city ​​of sanctuaries

Chapter 172 Shadow Spider

Chapter 172 Shadow Spider
The morale of the bounty hunter team plummeted again...

Seeing this scene, Fang Tian was ready to make a move. His mission goal was to kill Wushuang's guild leader. Every weakening of Wushuang's guild's strength would be beneficial to him.

However, he doesn't know the group of Tigers who are robbing Xiaomi, and he doesn't like to cooperate with others. Moreover, if he joins the battlefield now, he is not sure that he can defeat them.

So Fang Tian looked around.

In the spider cave on the third floor, there are scattered groups of shadow spiders.

Seeing this group of shadow spiders, Fang Tian immediately had a plan.

The next moment, Fang Tian took out the silver crossbow from his pocket.

"Step! Step! Step! Step..."

Revealing his figure from stealth, Fang Tian slammed his toes on the ground, and rushed out with his whole body sticking to the ground. At the same time, he aimed at the shadow spiders around him and fired continuously.

There was a rush of machine guns, and almost in a short moment, the twenty arrows in Fang Tian's crossbow were fired.

Fang Tian's crossbow proficiency level is not high, so the damage and hit rate are also limited, but these are not affecting his plan.

Shadow spiders live in groups. Once a companion is injured, they will immediately swarm and besiege them. With twenty arrows, he has attracted seven or eight shadow spiders around him.

When these shadow spiders were attacked, they immediately chased after Fangtian as if their fur had exploded.

Seeing that the ammunition for the crossbow in his hand was used up, Fang Tian didn't reload it. He gathered his thoughts under his feet, a gleam of light flashed under his feet, he twisted again, and changed direction on the ground. The group of people ran over.

The Wushuang guild in the melee didn't see Fang Tian at the beginning, and was still entangled with the group of tigers grabbing millet.

It wasn't until Fang Tian got very close that he saw a player running towards this side, and behind him, a group of shadow spiders gathered in darkness.


The people of the Peerless Guild are stupid.

What the hell is this player?How did it attract such a large wave of shadow spiders?
Not only the members of the Wushuang guild, but also the group of people who were struggling to support the siege of the Wushuang guild, and the group of people who robbed Xiaomi were stupid. Who is this person?They haven't seen it either.

Did you attract such a large group of monsters to help yourself?It doesn't seem like it...

The members of the Peerless Guild reacted quickly and shouted: "Attack that assassin quickly, don't let him come over!"

A few mages woke up like a dream under this shout. There are at least fifty or sixty shadow spiders in this group. If they are approached, they will be wiped out!

As long as Fang Tian is killed in seconds, the group of shadow spiders following him will naturally disperse again.

The mages threw their skills at Fang Tian one after another.

One of the mages had just prepared a high-damage charged fireball and wanted to kill Fang Tian in seconds.

However, in the middle of the preparation, the tiger who appeared out of nowhere snatched Xiaomi and jumped and slashed on the spot, interrupting the spellcasting.

The tiger also thought clearly when he snatched Xiaomi. Anyway, there is no way out. He originally had the mentality of earning more than one, so it would be nice to be able to take a few more!
Facing the colorful magic spells rushing towards his face, Fang Tian twisted his feet.

The whole person changed direction again.

Immediately, several ice spells landed on where Fang Tian was originally standing.

And most of the remaining spells seemed to have their eyes widened, and they followed Fang Tian's moving position and chased after him.




Fireballs exploded on Fang Tian's body one after another, and his blood volume plummeted.

Fang Tian frowned secretly, most of the attacks of the magic system have the function of automatic aiming, and now he can't dodge no matter how he dodges.

However, he heard from his master that an assassin who has cultivated to a high level can still evade the attacks of the legal system, but how to do this, his master always keeps silent.

Fang Tian knew that going on like this would definitely not work, so he immediately put his full strength into action, gathered his thoughts under his feet, stepped on it suddenly, and his whole body turned into a phantom, and his speed nearly doubled again.

"Damn! How is this guy so fast!?"

The Peerless Guild immediately shouted.

The attribute of movement speed has something to do with the player's profession, basic attributes, and even equipment. Fang Tian's profession is the fastest-moving assassin, and his basic attributes are 50.00% higher than ordinary people. , at this time his speed has surpassed 90.00% of the players in the game.

"Damn! It's too late!"

"Go up and stop him!"

The fighters in the Wushuang guild didn't look good at first glance, in the blink of an eye, the assassin was already in front of them, he must be blocked!Otherwise, everyone will die!

He immediately charged Fang Tian in front of him, trying to knock him into a dazed state. At worst, he would die with the assassin, leaving time for his teammates behind him.

However, as soon as he approached Fang Tian, ​​he saw a dazzling knife light flashing in front of his eyes.

This made the soldier close his eyes subconsciously.

"Shadow Attack!"

"Critical attack!"


The damage of the shadow attack is related to the speed of movement. With Fang Tian's extreme movement bonus, the damage of the shadow attack has reached a terrible figure.

The next meow, the soldier entered a state of dizziness. Fang Tian flashed past him, not forgetting to stab him with a backstab.

The leveling and spawning of monsters a few days ago was not without progress. This series of actions has almost formed an instinct of Fang Tian, ​​and in the process of these actions, Fang Tian's movement speed is at peak state, without Half a second of time wasted and slowed down.

In fact, it doesn't matter whether the knife is cut or not.

As soon as the soldier recovered from the dizziness, he was engulfed by a group of level [-] shadow spiders surrounding him.

As for Fang Tian, ​​his speed remained unchanged and he rushed towards the position of the Wushuang Guild.

Standing in front of him were a warrior and a paladin respectively.

The mages over there were stunned. Before they had time to prepare for the second round of attack, Fang Tian was already in front of them.

This assassin, is he crazy?
"Kill that assassin!"

Someone from the Peerless Guild immediately yelled.

The paladin next to him had just started with the Hammer of Wrath, and the warrior's slash had also been made, but at the moment it fell, Fang Tian's whole body gradually faded in the air...

The paladins and warriors were just halfway through their attack moves, and immediately froze in mid-air, and then received a game prompt.

"Target does not exist!"

Fang Tian's mind was terribly calm.

After forcibly sneaking in the state of sprinting, his speed suddenly slowed down a beat. This speed change from extremely fast to extremely slow placed a heavy load on his body. His chest felt tight and he forcibly stabilized his posture.

Seeing Fang Tian's disappearance, members of the Wushuang Guild were taken aback for a moment, and then someone shouted: "He's an assassin! Mage, put your eyes on reality."

However, after the mage reacted and hurriedly inserted an eye of reality in place, Fang Tian's figure could still be seen there.

And at this time, what they need to face is the black shadow spider full of anger in front of them.

(End of this chapter)

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