

Fang Tian faintly felt a sense of oppression from the Great Elder's body.

This is purely a sense of oppression caused by the large gap in strength.

While Fang Tian was looking at the Great Elder, the Great Elder who had kept his eyes closed opened his eyes slightly for the first time, and looked at where Fang Tian was standing.

The eyes meet for a moment in the air.

"That's enough, making a lot of noise in front of the imperial envoy," the elder finally broke the silence, focused his gaze on Princess Anya, and said, "Let the princess explain everything!"

Princess Anya took a step forward, and first performed the etiquette of a summoner, and then said: "We come here with the goodwill of the empire, and we want to make a covenant with the elves to jointly resist the invasion of demons."

"Well, I've already heard about your intentions from the third elder. What's strange to me is that Kara said that you appeared in the forbidden area of ​​the elves. What's going on?"

Princess Anya said: "Anya doesn't know what happened. She appeared in the forbidden area of ​​elves after she fell into a coma. Anya thinks that everything was framed because someone deliberately wanted to destroy the alliance between humans and elves."


Seeing that the great elder was moved, Kara took a half step forward, "Really? Princess Anya? Is everything really as you said? Then why I heard that you humans are here to investigate What about the treasures in the ruins of the temple?"

The elder's eyelids twitched, "Is this really the case?"

Kara said: "Elder Elder, I sent people to the ruins of the temple just because I received relevant news. It was a coincidence that I found Princess Anya and her party who were about to leave the ruins there."

Princess Anya hurriedly stepped forward and argued: "Elder Elder, I have already explained that all of this is the design of someone with ulterior motives. May I ask Mr. Kara, who did you get this news from?"

The corner of Kara's mouth pulled upwards slightly, "I'm sorry, the source of the information is a secret."

"Okay!" The Great Elder raised his hand and said, "Human beings have traveled thousands of miles to my elf country to convey their friendship and goodwill. I believe they will not trespass on my elf land without permission."

What the Great Elder said made Princess Anya's eyes brighten, and she felt happy in her heart. It seems that the Great Elder still prefers to form an alliance with humans in his heart.

However, what the great elder said next made Princess Anya's heart sink to the bottom of the valley again.

"But no matter what, human beings have indeed violated the laws of our elves." The Great Elder pondered again, "It's also an unintentional mistake on your part, this matter ends here, and your entry into the forbidden area of ​​elves is indeed right. The blasphemy of the ancestors, please leave Capet earlier."

Princess Anya was stunned in place, as if struck by a thunderbolt.

Leaving Capet, so the alliance will be considered a failure! ?

So much hard work, so failed?
How could Princess Anya be reconciled? She hurriedly said: "Grand Elder, please believe us, this time human beings have come here with great sincerity, and forming an alliance is of great benefit to both parties..."

"Huh!" Kara snorted coldly, and interrupted disdainfully: "Benefits? I think humans just want to use us elves as bargaining chips to resist the attack of orcs, right? You humans have suffered heavy losses in resisting demons. Could it be that we elves warriors Is your life not life?"

Princess Anya frowned and said: "The alliance is beneficial and harmless to both parties. We can also do our best to help the elves deal with the passage of the dead..."

(End of this chapter)

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