city ​​of sanctuaries

Chapter 161 Crossbow proficiency

Chapter 161 Crossbow proficiency

"Fang Tian, ​​you see that you complete the task so quickly, why don't you help me complete some more tasks here?"


As soon as Fang Tian uttered the word "I", Moant continued to interrupt him. He pulled Fang Tian and tried to reason, "I know that the rewards for the tasks here are very few gold coins, but I can't blame me. You can blame this stingy city lord, but you see, although the gold coins rewarded are few, there are still a lot of meritorious rewards, right?"

"What's the use of this merit point?" Fang Tian asked strangely. He also discovered before that every time he completed a mission, he would get a small amount of merit points, and these merit points seemed useless.

"Well, the most important function of the meritorious service is to promote the rank in the army." Moant boasted, "The meritorious service is very useful, the higher the meritorious service, the higher the rank you can promote High, you can lead more imperial combat troops on the battlefield, not only that, but when your rank is high enough, you can also exchange merit points for titles, or even fiefdoms..."


"Yes, it's a fief. A fief that belongs to you. You only need to pay a small amount of tax to the empire every year. You can do whatever you want in the fief."

Fang Tian looked at the nearly [-] points of merit in the character's attributes, and asked, "Then can you promote my military rank or exchange for a lord now?"

"This... this..." Moant hesitantly said: "The main reason is that the king has not yet planned to recruit foreigners to join the army. Unless there are special circumstances, I am not qualified to let you join the army of the empire. As for exchanging Lord It also requires special approval from the king..."

"Oh." Fang Tian agreed, "Does that mean meritorious deeds are useless?"

"No, no, no, you can't say that." The commander pulled Fang Tian to a small corner aside, closed the door to the room, and said in a low voice: "The merit points are a secret. Don't spread it to me."

"Oh." Fang Tian casually agreed, he had nowhere to spread the word.

"In fact, this is the case. Merit points are extremely important for a soldier. They can be used for promotion, but they are also very useful for people like you who have not joined the army. He also has a hidden reputation. Attributes, for example, if your meritorious value is high enough, you may be able to attract many soldiers to join..."

Fang Tian scratched his head, what does it mean to attract soldiers to join?After the commander's explanation, he didn't understand the role of merit points even more.

However, he understood what he said before. After joining the army, merit points can be used to improve the rank of soldiers, but if he can't join the army, it's useless.

"In addition to this, you can also use merit points to exchange for some advanced equipment and props in the army..."

Can it be exchanged for props?

This news brightened Fang Tian's eyes, wondering if there was anything useful in the empire's army.

Fang Tiandao: "I want to see the exchange list."

"This..." Moant showed embarrassment again, "Because using exchange items requires special permissions, and you can't get exchange permissions if you don't join the army..."

Fang Tian blinked his eyes, and he finally understood. Simply put, merit points are only useful after joining the army, but now, unless it is a special mission, it does not seem so easy for him to join the army.

That being the case, he has no interest in delaying here. Now he has other things to do, such as expanding his backpack, going to the Assassin Guild to find some tasks, and then exchange some money to learn all the skills of the Assassins...

Anyway, since merit points cannot be used, the tasks here are of no use to him.

It seems that meritorious service is a real tasteless.

"Wait a minute, wait a moment." Seeing that Fang Tian was about to leave again, Moant went up to hold Fang Tian.

It is really difficult to find someone who can complete the task quickly, but the value of the task here is too low. If you think about it, even if you were him, you would not choose to accept such a task.

After thinking about it, Moant seemed to have made some decision. He secretly pulled Fang Tian down and said in a low voice, "Although you can't exchange merit points for items, there is still room for manipulation."

"Operating space?" Fang Tian was very strange, feeling that he could not understand what Moant said at all.

"You must not reveal this matter, or I will be finished, and you will not see Archbishop Miffy by then." Moant gritted his teeth, and said his plan, "Although you have no Military rank, but I have it on me, if you trust me, you can trade the merit points to me, and I will exchange things for you."

That's okay too?Fang Tian blinked his eyes.


Mission Trigger: Moant's Trade

Mission Description: As you can see, Moant is currently troubled by these mountainous missions, help him complete some missions, he will help you exchange rewards through some special channels, but these things cannot be known to outsiders, Otherwise, not only Moant, but also you will be implicated a lot.

Mission objective: Through Moant, you can exchange merit points for the exchange authority of the rank of captain, but since you cannot reveal the source of the items, all exchanged items are not tradable and soul-bound.

Moant didn't say much, and immediately gave the exchange list.

The exchanged items cannot be traded, this restriction does not make much difference to Fang Tian, ​​he began to observe the items on the exchange form.

Fang Tian was attracted at first sight when he saw such a thing.

Can you actually see soul skills here?
In the exchange skill list, a soul skill appears in the top column.


Skill Scroll: Mastery of Soul * Crossbow Arrows.

Explanation: Through this scroll, you can learn the crossbow proficiency skill, and the scroll will disappear after use.

Skill: Soul * Crossbow Arrow Mastery (LV: 1)

Skill description: After mastering this skill, you can use crossbow arrows. Each attack has a 0.1 aim bonus coefficient, a 0.1 coefficient close-range attack power bonus, a 0.1 coefficient attack effective killing range bonus, and the number of crossbow bolt clips loaded + 1.
Learning Requirements: Assassin class.

Power: 40
Agility: 20
Description: According to legend, the crossbow bolt was first invented by the Holy Crusaders. It does not require much skill to use it. The crossbow troops are also a terrifying presence on the battlefield.

After seeing him for the first time, Fang Tian decided to exchange it.

Not to mention that he has soul skills.

Speaking of Fang Tian's current state, he lacks long-range attack skills, and things like crossbows undoubtedly make up for his lack of this aspect, and learning crossbows is not as troublesome as bows and arrows...

In any case, he has no reason to give up this skill.

(End of this chapter)

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