city ​​of sanctuaries

Chapter 335 The Kobold Mine

Chapter 335 The Kobold Mine

The leader of the guards who was walking in front suddenly stopped.

"My lord, look!"


Looking in the direction pointed by the guard, there are dots of white light in front of it, which looks a little weird in the dark mine.

The Iron Man puppet leading the way did not seem to notice the danger. Fang Tian was alert and cautiously approached the light groups with his guards.

When they got closer, they realized that the light was from the portable miner's lamp caps scattered on the ground.

In addition to the miner's lamp, there are many miners' hoes and old carts used to transport ore scattered on the nearby ground.

These things were randomly abandoned on the ground. Judging from the craftsmanship and size of the miner's hoe, they should belong to the kobold miners encountered not long ago.

Fang Tian squatted down to check. These portable miner's lamp caps used ordinary rechargeable mechanical technology, and the lights on the caps could support the miner's lamp for about a day after charging.

Is it because of the battle just now that the kobold miners put down half of the ore they collected?

Checking the dilapidated cart next to him again, Fang Tian found that there were still some ores that had just been mined and hadn't been transported in time.

Just as he was thinking, the voice of a sword guard came from his ear.

"My lord! Look! I found it!"

Looking back, a sword guard suddenly pointed excitedly at the rock wall and shouted, "Master, this is the source ore of the blue crystal mine."

After hearing this, Fang Tian moved closer to the nearby rock wall to observe. He could see the faint blue ore embedded in the rock wall.

Indeed, they are the ores to be collected this time, but the color and size of these ores are not so satisfactory.

It seems that my guess is not wrong, the kobold miners have been mining here before.

Jianwei said: "My lord, it seems that this place has been collected and developed by people, and those left nearby are all low-level defective products. If we go deeper, we should be able to find better ores."

Fang Tian glanced at the sword guard suspiciously, "You seem to know a lot about ores?"

Jianwei scratched his head, and said embarrassedly: "My grandfather was a blacksmith, and I also worked as a miner when I was young, and I learned mining skills for a while."

Fang Tian glanced at the entrance of the black hole ahead, he felt as if there was something waiting for him there, devouring them completely...

This dangerous feeling was like a sixth sense, and Fang Tian narrowly escaped death several times.

Looking away from a distance, Fang Tian shook his head and said, "No, we won't continue, we will collect here."

The sword guard hesitated and said: "But master, our collection efficiency will be very slow."

Fang Tian shook his head, but didn't answer. He bent down, picked up a miner's shovel left by the kobold from the ground, and tried to swing it a few times in his hand.

Item: Kobold Miner's Shovel.

Grade: Poor quality.

Description: The miner's shovel specially made by the kobolds is rough in workmanship. Since it is tailor-made for the kobolds, it will be more laborious for humans to use it.

Effect: Non-Kobolds use it, an additional 25% mining time.

Seeing the properties of this miner's shovel, Fang Tian realized that he had been careless. He should have brought some miner's shovels with him when he came.

Fortunately among the misfortunes, the kobold miners still left some miner shovels here, otherwise this time I am afraid they will return empty-handed.

Thinking about it, Fang Tian picked up the miner's hat left by the kobold from the ground and put it on his head. The miner's hat increased the load by 5 points, but the light on the miner's hat allowed him to see in the dark mine. More clearly.

"Tip: Mission to retake the Black Forest Mine - Changes."

"Mission: Ore collection."

"Mission description: After destroying the kobolds entrenched outside the mining area, you successfully entered the mining area. It seems that the kobold miners here have all evacuated. You seem to have occupied the mining area and found the remaining ore here. However, here The mine gives you a bad feeling, it seems that it is not suitable to stay here."

"Mission branch one: Collect enough crystal ore source stones to drive the giant magic crystal cannon (required quantity: 7000/current quantity: 410)"

"Task branch two: Collect enough crystal ore source stones to drive all Iron Man puppets (required quantity: 28000/current quantity: 410)"

"Task branch three: The existence of spar in the mine has been confirmed. You can return to the city temporarily, and then recruit imperial miners to complete the mining work."

"Tip: Mission One and Branch Two can be completed at the same time."

"Tip: The higher the task completion, the higher the reward. Returning to the city after three-quarters of the currently selected task will result in a task completion of 12%."

Simply judging from the game prompts, Fang Tian felt that he had guessed correctly, and the mine seemed unsafe.

Fang Tian then moved the iron puppet control to the front of the mine, and lined up to block the entire passage.

After finishing all this, Fang Tian felt that the feeling of being secretly peeped in his heart was slightly relieved.

Seeing that Fang Tian was so careful, as if he was guarding against something, the Imperial Sword Guards also became nervous. If it were someone else who did this, the Imperial Swordsmen might laugh at his timidity, but the young man in front of him Not only did the master craftsmen have extremely high attainments in machinery, but their performance on the battlefield just now really surprised them.

After doing all this, Fang Tian stood still and thought again, he always felt that something was not right.

Seeing Fang Tian standing there in a daze again, the leader of the guards couldn't help but stepped forward and said, "Sir, can we start?"

"Oh. Let's try it first." Fang Tian reacted.He looked at the sword guards holding the miners behind him, and asked, "Can you mine?"

All the swordsmen looked at me and I looked at you, and finally said with one voice: "We are willing to learn."

There is no way to choose to let these soldiers dig mines. For the time being, Fang Tian is still unable to control the iron man puppets to do the difficult action of mining. They can often smash the crystal ore source stones into pieces with a shovel. .

But the question also arises. How high can the mining efficiency of these soldiers who have not been trained in mining be?

It would be great if we could use the power of the Star Guild, but unfortunately the people from the Star Guild were unwilling to cooperate.

No way, as far as it is concerned, it can only be a try.

Fang Tian pointed at the swordsman who had just discovered the crystal source ore on the rock wall of the mine, and said, "You just said that you know how to mine. Teach them the basic skills. We don't have much time to waste."

"Okay. Master Fang Tian." The swordsman raised his body, and after he answered loudly, he immediately spread out with the sword guards behind him, collecting the miner's shovel lost by the kobolds on the nearby ground.

(End of this chapter)

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