city ​​of sanctuaries

Chapter 186 Mark of the Undead (1)

Chapter 186 Mark of the Undead ([-])

As soon as he entered the game, Fang Tian immediately entered the stealth state, and guarded the surroundings at the same time.

It's fine, there's no one around.

Due to the special location of the altar, there are no shadow spiders spawning nearby.

All the players from the Wushuang Guild were wiped out here yesterday. The three-day resurrection time made them unable to play the game for the time being, and most of the other players were also active on the first and second floors. Very few teams would come to the third floor to spawn monsters .

Fang Tian looked at the three altar fragments in his backpack, and quickly approached the altar.

It can be seen that above the altar is the statue of the Spider Goddess.

Fang Tian observed carefully on the altar.

Fang Tian still remembers the moment when Fang Zhan from the Wushuang guild was knocked off by the red light when he opened the altar, he didn't want to die here for nothing.

Soon, Fang Tian discovered the clue.

There is a weird formation at the foot of the platform of the altar. This formation is not complete, and there is a gap in the corner.

Fang Tian carefully compared the grooves in the gaps.

The shape of this groove is also exactly the same as the round fragment in his hand.

After thinking for a while, Fang Tian took out the round fragment and carefully inserted it into the groove.


The formation mechanism was triggered, and Fang Tian immediately backed away when he heard the sound.

The difference from before was that the altar did not emit red light, but the statue of the Spider Goddess on the altar did change. A soft green light emitted from the original raised hands of the Spider Goddess.

The green light gradually gathered in the hands of the god statue, and then spread forward, shining on an open space in front of the altar.

Fang Tian didn't feel the danger coming from the green light, he leaned over carefully and observed the green light.

At first glance, there is nothing special about the green light. The shadow of the green light standing on the ground is a bit unreal, and there is nothing special about it.

Is it necessary to trigger three altars at the same time to open the mechanism?

Thinking about it, Fang Tian went to the other two altars one by one, and respectively inserted the square and triangular pieces into the corresponding grooves.

After the other two altars were activated, the other two spider goddess statues also responded.

Soft green light condensed in the raised hands of the statue of the Spider Goddess.

The three glowing green rays of light will reflect each other, pull each other, and shine on the same landing point.

Fang Tian looked at the spot where the green light irradiated in surprise.

The difference from before is that this time, the light composed of three green lights formed a weird pattern on the ground.

Is it a magic circle?

This pattern is extremely complicated, it looks a bit like a magic circle at first glance, but Fang Tian has never seen such a complicated magic circle.

What to do next?This magic array is also a kind of teleportation array?
Trying to stand in the formation?

Fang Tian lowered his head and thought.

However, the activated energy of the altar did not seem to be enough to last for a long time. Just as Fang Tian was thinking for a moment, the three green lights gradually dimmed.

Similarly, the formations on the ground gradually became blurred.

Never mind, give it a try.

After confirming that the green light won't harm him, Fang Tian immediately stepped into the formation composed of three green rays.

As soon as Fang Tian stepped into the formation, the formation under his feet was immediately sensed and began to operate crazily.

Dust was flying and circling under Fang Tian's feet. At that moment, Fang Tian suddenly felt a strange force merging into himself.

what happened?

Fang Tian's heart skipped a beat.

This feeling is very similar to when the druid he met in the dungeon taught him his natural imprint.

Fang Tianxia closed his eyes consciously, trying to comprehend that power.

This power is quiet and peaceful, and it feels somewhat similar to the force of nature that I felt before in the Druid.

The difference is that this force makes people sink, it is more gloomy and cold, without the vigorous vitality of the force of nature.

At this moment, a low murmur sounded in Fang Tian's ear.

"Life is impermanent, full of chaos, filth and pain. Death means tranquility, order and eternal beauty..."

After the voice disappeared, Fang Tian also disappeared on the third floor of the spider cave at the same time, and the three altar statues also returned to their original state, and the fragments of the three altars that Fang Tian embedded into the altar also disappeared.

"who is it?"

Fang Tian suddenly opened his eyes, and he found that he was no longer on the third floor of the Spider Cave.

And his surroundings were shrouded in a thick layer of fog.

The reminder sounded in the ear at the same time.

"Player Fang Tian successfully comprehended the skill: Mark of the Undead."

Skill: Undead Mark (LV: 1)

Description: Passive passively increases the player's overall attributes by 3 points, and passively increases the player's perception by 1 point.

Explanation: Through the Mark of the Undead, you can use the altar on the third floor of the Spider Cave to teleport to the fourth floor of the Spider Cave.

Level: Current skill experience value: (0/100)

Undead mark?Hearing the prompt from the game, Fang Tian's heart skipped a beat again.

Is this imprint of the undead and the imprint of nature the same thing?

No, the mark of nature is a soul-type skill, and it adds basic attributes, but this mark of the undead is different, it is just an ordinary skill, and it also adds additional attributes.

But are the two related?
Also, what is this current skill experience value?
The mark of nature can only be upgraded by completing tasks. Is this mark of the undead different?
When Fang Tian was thinking about this question, suddenly his eyelids twitched, and a cold murderous aura rushed towards his face.

Fang Tian took a small step back on the spot by conditioned reflex.

In the next second, a black figure appeared from stealth in front of him.

A white blade pierced through the void and stabbed at the place where Fang Tian was standing.

It's an assassin!
The cold light of the dagger flashed in front of him.

It was not the first time for Fang Tian to face similar professions. He reacted quickly. Before he could see the opponent's face clearly, he just dodged the opponent's attack, and immediately stepped on a shadow pedal and kicked towards the black shadow.


A big miss was exposed in the air.

Fang Tian retreated quickly.

The other party disappeared?
Such high intelligence!
If he misses a hit, he immediately disappears. This is the way an assassin should fight, but in this game, Fang Tian has rarely encountered it.

This is the fourth floor of the spider cave?
Fang Tian clenched the dagger in his backhand, raised his vigilance, and re-observed the surrounding environment.

The four floors of the Spider Cave are different from the previous ones, and the surrounding area seems to be shrouded in a layer of fog, with extremely low visibility.

Fang Tian roughly estimated that the visibility was less than ten meters.

But such an environment is simply heaven for an assassin.

So is the assassin who attacked me just now still nearby?
(End of this chapter)

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