city ​​of sanctuaries

Chapter 218 Battle (4)

Chapter 218 Battle ([-])

Facing the ice cone approaching from the pavement, Yin Shiqi didn't make any unnecessary movements. When the ice cone technique was about to come in front of him, Yin Shiqi suddenly froze.

Just like before, after that sway, Yin Shiqi, who was standing still, suddenly dodged backward by about two positions, avoiding the attack range of the ice pick.

That weird contrast, the small range of movement in a very short period of time.

It is undoubtedly a ghost step!
Yin Shiqi also mastered ghost steps, and compared to Qin Baiyu who defeated Xue Yang just now, his mastery of ghost steps is more perfect, his movements are more skillful, and the front movements are smaller!Fewer flaws!

Fang Tian squinted his eyes, he understood how much the skill of ghost walking would be improved in battle.

Tang Qian's eyes widened. She seldom played fighters. He didn't know how Xue Yang lost just now, but what happened just now surprised her, and her original plan was abruptly interrupted!


Yin Shiqi threw out the second fireball.

This fireball directly smashed Tang Qian's magic shield, and hit a high number on her head. If the scorching flame had any substance, it would slightly curl and yellow Tang Qian's magic robe.

With just two fireballs, his magic shield was broken?
Tang Qian's heart was shaken. In ordinary confrontation with the enemy, her magic shield can resist at least four fireball damage.

The opponent's output is so high! ?
Is this the difference between amateurs and pros?
Before Tang Qian could figure it out, she heard a voice coming from her ear again.


So fast! ?

Why is the fireball skill cd so fast?
The scorching fireball condensed from Yin Shiqi's fingers, forming a scorching flame and rushing towards Tang Qian.

Without much time to think, Tang Qian, who was going to use the chain burst, immediately changed the spell that was half charged, and used a smooth skill, "Ice Wall!"


A blue ice wall rose from under her feet, blocking Tang Qian.

The fireball bombarded the ice wall, and it took only a moment to blast the ice wall into crystal clear fragments.

It was finally blocked.

Before Tang Qian could breathe a sigh of relief, the same voice came from her ear again.


This time, Tang Qian had no choice but to turn into a ball of white light under the impact of the fireball.

Off the court, Qin Baiyu, who was resting, turned his neck, "I have never seen Yin Shiqi use a spell other than fireball."

Hua Kai also agreed: "Yin Shiqi's fireball is different from that of ordinary people. Her output is too terrifying. That person can block his four fireballs, which is considered average."

To have lost so thoroughly...

Tang Qian came off the stage, feeling a little confused like Xue Yang.

Why does the opponent's fireball do so much damage?Why is her fireball cast so short?
Question marks troubled Tang Qian.

"It's okay, it's okay, I just lost a game, and the opponent's equipment is better than yours, so there's nothing I can do about it." Seeing Tang Qian's complexion was not very good, Luo Jianbin immediately went to comfort her.

"I'm fine..." For some reason, Tang Qian saw Yin Shiqi on the stage making an OK gesture towards Fang Tian.

Immediately, I felt very sad and wronged, but I didn't say much, I just stood behind silently.

The magic stick has seen something. Xue Yang used to have such an expression when he failed to pursue Qin Yue. He was just thinking of talking to Luo Jianbin to bring the atmosphere back, when he heard Luo Jianbin shouting from the side. stand up.

"No. 198, hello, Fang Tian, ​​isn't No. 198 yours?"


Fang Tian agreed, and took out the number plate in his hand.

Indeed, there was a number written on it, 198.
Is the opponent Yin Shiqi?It seemed a bit difficult for her, Fang Tian looked up and heaved a sigh of relief, fortunately, it wasn't her, the one chosen to fight was another member of Diyang High School.

If the opponent in this battle is Yin Shiqi, Fang Tian feels that his winning rate is not high. First of all, she can see through her stealth. Secondly, he saw the match between Yin Shiqi and Tang Qian just now. If it were him, I'm afraid that before he gets close to her, her powerful continuous fireballs will blast him into pieces.

In the stack, Fang Tian can only display his melee skills if he is close to the opponent, and Yin Shiqi obviously will not give him this opportunity.

The last point, with so many people here, he couldn't use Nian, and he didn't even have the last turnaround point.

As for dispensable things like crossbows and arrows, they are no longer within Fang Tian's consideration. They pose too little threat to Yin Shiqi.

Is the other party a shaman?
After walking onto the stage, Fang Tian remembered to observe the occupations of the opponents.

Fang Tian had been paying attention to Tang Qian's game before, but he didn't notice the other player on the stage.

Fang Tian also felt quite unconfident when facing legal players. After all, they were all at the same level as Yin Shiqi. As long as he could see through his stealth, he basically had no chance of winning.

"Huh? Why is he also playing?"

Qin Baiyu, who was on the bench, was also moved when he saw Fang Tian playing.

"Hey? If I didn't read it, that person is Yin Shiqi's boyfriend, right?" Hua Kai, who was also sitting on the bench, turned his head and said to Qin Baiyu.

"Yes, it's him, what do you want to do again?" Qin Baiyu saw Hua Kai's eyes rolling, and knew that he must have malicious intentions.

"Yin Shiqi just transferred to another school this year. It's weird. Why did she find a boyfriend all of a sudden? There must be some fraud in it. Could it be someone she knew before?" Hua Kai rubbed his chin and thoughtfully analyzed: " What if Yin Shiqi is an undercover agent who sneaked into our Diyang High School? No, I'll try that kid's background..."

"Hey, are you making a movie? Infernal Affairs? Wait until Yin Shiqi finds out, she will make trouble for you!"

"Don't worry, I will show mercy."

"Be careful, he is different from those people, don't capsize in the gutter."

"Tch, what's the difference." Hua Kai obviously didn't take Qin Baiyu's words to heart.

Qin Baiyu shook his head, not continuing.

When he and Fang Tian were fighting that day, Yin Shiqi stopped him and didn't continue, but at that time Fang Tian's strength had already made him feel extraordinary.

Hua Kai said as he walked over to captain Lin Feiyang and forcefully demanded a substitution.

Lin Feiyang also knew that Hua Kai was mostly going for that Fang Tian, ​​he lowered his head and thought for a while, the shaman had also played five or six games, so he let him go, so he directly let Hua Kai replace the shaman.

"Damn! Why are they so treacherous? Seeing that Fang Tian is an assassin, they changed to fighters." Off the court, Luo Jianbin shouted dissatisfied.

The magic stick said: "Hey, to be reasonable, they don't know Fang Tian's occupation."

(End of this chapter)

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