city ​​of sanctuaries

Chapter 152 Preliminary Plan

Chapter 152 Preliminary Plan
The magic stick licked his lips, he found that Xue Yang's luck seemed to be good, and the few people he found seemed to be quite reliable, especially the assassin.

Even though he was at a professional disadvantage, he could still have a close match with the warriors, which was why he heard people in the club talking about Fang Tian when he first arrived at school.

Because Fang Tian is indeed very powerful, and he is also a player who has opened the full free mode, everyone is very curious about him.

After thinking for a moment, Luo Jianbin suggested: "Or, we still adopt the beheading tactic? As before, Fang Tian first controls the priest, and then we first kill the mage at the output point with all our strength?"

"No, this tactic is okay for the first time. If you use it too much, you will definitely be on guard again. Now that everyone in the community knows that an assassin like Fang Tian exists, the mage will definitely put down the Eye of Reality immediately. As long as we lose Fang Tian in seconds, even in the best case, we will succeed in killing the mage in seconds, but that's just an exchange of assassins and mages, and we can't take advantage of it."

Tang Qian immediately vetoed this statement, and what she said was reasonable.

"Then what do you think we should do?" Luo Jianbin couldn't think of a good solution for a while, so he pushed the pot back.

"I don't know." Tang Qian shrugged.

In a general five-on-five team battle mode, as long as the difference in strength between the two sides is not too great, the side with the priest is in a superior situation. This is an undeniable problem.

"Let's watch and fight." Shenzhu glanced at the time, "It's 12:30, there is still half an hour left before the agreed one point, we should set off."

"So fast!?" Luo Jianbin exclaimed, "We haven't tried to form a team yet."

"Huh?" Tang Qian was also taken aback. He thought that at least the competition would be tomorrow, so he would give them some time to train, right?This is leaving?Not to mention the time for training, there is no time to even think about tactics?

"Let's talk while walking. We made an agreement with them. When the school team has something to do in the afternoon, it's too late to ask for it after playing." Xue Yang said and got up.

"Then let's go, I have nothing to do anyway." Luo Jianbin said and stood up from his chair.

Fang Tian picked up the last cup of Coke that no one had ever drank, and followed behind the crowd.

Coca-Cola is also delicious!

The school is open to the outside world on weekends, and a group of people entered the school slowly, but Luo Jianbin couldn't think of any plans along the way anyway.

"At worst, I will fight two with one, and you deal with the remaining three." Xue Yang said, "One will fight two, I have no problem."

"Don't be so reckless, two-on-one, I believe you can resist for a period of time, but the problem is, the four of us can't deal with the other three in a short time, how long can you last, and the other party will really be entangled by you for two personal?"

Xue Yang stopped talking. He is not good at tactics, but it's not that he doesn't understand. He knows that what the magic stick said makes sense.

"The main reason is that the three of us know too little. I still have a rough plan for the time being." The magic stick lowered his head and said while thinking: "But we still have to fight. It is not our style to bow our heads and admit defeat. Their team Configurations also have weaknesses."

"Weakness?" Tang Qian raised her head curiously.

"It seems that this team's configuration is good. In my opinion, it's a bit late. At the beginning, there are many points that need to be protected, especially the summoners. They don't have any output ability at the beginning. Although Murong and Liu He All of them are fighters who are biased towards output and control, and their blood volume is not high. It will be very difficult for An An to heal, so wait for Luo Jianbin and I to go up and control the two fighters. The other three of you look for opportunities to get rid of the summoner. and mages."

"Isn't this similar to our previous beheading tactics?" Luo Jianbin murmured softly, "The two of us stuck to each other's two fighters, Fang Tian went up to control the priest, and the rest attacked their weak points, summoners and mages. "

"I don't know how you played before, but this time it's different. An An is not an ordinary priest. She is very strong. In addition, Fang Tian only has two control skills. I don't think it can control An An."

The magic stick thought for a while and continued: "In short, An'an is not something we can lose in a short period of time. If it doesn't work, it will be multi-faceted, and the fight will mess up the situation. Don't let them focus on attacking us. One point , only in troubled waters can you fish.”

"That's right..." Luo Jianbin nodded half-understood. Hearing the tone of the magic stick, he seemed to be very afraid of that priest, An An.

"To put it simply, Luo Jianbin and the magic stick in the form of a bear went up to stare at the opponent's two fighters, Liu He and Murong. They are both defensive occupations, and the opponent lacks an output point of priest and summoner. Even if we are under fire for a while, we can’t die, and then we will play freely according to the position on the field, the terrain, etc.”

Tang Qian explained the tactical thinking of the magic stick a little bit, and she also thinks that this method seems to be more feasible at least now.

"Yes." The magic stick looked at Tang Qian admiringly, "At the beginning of the battle, the summoner does not have any output ability. He only has output after summoning powerful creatures."

"Okay, leave it to me, leave it to me." Luo Jianbin patted his chest, he didn't dare to say about his output ability, as a tank at the forefront of the team, he was still very confident.

Xue Yang was not very familiar with tactics, anyway, he heard the last few words clearly.

Play freely.

While speaking, several people had already arrived at the door of the club activity room.

After the magic stick knocked on the door, he pushed the door open and entered.

In the room, Qin Yue was wearing hot pants, showing a big white leg, muttering something in his mouth.

"120 seven."

"120 eight..."

And in front of her was a neat row of members of the club, each of them lying on the ground, struggling to do push-ups.

Every time Qin Yue said a number, the group of boys doing push-ups let out a howl like a bull.

Seeing someone coming in from outside the door, a certain boy couldn't help but look up.

"Fancy pants! What are you looking at!?"


Just as Hua Pants opened his mouth, Qin Yue interrupted: "What are you looking at! How dare you talk back when you do something wrong! Hua Pants, you need to do ten more push-ups!"

"No! Boss, I was wrong!" Hua Pants hurriedly begged for mercy.

"Okay, it's fine if you admit your mistake. The ten push-ups just now will be avoided, but since you have done something wrong, you will be punished. Wait, it's still a push-up."

"I..." Hua Pants didn't dare to speak anymore, Qin Yue was famous for being stern and selfless during training, so he shut up honestly and began to do push-ups.

(End of this chapter)

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