city ​​of sanctuaries

Chapter 526 3 elders

Chapter 526 The Three Elders

The only problem now is that these alchemy runes and the alchemists sent were all lost or lost in the previous air strikes.

This is what Princess Anya is most worried about now.

Without the alchemy runes that the elven empire urgently needs, can the elven king accept the alliance of the empire?

There is a question mark in this.

Secretly letting go of these small thoughts, Princess Anya continued to probe: "First-level vigilance? Is there something wrong with the Elf Empire? If we need our assistance, we will definitely do our best."

Princess Anya's words won a lot of favor from the elf captain, and the original meaning of wariness disappeared in an instant.

"It's actually not a secret. All the elves in Cape know it." The elf captain didn't intend to hide it, so he told the truth: "We are the ancient elf Xiyue tribe. From ancient times to the present, our tribe has always stayed in this area. On the mainland, after a long period of time, the city of Cape was established here, and slowly expanded outwards with Cape as the center, many tribesmen chose to migrate away, but more elves chose to stay here."

Princess Anya nodded slightly. She knew that the branches of the elf empire were very different from humans. They were close to nature, and most of them inhabited the forest in units of one tribe and one village. Occasionally, there would be large elf cities, but regardless of their size, all There is only one holy place in the hearts of the elves, and that is Capet.

For the elves, their root is Cape. As for the real reason, Princess Anya is not very clear. She can't help but be curious: "Is there any special reason?"

"Well, it's for protection." Captain Elf replied, "It's because our ancestors of the Xiyue Clan made a mistake. In order to atone for our sins, we were expelled to this continent. The purpose is to protect a forbidden place."

Princess Anya opened her mouth, "Forbidden place?"

Hesna raised her head and said: "Is it related to the undead? I once heard Archbishop Mia say that there is a sealed undead passage near Capet, and the other end of the passage leads directly to the abyss of the netherworld. The elves are here for generations to come." Guard this sealed passage and stay here."

"The channel of the undead?" Captain Elf seemed to have heard of this kind of thing for the first time. He couldn't help being a little surprised, then shook his head and said, "Maybe, but I don't know about it, I only know that our mission is to protect This seal, as for what is under the seal, we civilians don’t know, as far as I know, I heard that there has been a problem with the seal recently, and the Elf Elders have a lot of headaches.”

Princess Anya thought in her heart, the seal, the alchemy rune, there seemed to be a close connection between the two.

It is very likely that there is a problem with the seal guarded by the elves, which is like humans asking for alchemy runes to maintain the seal.

Before, Princess Anya and others had actually come to the edge of the forest. Led by the elves, the group arrived in the elf city of Cape an hour later.

"What a nice view……"

Looking up, Princess Anya couldn't help muttering to herself.

Fang Tian also raised his head, looking up at this city belonging to elves.

When he saw the elf city for the first time, Fang Tian was indeed shocked.

Different from the cities of other races, the cities of the elves are built on the back of a giant tree.

This tree is called the ancient tree of the earth by the elves.

The big tree stands in the very center of the city, standing far away from the gate of the city, Fang Tian and others can clearly see the towering ancient tree soaring into the sky at a glance.

The whole city seems to be set off by the ancient trees of the earth.

All the walls are surrounded by green vines.

Don't think that this is just a decoration. In a war, the ancient trees of the earth can provide sufficient protection for the elf city.

Captain Elf led a few people to the bottom of the city wall. Princess Anya was still wondering why there was no entrance to the city. The ancient trees on the earth seemed to sense the presence of elves, and automatically moved away the vines blocking everyone's eyes to open a passage.

The elf guards at the back of the passage were stunned when they saw Princess Anya's arrival, and then came up.

The elf guard with a longbow on his back performed a beautiful etiquette and bowed slightly, "Are you Princess Anya from a human?"

"I am."

"Welcome to Cape. It's great that you are fine. I heard that your team lost contact on the way. Our elders are very worried about your situation and sent many patrols into the forest. Unfortunately, you have not been No news."

Princess Anya nodded and said, "Someone wants to destroy the alliance between us. Our owl beast team was attacked by the harpies in the dungeon halfway,"

"Is it a creature from the dungeon?" The elf guard was a little surprised, and he said immediately: "May their souls rest in peace. The third elder has been worried about your situation and has been waiting in the conference hall. If it is convenient, please follow me." Elf council hall, rest in the tree house after meeting the three elders."

Princess Anya was more anxious than the elves to come. She wanted to quickly complete the alliance with the elves, so she nodded and said, "Okay, please take me to see the third elder now."


The Elven Council Hall.

The elder druid, the third elder of the elves, has been waiting here for a long time.

Seeing the three of Fang Tian walking in from the door, the archdruid stood up from the wooden rattan chair and stood up to greet them.

"Princess Anya, welcome to Capet. I'm very sorry. There is something wrong with us. The elf patriarch and the two elders are not in the city. For the time being, I can only receive a few of you. I heard that you were attacked on the way and lost money." heavy?"

"We were attacked by creatures from the dungeon, and all but the three of us were killed in the attack."

There was a look of disappointment in the arch druid's eyes, "I'm sorry to hear the news, but the creatures in the dungeon haven't appeared for a long time, why did they suddenly attack the imperial team?"

"We don't know about this." Princess Anya shook her head and asked, "Did something happen inside Capet?"

The archdruid nodded solemnly, "Please sit down and talk."

Fang Tian has already felt that the elves must be in big trouble this time.

Because as far as he knew the elves, their pace of life was very slow.

After everyone sat down, Princess Anya first took out the God-Returning Flower that she had obtained from the dense forest before, and handed it to the table, "Third Elder, I'm very sorry, this time we were attacked by the harpies in the dungeon halfway. All the owlbeasts were killed in the attack, and all the alchemy runes agreed in advance were also lost."

(End of this chapter)

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