city ​​of sanctuaries

Chapter 142 Maken's Bracelet

Chapter 142 Maken's Bracelet
The next day, Saturday.

As usual, Lin Qiao took Fang Tian to see a psychiatrist. This was already the second time that Fang Tian came to see a psychiatrist. However, Aunt Lin was still very worried, so she sent Fang Tian over in person, planning to ask questions afterward. The situation below.

In the meeting room, Hubbard was wearing a suit, lying leisurely on the boss's chair, exposing his back to Fang Tian.

"Uncle Hubbard."

Fang Tian closed the door behind him and said hello.

"You idiot, call me a doctor."

Hubbard turned his head. His face still looked like that of the doctor, but this time he seemed to be wearing an underwear to increase his height. He looked exactly the same as the doctor in terms of height.


Hubbard grinned, with a half-smile, "How are you doing these days? Are you comfortable?"

"I'm fine." Fang Tian nodded and asked, "I've already participated in the assessment of the e-sports club for the task I received last time, and I'm not sure if I can be admitted."

"Yeah." Hubbard stepped on his foot, and the whole person turned around on the boss chair, flying up like a child playing.

"As for Long San above..."

"Hey, don't worry, Long San is just a code name, you will know." Hubbard stopped and circled, then took out a small black box from his pocket, put it on the table and pushed towards Fang Tian , "By the way, this thing is for you."

Fang Tian picked up the small black box and turned it over in his hands, "What is this?"

"Hey, good stuff, it took a lot of work to get him."

"Good stuff?" Fang Tian opened his mouth, and he opened the small black box.

What appeared in the box was a light blue bracelet, which had a rather generic feel.

Hubbard stood up from the chair and walked to Fang Tian's side. His expression was as if he was coaxing a little sheep, "Don't hesitate, take it to try? Remember to wear it in your left hand."

Left hand?Fang Tian stretched out his strange left hand and put the bracelet on it.

"Good, palms up, hands out."

Fang Tian did as he did, and as soon as he stretched out his hand, Hubbard stretched out two fingers, popped them to Fang Tian's wrist, and pointed on the bracelet.

Fang Tian raised his eyebrows. After Uncle Hubbard clicked on the bracelet, he suddenly felt a strange burning sensation on his wrist.

Then, the bracelet on his hand began to emit a dim glow, and then the bracelet gradually became thinner and smaller, until it was only a thin layer of transparent film clinging to his wrist.

In the end it disappeared completely.

Fang Tian couldn't help but be stunned when he saw the bracelet disappearing on his wrist.

Is this wristband brought out from the game?

He stretched out his left hand again and looked curiously.

On the place where the bracelet was originally worn on his left hand, there was a shallow line, a bit like a tattoo or something like that, if you don't look carefully, you can't see it.

"Hehe, it seems to be working." Hubbard smiled very proudly, "Here, try using Nian."

"Huh? Use Nian?" Fang Tian stretched out his right hand, urging Nian, trying to ignite the flame in the palm of his hand through the materialization of Nian.

It can be felt that when Nian was materialized, he was hindered by some kind of power and could not be completely materialized, and that power came from the bracelet on his left hand.

In this case, wouldn't he be able to use Nian?

Fang Tian raised his head in doubt, unable to use Nian, which was a great weakening of his strength, especially in the past few days, after a few days of games, Fang Tian's Nian has been greatly strengthened.

"Hahaha, this bracelet is really easy to use." Seeing that Fang Tian couldn't use it anymore, Uncle Hubbard laughed gloatingly, "Don't worry, this bracelet won't affect the normal game mode. Yes, you can still use Nen in the normal game mode, but the other mode..."

"I understand. During the mission, I will not use that mode to enter the game unless necessary." Fang Tian nodded. He didn't know why Uncle Hubbard gave him such a thing, but he knew that Hubbard Uncle must have his reasons, and that's enough.

It's just that in this way, in the world he is in now, he has less means of contingency when facing danger.

"Don't worry." Seeing Fang Tian's thoughts, Hubbard patted him on the shoulder with a look of deep meaning, "If everything goes well, you will be able to break free from its shackles soon."


In the afternoon, after making up classes, Fang Tian returned to the game.

As soon as he went online, Fang Tian found out strangely that he was not being chased by Shen Luoluo. Shen Luoluo had been chasing him every day when he was online these days, and occasionally he was absent, which still made Fang Tian feel strange.

Opening the friend menu, Shen Luoluo seemed to be busy. The two made an appointment yesterday evening to help make alchemy gargoyle puppets. Maybe Shen Luoluo is still busy with other things now.

Wait until the evening to ask her about Archbishop Miffy.

Fang Tian shrugged, now he still has some free time, so it's just right, let's see what kind of mission the assassin mentor gave himself.

Just as he was about to take a step forward, a game notification sounded in his ears.

Warning: Unknown item detected.

Warning: Location energy level items have been detected. Data is being queried to calculate the danger...

Item: Maken's bracelet.

Description: The bracelet invented by Magister Marken is widely used within the Principality of Cardinal Union. It can lock some special power in the human body and is generally used to control less dangerous prisoners in prisons.

Effect:? ? ? (expired.)
Hazard level: None.

Fang Tian raised his left hand. In the normal mode of the game, he was unable to use such things as reading, so the effect is also invalid?
Fang Tian decided not to think about it anymore, following the instructions of the assassin mentor, he spent [-] copper coins to randomly find an inconspicuous hotel in the ruined city, and after confirming the safety of the room, he opened it carefully. That tightly wrapped envelope.

There are two things in the thick envelope, a well-packed letter and a note. The addressee on the envelope is Moant, and a lot of things are densely written on the other note.

After opening the note, Fang Tian began to read it patiently.

The above content is very complicated to write, but it is not troublesome to sum up.

To put it simply, it is still a problem with the orcs.

It is said that the change of the orcs in the north of the Holy Alliance is very unusual. The empire sent a lot of troops to investigate, but only a few people successfully returned and reported that they were all sent by the orcs without exception. Army sniper.

(End of this chapter)

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