city ​​of sanctuaries

Chapter 201 A Compromise Choice

Chapter 201 A Compromise Choice
Seeing that he was about to start a war with the elves before entering the orc territory, he didn't know what this idiot general was thinking. There were obviously several roads leading to the orc territory, but he chose such a remote road. Don't fight the elves.

Fang Tian saw that since everyone had reached an agreement, there was no point in staying here, so he might as well rest early. He checked the time and felt that it was almost time, so he greeted everyone and prepared to go offline.

"Okay, let's do that, I'll keep watch tonight..."

However, halfway through the bloody battle, Fang Tian and the others received another game prompt.

"Reminder: The mission has changed."

"Task Name: Select."

"Explanation: Because General Hart doesn't trust you, you have been excluded in the army. General Hart has decided to go to the Lost Forest early tomorrow morning. Once the elves fight, the human casualties seem to be foreseeable. Yes It's time to make your choice."

"Task branch [-]: Although General Hart is stupid, the human army is not the target of sacrifice. Try to find help from fellow personnel, find a way to break the shepherd boy's control of the dryad, and attack the army before the army enters the lost forest the next day. Kill the Piper-Dala. (This action may gain high reputation and merit from the human camp.)”

"Task branch two: Indifference, let General Hart suffer the consequences."

"Task branch three: There is nothing to be attached to in this place, but the mentor's task must be completed. Even if we can complete the task of exploring the orc territory by ourselves, we will leave General Hart's troops and go to the orc hinterland to explore through other routes."

"Hint: The strategy adopted by the player will greatly change the progress of the game, please choose carefully."

After receiving these three options, everyone who was about to quit the game stopped and looked at each other again.

The task prompt has already made it very clear, there must be someone in the human army who can help him and reduce the difficulty of killing the Pied Piper-Dara.

But what...

This conflicted with their previous plans.

Fang Tian turned his neck. The third option was ruled out by him immediately. He had the task of assassinating General Hart, and it was absolutely impossible for him to leave the army and act alone.

Obviously, if the first option is successful, it may be able to perfectly solve the pipers in the confused forest ahead, and at the same time gain the reputation in the human camp, but General Hart is fascinated by their attitude, Fang Tian faintly feels that There may be some pitfalls.

In comparison, Fang Tian is more inclined to the second option, the human army and the elves go to war, maybe he can find a chance to assassinate General Hart in the chaotic battle, even if there is no chance, in the end, whoever survives the human or the elf will win Negative, the human army will inevitably be damaged, and General Hart's strength will be reduced. At that time, it may be easier to find a way to assassinate General Hart.

After thinking for a long time, Mana Exhaustion was the first to speak: "The overall situation is the most important thing, I suggest choosing the first one, and kill the Piper before the scouting troops leave tomorrow."

"If you want me to say, just choose the third option and forget it. I think even if we help the human scouting force, that bullshit General Hart may not accept our favor." Chen Xiaohai thought for a while and continued: "Wait After we worked hard all night without sleep, we solved the shepherd boy over there. When the troops entered the Lost Forest the next day, we still didn't find the existence of the elves. Maybe General Hart lied about the military situation and delayed the military plane. It's a big crime, stealing a chicken is not a big deal."

To be honest, what Chen Xiaohai said was extremely reasonable. According to General Hart's character, he really could do this kind of thing.

In addition to this, they also discovered in the battle just now that Dara the Piper is not so easy to defeat. Killing Dara the Piper may consume a lot of their one-time equipment items.

After thinking about it, Zeng Cheng felt that he had lost his mind, and turned his attention to the bloody battle.

As the president of a large guild, he should have a higher vision than these people.

Nan Xiaonan didn't express her opinion. First of all, she couldn't think of any good solution, and secondly, she could figure it out. Anyway, she is a pastor, and she always has to hang out with the team. As long as the internal stability is better, it's fine not to disband.

Mana Drain still supports the first option, saying: "Everything is focused on the task, and I don't like General Hart very much, but now is not the time for a battle of spirits. If all humans and elves are wiped out in the battle tomorrow, our What if the mission fails?"

"The worst outcome is the third way." The Paladin spread his hands, "In the worst case, we break up and complete the mission alone."

Nan Xiaonan blinked at Chen Xiaohai, "Eh? Uncle Xiaohai, shall we choose the third option directly?"

"Brother!" Chen Xiaohai glared at Nan Xiaonan, and continued: "I don't mean that, I think it's better to stay here and see the situation, maybe our human army is very strong? And I think even if it is Can't beat it, that General Hart shouldn't be so stupid as to bury all the human army here?"

Zeng Cheng scratched his head, "I think he looks so stupid, it's hard to say."

"Let's do it this way." Seeing that everyone was arguing endlessly, Xue Zhantianxia who hadn't said anything stood up and said, "Let's make a compromise, and take advantage of the time now to find a way to break the shepherd boy's control over the tree spirit. After finding a solution We can choose not to deal with the pipers tonight, and then go into the forest with the human army tomorrow, and then adapt to the situation."

The words of the bloody battle in the world made everyone's eyes shine.

This option is not one of the prompts the game gives, but it is more suitable for them.

"Okay, okay, this idea is good." Zeng Cheng agreed at the time, saying that he was worthy of being the president of a guild, and he could think of a way to get the best of both worlds.

Mana Depletion also seemed to think this proposal was a good one and echoed: "I agree."

"I also agree." The paladin raised the weapon in his hand, "Save them when they are in danger, maybe they can get some benefits."

Seeing that everyone reached an agreement, Bloody Wars said, "Okay, let's search separately."

"Sorry, I have a question."

Seeing that Fang Tian, ​​who had no sense of presence, raised his hand, he was stunned, "What's the problem?"

"It's 10:30 now, I'm going to bed, come back tomorrow morning..."

"Yeah, I'm going to bed too, I'm a good baby." Nan Xiaonan looked at the time and agreed.

"Well, if it's just exploring in the camp, it doesn't involve fighting. Are the three of you okay?"

The rest of the people shook their heads.

"Okay, let's work hard and look around for clues. You can log off first..."

(End of this chapter)

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