city ​​of sanctuaries

Chapter 519 Territorial

Chapter 519 Territorial

Hesna said: "I will do my best to complete this alliance, but it is inconvenient to disclose the tasks on me."

Princess Anya snorted softly, "Then what if the task on your body affects this alliance?"

Without the slightest hesitation, Hesna raised her head and said decisively: "Everything is based on this alliance."

Fang Tian listened to the conversation between the two silently, and he already knew very well that the Holy Church where Hesna was still came with some ulterior secrets.

The good news is that the primary goal of both parties is to promote the alliance between humans and elves, and Fang Tian feels that at least their mission goals are consistent with his own.

As for the relationship between the two and Hesna's secret mission goals, it was not within Fang Tian's consideration.

Princess Anya sighed, and her tone softened, "This time the alliance is extremely confidential, and the route through the owlbeast is also kept secret after calculation. The harpy in the dungeon was able to be on our route ahead of time. Ambush, this means that our intelligence has been leaked, and some people hope that our alliance will fail this time, which is what worries me the most."

Hesna quickly raised her head and said, "No, it's not our Church of the Holy Cross. We didn't even know that you would use moonkin as a means of transportation this time."

Princess Anya curled her lips and said, "You've made it like this, of course I don't doubt you."

Hearing this, Hesna looked at Fang Tian again, seeing that he was still indifferent, she couldn't help feeling relieved, and then lowered her head and gnawed on the bread in small bites.

"I don't doubt you, but that doesn't mean I don't doubt the Church of the Holy Cross."

Hesna had just gnawed two bites of bread before raising her head again.

Princess Anya continued: "Besides the Pope, the Church of the Holy Cross has three judges, the twelve archbishops, and the seventy-two priests. It wasn't you and Archbishop Mia who did it. Are you sure it wasn't someone else in the Church of the Holy Cross?"

Hesna opened her mouth and murmured, "The Church of the Holy Cross and hell have always been on opposite sides. How could you do such a thing?"

Thinking of what the Church of the Holy Cross was doing behind the scenes, Princess Anya felt angry, and continued: "If you don't do this, it doesn't mean that others won't do it? Doesn't the Church of the Holy Cross do a lot of things secretly for such things?"


Hesna seemed to want to refute, but she held back her words as soon as she spoke. She shook her head and stopped arguing with Princess Anya.

something like that?

Fang Tian, ​​who was listening with his ears up all the time, heard these few key words.

What is the conflict between the Church of the Holy Cross and the imperial family that caused the conflict?
the next day.

In the cave, Hesna slowly woke up.

After a night of recuperation, Hesna's physical strength has recovered a lot, and the wound on her back is still burning hot. Due to the overdraft, she cannot use the power of the holy light to heal.

Hesna made a rough judgment on her own situation and is still recovering, at least not yet able to engage in large-scale battles.

Where is Fang Tian?
Didn't see Fang Tian's figure. Hesna saw that Princess Anya was still asleep and did not wake her up. Instead, she stood up and wanted to go out to catch her breath.

Just after leaving the cave, Hesna couldn't help but stop.

Outside the cave, Fang Tian sat cross-legged on the ground, and the thoughts in his right hand were transformed into different forms through manipulation.

The sky is still only dim, and the birds in the forest are parked around Fang Tian.

Hesna looked a little crazy, at that moment, Hesna felt extremely peaceful and serene.

How did he become one with nature?
This state can only be seen in elves, right?

Recalling the first meeting with Fang Tian, ​​Hesna couldn't help feeling a little feverish when she regarded Fang Tian as a servant of the devil.

"you're awake?"

After Fang Tian finished his 'virtual' practice, he raised his hand, and the birds that were parked around him were frightened, flapping their wings and flying away.

Standing up from the ground, Fang Tian threw the package in his hand towards Hesna.


Hesna subconsciously took Fang Tian's package, opened it, and saw that it was some dried fruit.

"Thank you."


The three of Fang Tian have been walking in the dense forest for three full days.

There was still an endless dense forest ahead, and without a detailed map, Fang Tian was not sure where they were in the forest.

As usual, Princess Anya summoned the unearthed element to open the way ahead, and the fire element to protect.

It is easy to get lost in the forest. Although Fang Tian has rich experience in field survival, he can only discern the general direction and cross towards the northwest.

Fang Tian and the others were not very lucky. After being attacked by the harpies, they happened to fall into the territory of the black-scaled gnolls, so they were almost constantly attacked by the black-scaled gnolls in the first two days.

Until yesterday, the three of them gradually left the range of activities of the black-scaled gnolls and encountered some other beast creatures instead.

After three consecutive days of cultivation, Hesna has recovered more than half of her strength. As a paladin, she can be regarded as half a healer. The wounds on her body have completely healed, so fighting is naturally a no-brainer.

After leaving the range of activities of the black-scaled gnolls, the number of times they were attacked was significantly reduced by several times.

Around noon, Fang Tian, ​​who was walking among the crowd, slowed down.

From just now, there has been a faint uneasiness in his heart.

"Why didn't Fang Tian leave? Could it be that something happened?"

Fang Tian has a lot of experience, Princess Anya saw Fang Tian slowing down with a dignified expression, so she couldn't help slowing down.

"I can feel it too, a dangerous aura." Hesna, who had been silent all this time, also stood in place at this time, and she kept scanning the surrounding dense forest with her eyes.

Looking around, Princess Anya didn't feel anything weird, she couldn't help but blinked and said, "Really? Why didn't I feel anything? Is it because we are too nervous? Maybe it's just a psychological effect? "

Fang Tian explained: "It's not just a feeling, there are many creatures living in the forest. We encountered many creatures attacking us along the way, but since the morning, it has been a long time since we have encountered any creatures ambush us."

Princess Anya really doesn't have much experience in the field, she blinked, "This...what does this mean?"

"What Fang Tian wants to talk about is the unique territoriality of high-level creatures." Hesna explained: "In the jungle environment, high-level creatures have unique territoriality, which prevents other low-level creatures from approaching easily. .”

"How many levels of creatures are considered high-level?"

Hesna observed her surroundings vigilantly, and said, "At least the sixth level is required. Generally speaking, the higher the level, the more territorial the creatures are. We haven't been attacked for about three hours. It’s a straight line going northwest, and if we’re lucky, we might be about to leave the territory of this high-level creature.”

(End of this chapter)

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