Chapter 238

But in this way, it is easy for people to see something.

So Fang Tian still decided to control the strength in his hand and maintain the speed and strength at the previous level.

After making up his mind, Fang Tian turned around and moved forward again, throwing his fists forward one after another from various angles.

"Puff puff!"

Fang Tian didn't know boxing skills, and he didn't have any tricks when attacking. He just tried to attack him from all angles.

What's strange is that every attack of Fang Tian was blocked one by one by the blindfolded Xu Zhi.

After a period of continuous attacks, Fang Tian took a step back. He knew that this kind of attack alone would not be enough for Xu Zhi.

There is no doubt that the opponent can perceive his position and even his own offensive line.

Can hearing alone really do this?No, no matter how good the hearing is, it is absolutely impossible to judge the direction of the fist attack, let alone in such a short period of time.

Fang Tian suddenly felt that the way the other party found himself was the same as the way she used when she met Yin Shiqi before.

"Don't you want to try it?" Xu Zhi pulled away the white cloth tied around his eyes.

Fang Tian shook his head.

"Read." Xu Zhi walked to the middle of the room again, and said to everyone: "Just now I found Fang Tian's location by relying on this kind of thing."

read! ?

Hearing this, Fang Tian instinctively frowned.

Xu Zhi spread out his right hand in front of everyone, and under everyone's amazed eyes, a mass of purple flames started beating in Xu Zhi's palm.

Xue Yang and Luo Jianbin even opened their mouths.

"The so-called recitation, you can simply understand it as a kind of energy stored in the human body. This energy is usually stored in the body, and as time goes by, it will be consumed unconsciously from the body."

"Every moment, like now." Xu Zhi was afraid that everyone would not understand, so he gave an example and said: "Let me give a simple example. There is a flame in everyone's body. Let's call this flame for now." It is the source, and this kind of thing is the heat generated when the flame burns. The flame burns all the time. Since we don’t know how to control the thoughts released by the flame, we just consume it casually in normal times. Yes, as we grow older, the original flame gradually burns out, and our lives are also coming to an end."

"You may not feel what I'm talking about. This is because each of us will have a valve to adjust the burning speed of our own original flame when we are born. Ordinary people can't adjust the valve, so the original The flames burn at a steady rate."

"In fact, we can use some special methods to control the valve, control the burning speed of the original source in the body, and increase the output of thoughts." Xu Zhi paused, and then said, "Everyone has heard the news before, It is said that someone in a crisis situation exploded with strength dozens of times higher than usual, but in fact, this is the power that burst out in an instant by coincidentally opening the valve of one's own thoughts in a hurry."

"But because the stimulation burns a lot of the source in an instant, when the recitation is completely emitted, people will feel very tired, and even suffer backlash. So, do you understand a little bit?"

It was the first time for everyone to hear about reading this kind of thing, and they all nodded their heads half-understood.

Fang Tian listened very carefully below.

Every word Xu Zhi said was reflected in his mind.

Before, he only used Nian under the guidance of his master, but he didn't know how Nian came from or what it was. Tian felt that many things that he didn't understand before became suddenly clear.

Nian is based on the source of the body, Xu Zhi's words also explain why Fang Tian will suffer strong backlash after consuming a lot of Nian.

"Senior! I have a problem!" Luo Jianbin raised his hand.

Xu Zhidao: "Please tell me."

"You said just now that Nian is the power you get when you burn the original fire again. We die when the original fire burns out. Does that mean that the faster we burn, the faster we die?" Luo Jianbin didn't agree. He touched his head in embarrassment, he was still very afraid of death.

The others obviously didn't think of this question just now, and they all realized it at this moment, and all cast doubtful glances at Xu Zhi.

"It seems that you understand what I said before. For ordinary people, it is indeed the case. Excessive burning of the source of motivation will indeed cause damage to the source." Xu Zhi said: "But you have overlooked one point, the source is What can be exercised and cultivated, we can use a more gentle way to burn the source."

Luo Jianbin's eyes lit up, "So not only will you not die early, but you can also prolong your life?"

"Yes, exercising the origin is very beneficial to a person. Not only will he not die early, but his health is also better than before. There will be no minor illnesses such as colds before." Xu Zhi said with a smile: " For another example, for ordinary athletes, because of their usual exercise, their body is much stronger than ordinary people, so they seldom get sick."

"Speaking of which, I think everyone should have understood a little bit. Exercise is the most elementary way to enhance the strength of the source. Before ordinary people exercise, the source is too weak, and it is difficult to feel the source in the body. After exercising, the source will gradually become stronger, and it can even be felt at certain times."

As he spoke, Xu Zhi paused again, and looked at Fang Tian, ​​"Then Fang Tian, ​​after listening to the explanation I just said, do you understand how I found you with my eyes closed? "

Fang Tian bowed his head and thought for a while, then tentatively replied: "Is it also through reading?"

"Yes, it is through mindfulness. As I said just now, people who have not learned mindfulness do not know how to control the valves of the body. The thoughts generated when the original fire in his body is burning is passing through the body's valves all the time. The pores emanate.”

Xu Zhi stretched out his hand to push forward, and explained with a smile: "That's why I specially invited Fang Tian to give a demonstration just now. I already discovered it when I first met Fang Tian. The original fire in Tian’s body is stronger than most of the students in the field, and I can feel the thoughts emanating from him from a long distance away.”

Hearing Xu Zhi's words, Fang Tian's heart was shocked.

He naturally understood why Xu Zhi was able to find himself blindfolded, and Yin Shiqi probably found himself through such a method at that time.

(End of this chapter)

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