city ​​of sanctuaries

Chapter 377 The Dagger of the Untrustworthy

Chapter 377 The Dagger of the Untrustworthy
Garcia didn't plan to talk too much with the old man, she closed her eyes and sensed the position guided by the mark.

Not here, the source of power comes from behind the counter, in the room behind the old man.

The old man's eyes made people look very uncomfortable. He looked at these uninvited guests carefully, and his eyes wandered back and forth on the saints.He seemed to have sensed something, and said, "Are you here for the first time? Or was it introduced by someone, and you want to come here to find something?"

"Don't talk nonsense!" Garcia walked to the counter, punched the counter, and said loudly, "Is there someone hiding in the room behind you? Is he controlling the evil dragon from behind!"

"Control the evil dragon?" The old man didn't seem to understand what Garcia was saying at first glance, he said: "I don't know what you are looking for, but let me be clear first, everything here has nothing to do with the undead , what I do is legal business."

The saint, who had been silent all this time, pointed to the wooden door behind the old man, "I sensed it, it's inside, behind that door."

Garcia tilted her neck towards the old man, "Hey, old man, did you hear that, what's in the room behind you?"

"This is not a place where you can go in and out casually." The old man said with a sneer, "The things inside are all stored here by customers, and it's not time to sell them yet."


Garcia drew out her long sword and swung it forward fiercely.

The sharp sword cut a long and narrow crack on the counter, which scared the old man and took several steps back.

In fact, Garcia was not as simple as it seemed on the surface. With this sudden movement of drawing the sword, she carefully observed the old man's reaction.

The old man's reaction made Garcia feel that he was not the necromancer his group was looking for.

In other words, the necromancer will definitely not be as timid as the old man, Garcia protested and said: "If we must check!"

The smile on the old man's face suddenly faded, and he took another look at the four people in front of him.

"Okay then." He said with some fear: "If you insist on doing this..."

As the old man spoke, he slowly turned around, took out a bunch of keys from his trouser pocket, and rummaged through them one by one.

"What the hell! Don't delay!"

The old man found one of the keys in the keychain and opened the wooden door.

After doing all this, the old man stood next to the wooden door and signaled that everyone could enter.

Garcia snorted disdainfully, and was the first to step into the hut.

After everyone entered the hut, the old man followed and gently closed the wooden door behind him.

The room was very dark, with some things piled up in a mess, and all the items were covered with a layer of white cloth, and no one else existed.

The saint asked, "What must be inside?"

"In short, there is nothing related to the undead. I am in a serious business." The old man emphasized this point and continued: "It is all sundries left by some guests here. We will help the client to keep it temporarily for a fee. If no one comes to take it back for a long time, we will also sell it..."

"You'd better not do anything."

Garcia said something like a warning, stepped forward to lift the white cloth, and wanted to check the things hidden inside.

At this moment, the old man standing behind everyone carefully took out a dark dagger from his hand while no one was paying attention, and slowly approached Garcia.

This is the location!

The old man's fearful eyes turned sharp and fierce in an instant. He quickly drew his knife and stabbed Garcia in the back.

He is very confident. In the dark room, everyone's eyes have not yet fully adapted, plus they are attracted by the things behind the white cloth in front of them, so no one can notice his movements.

Got it!
Seeing that the dagger was about to pierce Garcia's body, suddenly, a big hand shot out, holding the old man's wrist tightly.

Fang Tian had long noticed the old man's strange behavior. He had always focused on the old man and reacted at the moment of bayoneting.

The old man was shocked when his wrist was pinched. He turned around and saw Fang Tian next to him. He had no time to think about anything else and instinctively turned his wrist to cross Fang Tian's arm, trying to break free.

This was the biggest mistake the old man made.

Fang Tian is an expert at playing with daggers. He has been dealing with daggers since he entered the game. His reaction was countless times faster than that of the old man. He lightly pecked the old man's wrist with his fingers and pulled the dagger that the old man was holding. His left hand pushed against his left arm.

Under that peck, the old man's eyes showed a look of horror and horror.

The old man's entire right arm seemed to be paralyzed, and he had no strength at all. He watched helplessly as the dagger slid towards his left arm.

The old man looked at this scene in horror and screamed loudly: "No! Don't!"


The rusty dagger turned out to be terribly sharp, but it only scratched the old man's left arm a little and drew a red bloodstain.

"no, do not want!"

The old man's voice trembled, his facial features were twisted into a ball due to fear, and he fell to the ground and let out a painful cry...

"what happened?"

Shen Luoluo curiously wanted to go over and have a look. This old man is too fragile, he was just cut by a dagger, so he shouldn't be in this state, right?

"There's no need to go there."

Fang Tian stood in front of Shen Luoluo with a solemn expression.

As the old man wailed, green juice overflowed from the red wound.

The whole body of the old man began to fester rapidly from the skin, exuding a green, foul-smelling thick juice.

In just a moment, the old man turned into a pool of dark green thick juice in front of several people.

The smell reminded him of the old man's appearance when he died, Shen Luoluo turned his back and retched with nausea.

"What... what is this?" Garcia frowned, with lingering fears in her heart. If Fang Tian's movements had been slower just now, she would have turned into a puddle of thick juice like that old man.

Fang Tian squatted down and checked the dagger left behind by the old man just now, and said, "It's the dagger of a dishonest person."

"The dagger of the untrustworthy actually exists..."

Garcia couldn't help but feel a little scared when she heard this name.

Shen Luoluo retched there for a while, and made up his mind to complain to the game official about such disgusting things after he was offline. Then he felt a little better and turned around and asked: "Wait a minute, you just said The Faithless Dagger...what is that?"

"A legendary dagger." The saint said: "In legend, the demon Mammon deceived the God of Death, and the followers of the God of Death used this dagger to kill Mammon. dagger."

(End of this chapter)

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