city ​​of sanctuaries

Chapter 375 Knights

Chapter 375 Knights

Shen Luoluo's expression suddenly became strange. She wanted to know what the soldiers would look like if they knew Garcia's true identity.

Garcia pulled Shen Luoluo, and whispered in her ear: "It is not appropriate to conflict with them now, let's go."


Five minutes later, several people left the city's central castle area and walked on a wide road.

Shen Luoluo couldn't help muttering, "Garcia, your uncle doesn't seem to be as good as you said, why didn't you reveal your identity just now? As your princess, even if Duke Nicholas is not in the castle, you You can still control his army to serve you, right?"

"It's not that simple." Garcia shook her head and said, "Even the king may not be able to command the lord's private soldiers."

"Besides, even if they are willing to obey the orders of the king and me, I still need to spend time controlling the troops." Garcia replied: "We don't have much time, the time of the Dragon's Mark is limited, conflicting with these soldiers will only waste our time , since we can't find uncle for the time being and can't get help, then we will go directly to find the source."

The fact that Duke Nicholas could not be found in the main city was not part of Garcia's plan. Although Shen Luoluo was disappointed with the attitude of these soldiers, it was not the time to discuss this issue now. She suppressed this question in heart.

After all, what they were about to face was a necromancer, so they had to be extremely careful.

After a brief discussion, Garcia decided to immediately follow the location given by the dragon's mark to find the source of controlling the evil dragon.

But what they didn't expect was that at this moment, things changed again.

There was a rush of hoofbeats behind the crowd.

Shen Luoluo looked back, and saw a heavily armed cavalry troop chasing up from behind the crowd.

Seeing Shen Luoluo who was turning back, the leading knight raised his iron gun and shouted loudly: "People in front! Stop!"

Hearing this, Garcia stopped, turned around, and held the long sword in his hand.

This group of people had unknown intentions and seemed to have bad intentions.

Fang Tian turned around and looked at them with squinted eyes. He could sense the hostility from this army.

The cavaliers quickly surrounded Fang Tian and the others, leading a high-ranking knight covered in armor to lift off the iron helmet on his head, revealing the stern face on the lower half of the iron helmet.

"Lord Duke Nicholas's Third Knight Legion, Commander Wende."

Fang Tian glanced coldly at the knights surrounding the crowd, and said, "What's the matter?"

"Hmph!" The knight leader snorted coldly, "Using the name of the Church of the Holy Cross to cheat, according to the lord's decree, arrest you, go back with us!"

Using the name of the Holy Cross Church to cheat?

Shen Luoluo looked back at the saint.

What the hell!This crime is simply fabricated out of thin air!
Garcia took half a step forward, "Cheating? Who gave this order?"

"There is no need to explain this to you. Now, throw away your weapons and go back with us."

The knight waved his hand, and the knights who were around moved closer to the middle. Two of the knights got off their horses and walked forward slowly, preparing to collect the weapons of Garcia and others.

Garcia held the long sword tightly, watching the two knights approaching, making a certain decision in her heart.

Everything happened so strangely, was it a coincidence?Accident?Misunderstand?Or conspiracy?

Fang Tian tilted his head, and his right hand holding the dagger was casually placed behind him, as if he was waiting for Garcia's order. He didn't seem to take any defensive actions, which made a certain knight think that he had given up resisting.

The knight leaned from behind Fang Tian, ​​trying to collect his weapons.

Should I give up resistance, or do it directly?

Garcia has not made a statement, and seems to be still thinking.

Fang Tian didn't like to hand over his fate to others, so he did it first.

The ghost step's starting move made Fang Tian disappear in front of the knight in an instant.

Fang Tian who disappeared out of thin air made the knight stand there in astonishment.

Then there was a shout in the ear.


The information about the knight was clearly reflected in Fang Tian's mind instantly.


A fourth-order human creature.

In addition to the high basic four-dimensional attributes, the most commendable point of the knight is his armor covering the whole body, which makes him have a high blood volume and physical damage reduction.

Of course, when we talk about knights, we must talk about the charge skill. Once a knight with a mount is allowed to charge successfully, plus enough energy to sprint, a powerful blow is enough to kill creatures of the same level in seconds.

On the battlefield, creatures like human knights are extremely terrifying. Once they form a sufficient number and let them successfully launch a charge, their destructive power can be described as amazing.

Using ghost steps, Fang Tian appeared behind the knight.

Speaking of it, thanks to the illusion before, Fang Tian's use of ghost steps is a bit more proficient than before.

Generally speaking, after using the ghost step, there will be a short period of stiffness, but this time the ghost step was well prepared, and Fang Tian's stiffness was extremely short.

After the stiffness, he quickly swung the knife.






"Shadow Attack!"



Almost instantly, a string of red damage numbers popped up behind the knight. The dizziness combined with the stiffness caused by the critical strike made the bloated knight unable to turn around smoothly.

The knight leader shouted: "Stop him!"

"Splitting head!"


"Critical attack!"


A knight with a blood volume of tens of thousands was actually killed by Fang Tian in an instant.

All this happened so fast that Shen Luoluo hadn't reacted yet. She only realized that Fang Tian had already taken action when she heard the leader's loud shout. Before she could use any spell, she suddenly felt a flash in her ears. There was a wind.

It's Garcia.

Garcia's reaction was much faster than Shen Luoluo's. While Fang Tian was paying attention to her, she was also paying attention to Fang Tian's movements all the time. For a moment, Garcia also moved.

The long ruby ​​sword in her hand drew a strange circular trajectory on the ground.

Garcia held the sword in both hands, and the red aura poured into the long sword, and it stabbed hard into the soil under her feet.

With the assistance of 'Nian', the long sword was inserted into the ground without any hindrance.

"Extremely flying sand!"

The 'mind' originally poured into the long sword was inspired by Garcia in a special way.

Flying sand covered in red aura splashed from the soil.

At the same time, a strange strong wind enveloped the battlefield, blowing up the splashing sand and hovering in the air, forming a cloud of dust that could obscure everyone's sight.

(End of this chapter)

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