city ​​of sanctuaries

Chapter 413 Artifact Project

Chapter 413 Artifact Project
"Fuck!? Artifact?"

"But forging artifacts is not that simple, and several special materials are needed in the forging process."

"So, you don't have the material?"

Xue Yang showed bitterness, "It's far more troublesome than this."

"This blacksmith used to serve in the Third Corps of the Empire. During a fierce battle, he was shot in the leg with an arrow and lost his ability to fight. Just when he was about to die, his companion Fred, who was born and died with him, Rescued him and led him away from the battlefield."

"Because of the delay in treatment, the blacksmith's legs were permanently injured. After that escape, he put down his weapon and became a blacksmith. In order to thank Fred, the old blacksmith passed on his family's ancestral The black jade ore was given to Fred, but Fred didn't know the value of this ore, he just kept it as a souvenir."

"Uh..." the magic stick couldn't help interrupting: "So, black jade ore is an auxiliary material for forging artifacts, and now we are going to ask Fred for black jade ore? It's not that easy for Fred Just give us the ore?"

"You guessed half right." Xue Yang sighed, "Recently, the blacksmith heard news from friends in the army that Fred has now joined the rebel army in the northwest of the empire, so he hopes that I can go to Luoyan Valley, find Fred, and if you can, convince him to surrender to the Empire."

After hearing the whole story, the magic stick couldn't help curling his lips, and said, "Sneak into the rebel army to instigate rebellion? It's a bit like a spy movie. It sounds like the mission is very difficult."

There was a rustling sound from behind the rocks not far away, Xue Yang couldn't help but raised his sword, and said, "The difficulty rating of this task is Dark Gold, and it's suggested to complete in a team of 4-8 people, so I will Found you."

"Oh!? The evaluation of the dark gold level?" Luo Jianbin's eyes lit up. The higher the difficulty evaluation of the task, the more rewards he will get after completing it, and the difficulty of the dark gold level is already very rare.

"Don't get excited so early." Facing the sandstorm element emerging from behind the rock, the magic stick quickly switched into a bear form and pushed it up, and said at the same time: "Then how can we find his comrade in arms after we arrive at Black Rock City?" ?”

"The location of the mission has been marked, let's go to the person who spread the news, General Cloade."


Notanos City.

The closest city to Rockfall Canyon.

In terms of geographical location, Nota Noth is not good. He was built on the plain behind the gray rock canyon, without any natural terrain for defense. Once the rebels broke out from the gray rock canyon, Nota Noth North became the first to bear the brunt of the target.

To be honest, Notanos can be regarded as one of the main cities. However, due to the nearby leveling resources and the lack of teleportation arrays leading to other main cities, very few players choose to develop here.

But these are all things in the past. Ever since I heard that Luoyan Canyon was open, there are more than a hundred times more players here than before, and some guilds are optimistic about the future development of Notanos, so they directly moved the development base here.

Ever since, Notanos City gradually became lively.

After all, this is the nearest city to the Gray Rock Canyon, and the road to the Gray Rock Canyon is not very smooth. Apart from wild monsters, you can occasionally encounter rebel reconnaissance teams.

Therefore, in addition to the necessary work of selling stolen goods, players will prepare here every time they go to Luoyan Canyon, such as preparing some potions, finding someone to form a team and so on.

Once entering Notanos, the cries of hawking one after another entered everyone's ears.

"Extreme equipment! One piece of three silvers! All three silvers!"

"Speed ​​up the efficiency team, come to milk, come to T, come to strong output! Welcome high-level players!"

"Rookie self-improvement team! All professions are welcome, no assassins!"

"Senior blacksmith, free forging! Please take care of the materials yourself!"

Tang Qian wandered through the city and said, "Oh, I thought this city was desolate, but it looks like there are a lot of people."

The long journey before made Shengun look a bit dusty, he yawned, and said with no fighting spirit: "I'm so tired, why don't we come here first, let's split up and give the equipment to Xiuxiu first." , continue to gather here tomorrow to see if we can trick a priest over..."

After a brief discussion, everyone dispersed and went offline.

The next afternoon, when Fang Tian and Tang Qian returned to the game, Luo Jianbin and the others had already set up a street stall at the gate of Notanos City.

Luo Jianbin yelled at the top of his voice: "Everyone! Take a walk and have a look! High-level team! Dark gold level mission! Come for a healer! Only one healer is missing, just come for a healer, come for a healer! Departure immediately !"

Generally speaking, the maximum number of people in a team outside the dungeon is ten people, and the optimal number is five. If there are more than five, the experience value of fighting monsters will decrease. If it is higher than eight, even the explosion rate of items will also decrease. .

Since Fang Tian passed the [-]th-level dungeon, all the players who passed the [-]th-level dungeon in the Star Guild have unlocked the upper limit of the [-]th-level dungeon. Raiders.

It is said that many guilds have already conquered the simple difficulty of the evil dragon dungeon, breaking the level limit of [-].

Anyway, according to the predictions of the old players in the post, in two to three months, the normal difficulty of the evil dragon dungeon crushing is a foregone conclusion. At that time, most of the top players in the game will be able to open the level cap of level [-].

At present, most of the players who have broken through the upper limit of level 65 have started their journey to level up. However, nearly two weeks have passed, and the highest player on the level list is only level [-].

For the remaining players who haven't cleared the level 60 dungeon, and all players who are stuck at the level cap of level [-], their extra experience can also be accumulated in the experience bar, which will be settled after the new level cap is opened.

All the people in Tang Qian's team were level 59-60. In order to get some experience, Luo Jianbin decided to recruit only one priest into the team.

In the game, there are not too many people who play priests, and once they play priests, it is easy to be taken over by the team and form a fixed team, so like Luo Jianbin and his team, it is very easy to suddenly find a priest who is alone. Difficult.

After waiting for a long time, a level 40 priest finally joined the team.


Only level [-], this level is too low...

What else did Luo Jianbin want to say, but the pastor had already spoken first, and with a look of disgust on her face, she typed in the team channel and said, "Why are there assassins?"

(End of this chapter)

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