city ​​of sanctuaries

Chapter 398 The Coffin

Chapter 398 The Coffin
Sure enough, he saw Xue Yang approaching aggressively carrying a brick.

"Hey, you're crazy! This is a housebreak."

"Ahem, don't blame me. That's why I teach you to read more. When you use the books, you will regret them less. I have studied federal law. I will take this opportunity to teach you about the crime of breaking into a private house."

Xue Yang held a moving brick in his hand, and with the attitude of a cultural hooligan, he muttered: "The crime of trespassing on private houses should be considered comprehensively from both subjective and objective aspects. Objectively speaking, whether we have violated the The last wish of the owner of the house, how about forcibly breaking into the house?"

"Look, the owner of the house is An An. An An didn't stop us from entering, right? In other words, we didn't break in against An An's wishes, right?"

Luo Jianbin was taken aback for a while, and asked: "What about subjective?"

"Subjectively speaking, we have to consider subjective motives and social hazards. You analyze and analyze. From the motive point of view, we have to make a choice to ensure An'an's safety. As for social hazards Not at all..."

Luo Jianbin rolled his eyes, "Okay, okay, don't talk to me about this. Is it still reasonable for you to smash people's windows?"

"Don't be afraid, anyway, this is not the first time, we have experience."

Tang Qian was also a violent person at heart. She looked around and urged: "Okay, you two stop arguing, and hurry up if you want to smash it, before there is no one around."

Seeing that Tang Qian also agreed with his point of view, Xue Yang chuckled, picked up a brick and threw it towards the window.

With a bang, a large piece of window glass shattered.

Xue Yang looked around vigilantly.

On a quiet night, the sound of smashing glass was loud or small.

After seeing that no one noticed what happened here, Xue Yang quickly threw away the bricks in his hands, took off his coat carefully, and carefully cleaned up the remaining glass shards on the edge of the window sill, and finally walked along the The ledge climbed in.

After confirming that there was no danger in the kitchen, Xue Yang gestured OK to the three people outside the window, signaling them to come in as well.

This series of movements was extremely skillful, and Luo Jianbin was stunned watching it. If he didn't know that Xue Yang's family was really rich and disdained to do such a thing of theft, Luo Jianbin would almost report it.

As soon as he stepped into the room, the cold feeling hit again, Luo Jianbin couldn't help shrinking his neck again, and said, "Let me just say, there is no one in the room, why don't we go back earlier?"

"There's no one there, I haven't checked yet..." Xue Yang said disdainfully, and he, who was walking in the front, pushed open the door of the living room.


The door was pushed open, Xue Yang froze in place.

A faint smell of blood entered Luo Jianbin's nose.

Seeing the thing placed in the middle of the living room, Luo Jianbin's heart stuck in his throat, and his pupils also enlarged countless times. A sense of fear that he had never felt before rose from the bottom of his heart. It was as if there was a layer of ice on it, and it was bitingly cold.


In the center of the living room was actually a red coffin.

Six candles were deliberately placed on the floor around the coffin.

Under the illumination of the candlelight, everyone could clearly see some kind of weird red symbols engraved on the floor, and the curved symbols were connected to form an oval circle, and in the center of the circle was the red coffin they saw.

this is?
Fang Tian narrowed his eyes.

The weird symbols drawn on the floor, are they runes?The rune seemed to have a special magical power, and under the light of the candlelight, it emitted a glistening bloody light, which penetrated endlessly.

Such a scene made the few people who broke into the living room gasp.

Seeing this kind of thing in An An's house was beyond their imagination.

This is blood?

Fang Tian walked to the traces of the runes and squatted down. He gently rubbed the runes on the ground with his fingers and observed them with his naked eyes.

No, this is not just a trace of blood coagulation. The red runes on the floor seem to be made of special liquid, which should be mixed with human blood.

So who did all this?Fang Tian raised his head and looked around.

"What... what's going on here?" Luo Jianbin was really scared, his voice trembled a little.

No one answered him, and the room was eerily quiet.

Tang Qian didn't really believe in ghosts and monsters before, but seeing this scene now, she felt terrified in her heart. She looked at Fang Tian beside her, and unconsciously leaned against him .

"Pretending to be a ghost!"

Xue Yang swallowed, stepped forward cautiously, and stretched out his hand to open the coffin.

"Hey! You're crazy!" Seeing that Xue Yang wanted to touch the coffin, Luo Jianbin quickly stopped him, "This thing is evil, don't touch him!"

Xue Yang's hand stopped in the air, "Then what do you say?"

Luo Jianbin opened his mouth and said falteringly: "Let's...let's go back...pretend nothing happened..."

Xue Yang said in a low voice: "Stop joking, there is such a big coffin here, such weird things have happened, tell me to pretend that nothing happened?"

"This... maybe this is An An's brother's coffin? Because I bought an extra coffin, so..." Luo Jianbin couldn't make it up anymore.

"It doesn't matter, don't you, just open it and take a look!"

As Xue Yang said, he wanted to reach out to turn over the coffin again.

"Don't! Don't!" Luo Jianbin had a very ominous premonition, and tried to stop him again.

Xue Yang glared at him, "What's wrong?"

"You said, could the person in the coffin be An An?"

Hearing this, Tang Qian's spine felt a chill again.

Luo Jianbin was trembling, he glanced at the coffin next to him secretly, then quickly retracted his head, and continued: "I'm not joking, think about it carefully, I already had a problem when I saw An An today By the way, you have also seen her face, and the red 'nian' on her body... Do you think An An is already dead? Then the one we saw today is a ghost?"

Listening to Luo Jianbin's narration, Tang Qian felt more and more frightened, she whispered: "Luo Jianbin, stop talking."

"Stop joking, how could such a thing happen!"

Xue Yang has always been a staunch atheist. Although everything in front of him looked extremely terrifying, he always believed that there must be a reasonable explanation. Regardless of Luo Jianbin's obstruction, he pushed open the lid of the coffin in front of him.


The coffin was lifted vigorously by Xue Yang.

The things lying in the coffin surprised everyone again, Luo Jianbin's feet went limp, and he almost sat down on the ground.

(End of this chapter)

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