city ​​of sanctuaries

Chapter 390 Exchange Rewards

Chapter 390 Exchange Rewards
The reminder sound in the ear gradually faded away, Fang Tian was still in the state of ignorance just now.

The copy is over?But what happened when he finally got the diary?Why was that diary destroyed?


Fang Tian squeezed his fists, and after paying so much, he still didn't see the contents of the diary, which made him feel very disappointed.

Looking back, what happened just now?

Why is the diary destroyed at the same time as it is touched?
Could it be that the saint is secretly playing tricks behind his back, he doesn't want himself to see the contents of that diary?
But in the end, Fang Tian felt that the surprise on the saint's face was not faked.

So who would it be?
Who is controlling all this behind the scenes?
Why would he do this?
What exactly is in the diary?
The more I think about it, the more confused I feel.

Fang Tian took a deep breath, he decided to put this thing behind for the time being, no matter what he said, he got at least [-] dungeon reward points.

You know, the highest rating for the customs clearance dungeon is only [-] extra dungeon point rewards, and the reward of [-] points for just one diary is not too bad, and it can more or less always make up for a little loss. .

Thinking of this, Fang Tian began to focus his eyes on the screen again, and began to exchange equipment.

The dungeon point exchange selection box is divided into dozens of areas such as equipment area, material area, medicine area, and living area, and all items can only be exchanged with dungeon points.

Some special items also have a limit on the number of exchanges.

This restriction is for all players, once someone has redeemed the remaining items, the item will never appear in the exchange area again.

Therefore, the first guild to complete the customs clearance dungeon is extremely advantageous, and they can exchange for many rare items.

Fang Tian quickly focused his attention on a certain prop.

Item: Soul* World Tree Fruit (2/3).

Description: One-time consumable props, three in stock, will disappear in the exchange column after the exchange is completed.

illustrate:? ? ?
Exchange demand: 5000.
Is this the thing?Fang Tian reached out and touched the fruit of the World Tree.

It's actually a soul item.

Fang Tian couldn't help but fell into thought.

This is what Yin Shiqi asked him to do in the dungeon before.

After the dungeon is completed, use the dungeon points to exchange for the fruit of the world tree, the more the better.

Fang Tian glanced at the dungeon points on his body, the total was nearly [-], and he could redeem up to three. However, someone had already redeemed one in advance before him.

In other words, Fang Tian can only exchange two fruits at most.

Fang Tian thought about tapping twice on the World Tree fruit, and two yellow-orange fruits appeared in the package, and the stock of the World Tree fruit in the game became (0/3).

After refreshing again, things like the fruit of the world tree can no longer be refreshed.

Taking out the World Tree fruit from his backpack, Fang Tian held it in his hands curiously and weighed it a few times. What is the use of this fruit?
did you eat it?

The strange thing is that even after the exchange is completed, the game does not give any hints about the fruit of the golden tree.

Fang Tian licked his lips, soul-type items, he would not dare to eat such things with unknown effects.

But speaking of it, at that time Yin Shiqi didn't tell herself what happened after she exchanged for the golden tree fruit.

Wait, looking back now, the strangest thing is why Yin Shiqi knew that after clearing the dungeon, he could find the fruit of the golden tree here?
In addition, there are only two golden tree fruits left, that is to say, someone had exchanged the golden tree fruit before him, who was that person?Why would he exchange this seemingly useless and expensive thing?

Or, like Yin Shiqi, he knows the effect of the golden tree fruit...

Faced with these doubts, Fang Tian didn't have the slightest idea. There was only one thing he could be sure of, that person must be a member of the Star Guild, and also participated in this dungeon.

After exchanging the golden tree fruit, Fang Tian only had nearly 3000 dungeon points left, and he switched to the equipment area. For now, Fang Tian is very fond of the artifact dagger in his hand. Satisfied, at least there is no need to change it until level [-].

In contrast, the guardian suit on his body is a bit rubbish.

Fang Tian looked at the equipment in the equipment area, and the most eye-catching one was a dungeon set of assassins named Night Slayer.

There are eleven pieces of equipment in total, and the exchange price of each piece is 3000-5500. Fang Tian said that he can't get so many dungeon points at all, and if he just exchanged three or four pieces, the effect of the set can only activate one or two. , the attribute is actually very average, not as good as the suit effect on him now.

So Fang Tian quickly gave up the plan of exchanging equipment, and he found a mechanical wrench similar to the temple mechanical wrench he had seen in the game from the item area.

Item: Templar's Junior Engineer Mechanical Wrench.

Rating: Rare

Explanation: The mechanical wrench is only allowed to be used after passing the assessment of the junior engineer of the temple. With it, you can better repair and create most of the machinery.

Attributes: Increases the repair speed by an additional 30.00%. After successfully manufacturing (repairing) mechanical items, there is a chance to obtain the Enlightenment state. After failing to manufacture (repair) mechanical items, there is a chance to obtain the Painful state.

Enlightenment: Obtain an additional 100% of the experience value of the machine, and increase the success rate of the next machine manufacturing (maintenance) by 15%.

Brainstorming: Gain a 25% success rate bonus when remanufacturing (repairing) the mechanical item, duration: 10 minutes.

Requirements: Mechanical Proficiency (LV: 10)

Compared with the wrench obtained in the previous dungeon, the one that Fang Tian exchanged now is obviously an advanced version.

The only embarrassing point is that Fang Tian's current mechanical proficiency level is LV: 9, which is still a long way from LV: 10.

Of course, this also cost Fang Tian 4500 dungeon points.

After the redemption, Fang Tian still had less than [-] dungeon points left. After checking in the game, a special item caught Fang Tian's attention.

"Item: Mechanical Maintenance Manual (99999/99999)."

Category: Skill Book.

Description: It is a one-time consumption item, and immediately after use, the mechanical mastery skill experience value will be increased by 1-100 points.

Description: This book gathers the wisdom of all the craftsmen on the mainland. You can find the answers to all your questions in it, of course it is limited to the mechanical aspects...

Exchange price: 130 dungeon points.

Thinking of the situation he would face after quitting the dungeon, Fang Tian readily exchanged all his remaining dungeon points for manuals...

(End of this chapter)

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