city ​​of sanctuaries

Chapter 1358 Biological Culture

Chapter 1358 Biological Culture
"Ding dong!"

The elevator stopped at the eleventh floor underground.

Fang Tian, ​​who was sneaking, followed the middle-aged man in white to leave the elevator.

Starting from the ninth floor, the buttons of the elevator need permission control.

Fang Tian's ordinary tourist authority obviously cannot enter the confidential lower level.

So, he could only choose to stand in the elevator and wait.

However, Fang Tian was very lucky today. Soon, the middle-aged man in white clothes appeared and took him to the eleventh floor of the basement.

The architectural style of the eleventh underground floor is completely different from those that Fang Tian has seen before. The all-metal texture passage goes forward along the narrow and long passage, walks through the corner, opens two security doors and arrives at a laboratory. Tian pupils locked slightly.

What is this place?
In the room, many federal personnel also wearing white clothes were busy back and forth, most of them were wearing protective clothing and protective masks.

Are researchers?
Are those petri dishes?

Fang Tian raised his head, his eyes kept scanning back and forth on these large petri dishes around him.

He could see burly adult human bodies in petri dishes.


At least on the outside, these are all human beings, but they are a circle larger than ordinary humans, and they are all over [-] meters tall.

Is it the new human project?

Fang Tian recalled this title in his mind.

About one or two years ago, he had heard Yi Shiqi talk about the federation's new human project.

Through genetic modification, human beings can better accept the training ability.

It's a way to develop a new generation of fighters.

I heard that the Federation has been conducting research in this area, but the progress has been extremely limited.

This seems to be one of their experimental bases?
Fang Tian roughly made such a judgment in his heart.

The middle-aged man in white clothes seemed to be the leader. He hurried forward, quickly pressed a few times on the main control platform, and then asked, "Has the information not been sent yet?"

"not yet."

"Wait a little longer." The middle-aged man nodded, "I just went to say hello, and they will send it over soon to report the latest data and information of the No. 3898 experimental body."

"Heme 18, No. 77 catalytic protease index 24, No. 12 catalytic protease index 27, comprehensive brain activity comprehensive index 21, comprehensive life index 23, the comprehensive life index is still rising, and the target experimental body is slowly recovering." Reported. The reporter's voice suddenly became urgent, "Minister, it seems that something is wrong, the hemoglobin index is rising rapidly, 27, 32, 40, 60, [-], [-]..."

As the numbers in the experimenter's mouth soared, Fang Tian felt that the atmosphere in the entire large laboratory was a little stagnant, and his eyes became slightly fascinated.

A wave of thoughts.

Hydra's voice also rose in Fang Tian's mind at the same time.

"Fang Tian, ​​do you feel it, something is not right."

Fang Tian was silent, he moved his eyes to a certain petri dish, and stared at that petri dish.

That is read.

"Quick! Inject Test Stabilizer No. [-]!" the minister shouted.

"The injection is complete, and the hemoglobin is still soaring!"

"Increase the dose! Continue to inject."

Fang Tian frowned tightly.

Very familiar read.

"Minister! It's over! The value is still soaring! If it continues..."

"Shut up! Inject neurotoxin! Close all data!"

"Yes!" The experimenter suddenly pressed a red button on the console.

Is it over?

Heavy breathing can be heard in the room.

The minister said in a deep voice, "Report the data."

"The hemoglobin starts to stabilize and rises slowly, and the vital signs are decreasing. It is expected that the hemoglobin will stop rising within 10 seconds, the activity performance will decrease, and the brain activity will decrease. It is estimated that the vital signs will be completely lost within 1 minute."

Fang Tian, ​​who was sneaking, turned his head and stared at the phantom figure in the petri dish.

It's hard to see his face clearly, but in terms of body shape, he looks a bit like a tall human being, a head taller than Fang Tian.

The thought I felt just now disappeared.

Fang Tian can be sure that the feeling just now is definitely not an illusion.

That is the power of chaos!

"Little ghost, you are not mistaken, I am not mistaken, that is the power of chaos, this thing is very weird, try to stimulate him."


For a while, Fang Tian didn't understand what Hydra meant.

"Use the power of chaos! Stimulate him and see his reaction."

With a thought in Fang Tian's mind, the power of chaos in his body swirled, aiming at the experimental subject in the petri dish in front of him.


He has a sense of his own power of chaos!

Fang Tian once again sensed the power of chaos from the petri dish.

"Minister! Hemoglobin soars again!"

An experimenter yelled, and as soon as the words fell, there was a bang in the laboratory.


The glass petri dish exploded before Fang Tian's eyes.

The violent breath of chaos exploded with the petri dish as the center, and the diffused breath pushed all the surrounding breath away, and was affected, and the other petri dishes around were also exploded one by one.

Those experimenters were not strong in physical fitness, and they were knocked off the wall by the breath of chaos, and passed out one by one.

Fang Tian revealed his figure from stealth, watching the human beings stepping out of the petri dish step by step.

He was naked, looking down at himself.

For a while, the entire underground laboratory sirens blared.

"You..." The man's throat rolled, "Who is it?"

"Fang Tian, ​​who are you?"

"Me?" The man lowered his head, looked at his hands, shook his head and said, "I don't know."

have no idea?no memory?

Fang Tian frowned, and he was more sure of the other party's identity as an experimental genetically modified body.

He supported the ground with one hand, and slowly knelt down on the ground, covering his forehead with one hand, with a painful expression on his face, he raised his head, "You have the same strength as me."

"That's the power of chaos." Fang Tian was startled, then asked again: "How did you do it?"

The mutant slowly stood up, "I don't know, my head hurts so much, I don't want to think about it anymore."

Saying that, the mutant suddenly disappeared in place.

Fang Tian was startled.

Back sharply.

Qianhunyu swept forward, and there was a crashing sound.

Blood water appeared in front of Fang Tian's eyes, and the mutant was knocked back by Fang Tian's blow, and hit the wall behind him hard, making a hole.

The mutant fell to the ground, as if it had lost its voice.

Fang Tian took a few steps forward, looking down at the mutant on the ground.

chi...chi chi...

Fang Tian's eyelids twitched.

The mutant slowly supported his body.

The power of chaos quickly condensed in the mutant body.

Does he want to court death?

Fang Tian quickly stepped back again.

(End of this chapter)

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