city ​​of sanctuaries

Chapter 204 The Lost Temple

Chapter 204 The Lost Temple

General Hart! ?Commander of Winterfell?

Hearing this game prompt, all the team members of Blood War World were stunned at the same time, that is, just over ten minutes ago, they were all distracted by facing the surging tree spirit army to earn merits, and they didn't even realize it. When did General Hart leave.

The bloody battle world looked around in the crowd, just like the game prompt, there was no sign of General Hart in the crowd, where did he go?

Chen Xiaohai blocked the dryad in front of him with the wrath of the light, turned his head and yelled at Zeng Cheng and the others: "Have you seen General Hart?"

Zeng Cheng stepped back to the side of the bloody battle while shooting arrows, "Just now I saw them attacking the tree spirit over there, and then they disappeared."

"Is it gone? I was attacking the dryad just now, so I didn't pay attention." He replied exhausted.

"Damn!" Bloody Battle World yelled, if it wasn't for the game's prompt, he really didn't realize that General Hart was gone.

Indeed, when they attacked the dryad just now, they could get a lot of merit points every time they attacked the dryad. They were all focused on output for a while, and they didn't notice General Hart.

But the question is, where are they going to find General Hart under such circumstances?
The remaining two mission branch options, one is to escape, and the other is to attack. If they escape, they will inevitably lose troops on the way to escape. If they can attack, they will also receive a lot of attacks. More importantly, The shepherd boy has not appeared until now, and it is impossible for them to stop the dryad's attack.

The bloody battle world quickly made a decision, "General Hart can't be found, and the shepherd boy can't see anyone. Let's go to the commander of Twilight City first, and retreat here with the human troops!"


In the dense forest not far from Bloody Battle World and the others, Fang Tian followed closely behind General Hart.

From the very beginning, Fang Tian's attention was on General Hart. His mission was different from theirs in the bloody battle. He wanted to kill General Hart.

Fang Tian was originally following General Hart, wondering if he could find an opportunity to assassinate General Hart in the chaotic battle, but to his surprise, he saw that General Hart took some Several guards behind him left the battlefield.

This surprised Fang Tiangang.

What is he going to do?
Fang Tian, ​​who started stealth, followed immediately.

Then, he received a prompt from the game.

What Fang Tian didn't know was that the mission prompts he received were completely different from those received by Bloody Battle World and others.

"Reminder: The mission has changed."

"Mission: Weird Behavior."

"Explanation: You found out that General Hart, who was supposed to command the troops, actually left the command troops with his escort during the battle. Try to follow them so as not to be discovered."

After being prompted by the game, Fang Tian, ​​who had been using stealth to follow General Hart, became more careful.

If the game prompts like this, then it is very likely that after being discovered by General Hart, it means the failure of the mission.

Fang Tian hangs far behind General Hart and the others. General Hart will take out an old parchment from his backpack almost every 10 minutes or so, and then make a few gestures to the position of the sun to adjust the forward direction. direction.

That parchment...

Are they looking for something?

Following General Hart and his party all the way into the depths of the dense forest, after changing the course of action several times, they finally entered a path that is rarely visited by people.

Indeed, they came prepared.

After walking along the path for nearly 5 minutes, General Hart finally stopped, before a dilapidated temple.

This is... the temple! ?

Whose temple is it?
Fang Tian, ​​who followed General Hart and his party, was amazed. He never thought that such a dilapidated temple would be found in this place, in this dense forest.

Through the bushes, Fang Tian poked his head out to look at the temple. The temple had obviously been dilapidated for a long time and overgrown with weeds.

After finding the temple, General Hart and others showed ecstatic expressions and stepped into the temple.

Fang Tian narrowed his eyes, he seemed to have noticed something.

Could it be that the reason why the shepherd boy does not let the human troops pass through here is to protect the temple here?

Reminiscent of the content described in the previous letter from the assassin mentor to himself, Fang Tian made another speculation. Perhaps the goal of General Hart might not have been to investigate the internal situation of the orcs. Temple, and those human troops are just to divert the shepherd boy's attention...

But the strange thing is, since the temple is guarded by a shepherd boy, why is it so broken?Shouldn't it be taken care of?
Also, judging from the style of the temple, it doesn't look like the architectural style of elves. This style is very old, and it seems to have seen it somewhere.

If Tang Qian was here, she would definitely talk about Fang Tian's black-bellied conspiracy theory, but Fang Tian believed so in her heart, there must be something wrong with it!

Seeing General Hart and others rushing into the temple, Fang Tian quietly followed in without having time to think about it.

The temple seems to have been hit by a high-intensity spell, and the entire building has generally been reduced to ruins, leaving only half of the building.

After Fang Tian saw that Hart and others entered the temple, the guards that had followed General Hart immediately dispersed, and then looked for something in the temple.

Soon, a certain guard discovered something and took General Hart and his party to the main hall of the temple.

Fang Tian leaned behind the door and secretly peeked into the main hall.

Seeing this, Fang Tian was also taken aback, his whole heart beat violently.

Seeing the fallen statue in the main hall, Fang Tian finally remembered where he had seen this architectural pattern before.

And this statue, he also saw it in that place...

Yao Ling.

He had seen a description of this creature in the notebook of the Necromancer Rafagnole.

This is a creature that has disappeared from this world. With the disappearance of the temple, the Yaoling also disappeared from this world.

And the reason why there is a description of this kind of creature in the notebook of the Necromancer is because the Spirit of Radiance is the strategic creature of the temple.

The eighth-order creature of the sanctuary.

If druids worship nature and worship the goddess of nature, and undead worship the goddess of spiders, then Santangze worships the spirit of glory.

But why is there a statue of the Spirit of Radiance here?Could it be that this was once the remains of a church?
So why did General Hart come back here?What is his purpose in looking for the remains of the temple?What is the connection between the assassin mentor and this matter?
For a while, Fang Tian's mind was in a mess.

(End of this chapter)

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