Chapter 449 Decoy
Compared with simply using skills in the game, it is much more difficult to maintain a stealth state in the real world, and Fang Tian at this stage cannot last for too long.

Slowly moving to the side of the decoy player, Fang Tian swung the dagger.


The dagger pierces the air with a slight sound, and stabs the 'decoy' player behind.


Without any precautions, the dagger pierced the skin on the back of the opponent's neck.

The blood gushing from the tip of the dagger kept Fang Tian's brain absolutely calm. He whispered quickly in a voice that only he could hear: "Check the battle records."

Lines of small red characters immediately appeared in the upper right corner of the retina.

Skill judgment: Backstab, successful.

Determine Weakness Attack: Determine critical strike damage.

Judgment of critical strike damage stiffness: no stiffness was caused.

Judgment ends: Deal 25+20 (additional bonus to critical strike damage) + 10 (additional bonus to backstab damage) to the current target.

The sudden attack surprised both the 'bait' and the 'hunter'.

While feeling the sharp pain in his back, the 'bait' player turned around and kicked back instantly before he had time to check his HP.

While turning around, he waved his long sword and launched a sweeping sweep across a wide range. Glancing at the figure behind him from the corner of his eye, he shouted in surprise, "He's hit! Don't let him run away!"

The sound stopped abruptly, and under his surprised gaze, the long sword swept past Fang Tian's shadow and pierced through.

Oops!It's a ghost step!

The decoy player realizes that what he swung was nothing more than a phantom.

Fang Tian naturally wouldn't run, he used ghost steps in advance to appear behind the 'bait'.

The dagger sank into the opponent's back again.


The trigger is stiff!Sensing the opponent's body stiffening, Fang Tian quickly made another stab.



Two balls of red blood burst out from the dagger one after another. Just as Fang Tian was about to make up the third knife, a reminder sounded in his ear.

"Warning: The opponent's blood volume has dropped below 50%. If you successfully defeat the opponent, continuing to attack it will be regarded as a malicious kill."

Fang Tian put away his dagger, took half a step back, glanced at another player who had just arrived, and couldn't help licking his lips.

The player was about ten meters away from Fang Tian, ​​stopped suddenly, and suddenly stretched out his right hand to Fang Tian.

Fang Tian stood still in place at that moment, and under his gaze, a mass of red flames condensed and danced in the player's palm.

The two just stood there for about 10 seconds.


At the same time that the man let go of his hand, Fang Tian frowned and jumped to the side quickly.

The red flame ball ejected from the player's hand, and the flame ball's trajectory in the air was extremely fast, but Fang Tian's attention was always on the player's escape range, which was the first step.


The fireball fell on the nearby open space, causing a small explosion.

Fang Tian took a breath and looked at the other party.

Mage apprentice!

The flame ball condensed in the player's palm has not yet been completely condensed into a fireball, and has not been burned with the spiritual imprint belonging to the mage, so it cannot be tracked. It can only be attacked in a way similar to ejection, and it is impossible to change the flame ball after the attack is sent out. trick.

Even so, just a rudimentary fireball can cause such damage, mage is indeed a profession favored by the gods.

Judging from this, Fang Tian concluded that the opponent's level was only a sorcerer's apprentice.

In other words, his thoughts are definitely not enough for him to release three spells!
Sure enough, after seeing Fang Tian calmly avoiding the rudimentary fireball technique he released, the player chose to turn around and run away immediately.

A smile appeared on the corner of Fang Tian's mouth.

What a rookie.

Give the back to an assassin.

He is absolutely inescapable.



In front of the screen, there was a moment of silence.

It's hard to imagine that a junior player rated as D-rank can burst out such high damage in a short period of time, and two players have been eliminated in less than a minute.

"Minister, I found it. It's an assassin's advanced and rare skill, Stealth. In addition, it is judged that the player should have a skill that increases damage. The system analysis concluded that it is a high-level backstab."

Minister Lin stared at the replay video on the big screen and said, "What about the dagger in his hand?"

"That dagger?" The young man operating the video was stunned, and immediately zoomed in on the dagger on the screen. After seeing the dagger clearly, the young man couldn't help but fell into thought. The dagger seemed familiar.

"Why are you still standing there! Make a comparison!"

"Yes!" The young man quickly took a screenshot of the dagger and entered it into the database for comparison.

At this time, Minister Lin has pressed the call button, "All supervisors in area F, please pay attention. The target player Fang Tian has the rare skill stealth and the high-level passive skill backstab. Focus on observation and recording. The strength level rating is temporarily set." It is C+, and the danger level is raised to B level, pay attention to protection."

"C+?" Hearing this, the young man who lowered his head to operate the computer just now couldn't help but raise his head again, "Minister, according to the information, he has just undergone Qi training..."

"That's enough. The rating naturally has its limitations. Players of the 'Ran' and 'Pseudo' ranks are both rated B, but can they display the same strength?"

The young man shut his mouth obediently.

"Although the training of 'Qi' and 'Zhou' is the most basic, it is enough to motivate the player to use the advanced skills acquired in the game. As you can see, he can integrate the advanced skills into actual combat and play a full role. The strength shown is obvious, didn't the two advanced players of C level just now be defeated without any performance?"

Minister Lin stared at the frozen picture in front of him, lowered his voice and said to himself: "That kind of sudden explosive ability combined with stealth skills, in terms of the degree of danger, it can be said to be fatal for players rated below C Yes, it is definitely not too much to give a B-level danger level."

"Minister, after comparison, the dagger in Fang Tian's hand is a first-class apprentice's dagger. Except for some design changes that are more suitable for novices, the rest of the attack attributes are only slightly higher than ordinary daggers."

"I see."

Minister Lin fell into deep thought again. Assassin-type skills, plus the assassin-type dagger, were it just because of pure luck that the assassin-type quest chain was triggered in the game?

Those two players didn't give Fang Tian a strong feeling. Of course, Fang Tian wouldn't just let the mage go so easily.

After resolving the battle, Fang Tian was still thinking about what to do with these two people, but soon two masked monitors came and quickly took the two players who were judged out to leave.

(End of this chapter)

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