city ​​of sanctuaries

Chapter 4 Father's Friend

Chapter 4 Father's Friend

In the rest room, more than a dozen children were temporarily placed here. Fearing that they would be hungry, a few young policemen specially bought a lot of snacks and put them on the table.

However, after the fright just now, the children did not recover. Almost all of them were hungry, but no one went up to touch these snacks. Some of them were sobbing in place, and some were shivering in the corner of the wall. Horrible scars were exposed under the torn clothes.

Surprisingly, no one cried out.

The youngest of the children is only seven or eight years old, and Fang Tian seems to be the oldest one.

Unlike other children, Fang Tian squatted quietly by the wall.

Until now, everything has gone according to the plan in the file. Now we just need to wait for the target person to appear and pick him up. But will it really go so smoothly?who's that person?Why would you take yourself away?What will life be like in the future?

Fang Tian rubbed his swollen temples, thinking that these problems were much more troublesome than solving those low-level ghost spiders.

After all, the identity of that person is written on the information. He is the commander of the third area of ​​T-27. He has faced countless prisoners. Although it is difficult, he must be deceived!
Just as Fang Tian was thinking, the door was opened from the outside.

Looking around the lounge, Tang Ran recognized Fang Tian from the crowd at a glance.

As Xue Quan said, Fang Tian looks so much like his father!

When he thought of that old friend, all the events of the past were like a slide show in his mind.

He clenched his fist tightly.

Xue Quan lowered his voice and said: "After the preliminary diagnosis, these children all have different degrees of trauma, and some of the scars are very old. It is obvious that they have been beaten and tortured for a long time, which also caused them to distrust outsiders. .”

Tang Ran also discovered that this child is different from his father, he does not see his father's passionate feeling in his eyes, but more of a kind of indifference.

"Not only that, according to the criminals, in the past days, once these children were found talking to strangers, they would be beaten severely, and a few bad-tempered drug dealers would also beat them up when they were in a bad mood. If you cry, you will be beaten to death, and one or two have been beaten to death in front of them, so basically every child will have psychological problems to varying degrees. I suggest you take him back and find a professional psychologist for him Give me some advice..."

Before coming here, Tang Ran thought that Fang Tian might go on the path of crime, but he never thought that Fang Tian would be hurt like this. This may also explain why the child has such indifference in his eyes.

Tang Ran took a deep breath and said, "Old Xue, do me a favor. He has suffered enough. I want to take him back now."

"It's an old friend, and you still say this, just come and make up the formalities in a few days."

"Thank you."

Tang Ran took a deep breath and walked towards Fang Tian by the corner. He squatted down and reached out to touch Fang Tian's hair, but Fang Tian waved his hand away.

"Come home with me, okay?"

Fang Tian raised his head and looked at this scene strangely.

"I am your father's friend, my surname is Tang."

It turned out that he knew his father.

"Son, don't be afraid, remember? I visited you when you were young, and Uncle Tang will take you home, okay?"

There was no deception or acting in the lessons taught by the master, and Fang Tian didn't know what to do.

Facing this seemingly gentle uncle, all kinds of information about him were instinctively reflected in his mind.

Tang Ran, the commander of the third area of ​​T-26.

Extremely dangerous.


This is where I will live from now on.

After being brought to this room early yesterday morning, Fang Tian slept on this warm bed.

In fact, Fang Tian didn't sleep well that night. He was always nervous about the unknown future and this strange world.

At the same time, he also began to think about a question, what kind of person is Tang Ran?Also, the question that has troubled him for a long time, how did his father die?

Fang Tian opened his eyes and looked at the beige ceiling above his head. This small room was decorated a little warmly. It is worth mentioning that there was a photo frame on the desk. There were two people on the photo. One was Tang. However, the other person looked very similar to me when he was young.

Fang Tian walked up to the front and put up the photo frame. He had a feeling that this person was his father.

"What!? Mom, did you really find that person!?"

Hearing the sound from outside, Fang Tian's heart moved, and he put his ear on the door.

"Hush, keep your voice down, Xiaotian, he came back last night in the early hours of the morning, and he is still sleeping in the room, so don't wake him up."

"Okay, okay, whatever you want, you can live at home, but I have to ask you something first. Dad and that friend had such a good relationship back then, so he wouldn't be so stupid as to decide that one man and one woman will get married immediately. Something like that!"

"Silly girl, you think you're filming a TV series. Do you want to fight to the death and run away from home?"

Tang Qian fell into Lin Qiao's arms, "Hee hee, Mom, it's fine, but tell me first, how is Fang Tianchang? Is he handsome? Is he tall?"

"What about that person? It's not polite. He is the same age as you, but he was born a few days earlier than you. You have to call him brother."

"Oh, why is it so troublesome, I'll call him Fang Tian."

While the two were talking, Fang Tian pushed open the door.

"Xiao Tian, ​​I woke up so early, Auntie has prepared breakfast for you, hurry down and eat."

"Thank you." Fang Tian opened his mouth, his voice was very soft, and he didn't know if Lin Qiao heard it.

There are several exquisite snacks on the table, it can be seen that these have been prepared with great effort.

Fang Tian had never seen these exquisite pastries before. In the game before, his breakfast usually consisted of two pieces of toast and a glass of boiled water.He stared blankly at the long blocky objects of different colors in front of him.

The girl sitting opposite him picked up the snack on the table, put it in her mouth, and then showed a very happy smile.

"I said, Mom, you are really eccentric. You have never prepared so many delicious things for me before."

"That is, I usually abuse you. This child can't stop you from eating."


The girl in front of her smiled and made a face at herself.

For some reason, the girl's smile gave Fang Tian a very friendly feeling.

Fang Tian didn't understand the meaning of that grimace, he just lowered his head silently.

"Hi, my name is Tang Qian." The girl greeted.

"Fang Tian."

Tang Qian licked her lips. Hey, he looks pretty good. He can score a nine. He looks like a shy boy. He should have no problem controlling the sovereignty of this family.

For some reason, seeing Tang Qian's weird smile, Fang Tian suddenly felt like he was being targeted by prey.

For a while the atmosphere seemed a little awkward.

Lin Qiao came over and put his hand on Fang Tian's shoulder, "Xiao Tian, ​​why don't you eat? Is it not to your liking?"

"Try it. My mother made breakfast herself. It's delicious."

Tang Qian said and handed over a plate on the table.

(End of this chapter)

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