city ​​of sanctuaries

Chapter 1356 Soul Box

Chapter 1356 Soul Box
Fang Tian shook his head, Xiao Yuan didn't explain this before, so Fang Tian naturally didn't know.

But along the way, there is nothing that can arouse Fang Tian's desire to buy.

Until you reach an intersection ahead.

Fang Tian stopped in his tracks, and he turned his head to look to one side.

It's strange, the space between the eyebrows is beating faintly.

What is it that affects it?

The mark between the brows is used to store the energy of the soul, and there is an induction in the place of the mark...

Could it be something related to hell?
While thinking about it, Fang Tian has already started to walk forward, following the guidance of the mark between his eyebrows.

In just a few minutes, Fang Tian stopped in front of a stall.

The stall owner was a woman, a very strange woman. She wore a red gauze decoration on her head, covering her entire face. Through that layer of gauze, Fang Tian could only vaguely see that she was a woman.

The stall owner didn't speak, but just sat there and gestured with his hand, meaning that the things here can be viewed casually.

Fang Tian immediately reached out and grabbed a certain box on the booth.

It is this box, which makes the space between the eyebrows appear inductive.

what is it then?

Something related to soul refining?

Fang Tian thought, just trying to reach out to open it, but heard the woman say: "No, don't move, you'd better not open it, it's very dangerous."

"Why? What is it?" Fang Tian raised his head and asked.

"There is an ancient soul sealed in the box. In our language, it is the soul of Bucares. His soul has been purified. Take it with you. He can calm your emotions, but remember , don’t open it anyway, you will be swallowed by the soul sealed in the box.”

Fang Tian frowned, no matter what was in the box, according to what he felt from the mark between the eyebrows, the box must contain powerful abilities.

And there are at least seventy or eighty boxes of different colors placed on the entire booth.

"How much are you going to sell?"

"This is a unique product of our family. Only the inheritors of our family have the production method. It takes hundreds of years to make a Bukaresi soul." The woman's voice was full of a feminine taste, "So the price of one piece is..."

As she spoke, the woman stopped suddenly, and her expression suddenly changed.

"What?" Fang Tian frowned, "How much do you need?"

Fang Tian is very interested in this box. He has a premonition that the souls in the box are full of powerful power, and he may be able to quickly fill the empty space between the eyebrows with the power of these souls in Heizi.

It's just that the sudden pause of the woman in front of him surprised him a little.

She froze in place as if in a daze.

"Someone is transmitting sound to her." Hydra reminded Fang Tian in his mind, "Special ability."

Sound transmission?

Fang Tian's heart moved, and his eyes quickly swept around.

At least nothing suspicious could be found within sight.

Sending a voice to this woman from a distance, can you still hide from his perception?

Fang Tian was even more surprised, and asked, "Hydra, do you know what they are talking about?"

"It's a spell of the mind system. If the second brother is there, you can try it. I can't perceive it." Hydra replied.

Fang Tian nodded and waited quietly.

After a while, the woman finally came back to her senses, she shook her head, and said, "Mr. Fang Tian, ​​I'm sorry, someone contacted me just now through the special psychic technique in the clan, and something troublesome happened in a room, so let me You have been waiting for a long time."

"It's okay." Fang Tian held the box in his hand, "Continuing the topic just now, I want to know how much he sells for."

"There is no price for the box." The woman shook her head again and said, "The things in our clan are not for sale."

Fang Tian frowned deeply.

He didn't bring anything with him when he came out this time, and he only had two weapons, Qianhunyu and Jiulongyuan, which he couldn't sell, and he couldn't sell the key to the door of the temple even if he wanted to.

There is also the spar obtained from Longtan before, this kind of Dongfangtian who can bring the dead back to life and save his life is impossible to sell him now.

The last is the black stone where the Hydra hosts the soul.

Of course it cannot be sold.

"It seems that I don't have anything to trade." Fang Tian felt a little disappointed, but he was unwilling to give up. He asked, "Then what do you want to exchange, I can help you find it."

"You don't need to look for it, there is something I want in you, and I can exchange all the boxes here for this one thing."

Fang Tian was taken aback, and became extremely vigilant for a moment.

Can this woman see clearly what she is carrying?

what does she wantarms?Or the key to the door of the sanctuary?Or spar?Hydra stones?
"what do you want?"

The woman said word by word: "I need your blood."


Fang Tian was surprised, but at the same time he breathed a sigh of relief, wondering if he was thinking too much, the other party didn't have the ability to see clearly what he was hiding.

"Yes, I just learned from my companions in the clan that you have already stepped into the holy rank, such a young holy rank, your blood contains powerful power."

"So you want my blood."

It's just a little blood, Fang Tian doesn't care.

The only risk is that Fang Tian once heard from his master that some special curse spells can be casted through the blood of the enemy, but after he entered the powerful holy rank, these side ways can no longer be effective against the strong holy rank , so giving them blood won't have any effect at all.

"Yes, our family can use blood to give birth to a strong man. The blood of a young strong man is a priceless treasure to us. We are willing to exchange anything for him." The woman said very flatly, her eyes But there was a flash of expectation, "It's up to you whether to trade or not."

"How much blood do you want?"

The woman released a small porcelain bottle from behind the counter and said, "It doesn't need much, just fill half of the porcelain bottle."

"make a deal."

Fang Tian opened the lid of the small porcelain bottle, and when he raised his hand, his fingernail cut a small wound on his thumb, and drops of red blood dripped down the fingertips.

In just a few seconds, a dozen drops of blood dripped from the small porcelain bottle.


As if she had found a treasure, the woman carefully put away the small porcelain vase, took out a large cloth bag from behind and still placed it on the cabinet, and said, "According to the agreement of the transaction, everything here belongs to you now."

Fang Tian nodded to the woman, picked up the big cloth bag, and swept all seventy fist-sized boxes into the big cloth bag.

(End of this chapter)

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