Chapter 19

Tang Qian continued: "Of course, there are many ways to improve attributes besides upgrading, such as adding attributes to equipment, improving skills, etc."

Fang Tian didn't ask out the doubts in his heart, but chose to temporarily put down the doubts.

"Then next, there is another very important question."

In the blink of an eye, Tang Qian had already cleaned up a wave of hares. She sat on the ground and took a sip of honey wine and began to return to mana, while waiting for the next wave of hares to spawn.

"Unlike other games, you can learn any skill in this game, as long as you meet the four-dimensional requirements of the skill." Tang Qian made an analogy, "For example, the learning requirement for fireball is 45 points of basic intelligence, as long as you meet the four-dimensional requirements of the skill." These requirements, you can learn any skill in any occupation. But generally speaking, the learning requirements for non-occupational occupations are three to four times that of other occupations.”


Fang Tian nodded, he knew this, he had seen a warrior cast low-level spells with his own eyes.

"But there is one thing! You can only choose one profession to change jobs, that is to say, your career mentor will only teach you the skills of one profession."

Fang Tian scratched his head, some couldn't understand: "Mentor? Learn the skills of a profession? What does this mean?"

"Take you as an example. If you change to the profession of assassin, then you want to learn the fireball skill of the mage system, then you can only learn it through other methods, such as skill books, or special tasks, advanced NPC teaching, event rewards, etc..."

"Wait!" Fang Tian suddenly discovered a huge loophole in Tang Qian's description, he immediately interrupted Tang Qian who was speaking in the middle, and asked with a serious expression: "You mean, after I change jobs , I will be able to learn all the skills of the Assassin Department from the instructor?"

"Yes, that's it."

How can this be?Fang Tian was amazed. After nearly ten years of training in the game, he only realized the two skills of backstab and dagger proficiency through training. Learning new skills is simply as difficult as skyrocketing. How could it be taught so easily?
With her mental strength almost recovered, Tang Qian stood up again and asked, "Is there any problem?"

Fang Tian came back to his senses and replied: "No, no problem, where is the mentor you said earlier?"

"After you reach level ten, you can find it when you go out to the main city."


"To be precise, after you change your profession to become an assassin, if you want to learn skills, you must meet three conditions, gold coins, the level of the character who imparts the skills, and the cultivation conditions."

"It's that simple!?"

"It's that simple."

Tang Qian started a new round of monster killing activities as she spoke.

After being instantly killed by Tang Qian, most of the hares turned into white light and disappeared. Some of them left small things like rabbit fur and meat in place, and occasionally one or two pieces of white equipment.

Based on the principle of not wasting, Fang Tian picked them up one by one into the bag.

These basic equipment only increased a little defense and blood volume, Fang Tian didn't pick anything, as long as it was wearable, he put it on.

Fang Tian took a look, the backpack in the game is no different from his original one, there are ten grids in total, and things like rabbit skin can be superimposed.

"By the way, Fang Tian, ​​you just joined the game, and there is a special task that you'd better start from scratch, otherwise there may be some trouble in the future."

"What mission?"

"Backpack expansion." Tang Qian explained while killing the hares, "This is a ring task, which is very troublesome. Every time you complete a ring, the number of packages will be increased by one or two grids according to the difficulty of the task. It is time-consuming. If you are a novice, you can It is more reasonable to start leveling at the same time.”

"Why is it time-consuming?"

"For example, a certain ring needs a certain special material. If this material is rare, it will be very expensive, and it will waste more time to find it yourself."

"Then what should I do? I can only save money?" Fang Tian expected her to continue talking.

"No, usually we will choose to give up the current round of missions when we encounter such a situation, and then accept it again three days later. At that time, the mission will be refreshed in this ring, and of course it may be the original mission..."

"So that's the case, what about the task issuer?"

"It's good to go to the owner of the tailor shop after you go back. He will give you an initial task. Also, you can exchange all the materials you collected just now for experience."

"Understood." Fang Tian also discovered that there are many differences between this game and what he experienced before, and he needs to study it carefully.

After another round of hares was finished, Fang Tian got to level seven by picking up trash, Tang Qian blinked at Fang Tian: "Fang Tian, ​​a few classmates asked me to go to the game dungeon, I'll go first, wait When you go around the town for a few laps, take delivery missions or something, and replace all the rabbit fur and skin with experience, it will be almost level ten, and I will take you tomorrow."

"Oh, good." Fang Tian also found out that watching other people spawn monsters is a very boring thing.

"Hee hee, don't tell mom and dad that I've left you alone, I'm leaving first." Tang Qian acted cute, took out an alchemy scroll, and disappeared in place.

Just as Tang Qian left, rabbits appeared all over the ground again. Fang Tian looked at it and found that although some equipment had just been exploded, it was a pity that he didn't have the dagger he used. He didn't want to deal with these hares with his bare hands, so he chose to return the way he came. , according to what Tang Qian said, first hand in the task and upgrade to level ten.

Back in the town, Fang Tian followed Tang Qian's instructions and first went to the owner of the tailor shop.

"I heard you have a mission for me?"

As if he had never seen such an opening statement before, the tailor shop owner was stunned, and then replied: "Adventurer, I am short of some rabbit meat, if you can give it to me..."

Before he finished speaking, Fang Tian had already taken out the rabbit meat from his backpack.

"That's right, it seems that you came prepared." The boss took the rabbit meat that Fang Tian brought with a smile, "Then there are a lot of rabbit skins, so let's bring them together, and I'll settle the bill for you."

Fang Tian was not frightened by the high-level IQ of the shop owner, but thought it was normal, so he took out the rabbit skin in the bag again.

Tip: You submitted the rabbit skin and meat, the task is completed, and the experience value is 1530.
A red light flashed, and Fang Tian found that he had already reached the eighth level, which was still a little away from the ninth level.

"Young man, the next expansion backpack is not just that simple, I need you to do some more difficult things."


"Hehe, it's been a long time since I saw a new adventurer. It's been a pleasant journey." The owner of the tailor shop smiled friendly.

Tip: The task of upgrading the backpack ring is triggered.

Task name: Eliminate wild wolves (first ring)
Mission description: Eliminate the wild wolves outside Qingsong Town (0/30), only one person can complete it.

Task reward: package expansion +1.
(End of this chapter)

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