Chapter 1341 The Return
The boundary where Yi Shiqi is located.

Two years ago, through the efforts of everyone, the raging undead had been controlled to a small extent.

The human beings living in the boundary have established nine safe areas here, and gradually expanded the scope of the safe areas.

Although this is only temporary.

An orange light flashed, and the door of space opened.

Fang Tian flashed out from the gate of space.

I have practiced in this place for two years, and it has been nearly two years since I came back this time.

It seems that this place is still the same as before, a world of undead visible to the naked eye.

Humanity lingers in the shadow of the undead.

The skeletal creatures felt the breath of life and swarmed towards Fang Tian.

"Dark shock!"


A punch struck forward, centering on Fang Tian's boxing heart and spreading out to the surroundings.

The swarming undead creatures were crushed by energy, and a clean area was blown away around them.

Fang Tian lightly clenched his fist, he vaguely recalled the time when he was practicing with Hesna.

Raising his head and summoning the Hell Origin Worm, Fang Tian used his memory to head towards No. [-] security isolation area where Yi Shiqi was located.

In the quarantine area, human armed soldiers stood guard on the towering city walls.

"Clay! You're slacking off again! How many times have I told you! Don't let your guard down! This is our first line of defense, and behind it are our loved ones, and your negligence will kill them! Do you understand! "

Recruit Clay rubbed his groggy eyes, braced himself, and suddenly stood up from the corner, "Sorry, Captain, I'm just too sleepy."

Looking at Clay's dark circles and deep tiredness in his eyes, the captain of the city wall defense team sighed and patted Clay on the shoulder, "Okay, go down and rest first, I'll watch over here."

Clay was about to say something when his peripheral vision suddenly spotted the red creature in the sky that was approaching the city. He couldn't help but open his mouth and point his hand in the air.

"Team, captain... what the hell is that!"

Hearing the words, the captain of the garrison turned his head to look in the air, he couldn't help but startled, and then turned to show joy, "It's him! We are saved! It's Master Fang Tian who is back! Quick! Get someone to inform the commander! Tell him, Fang The sky is back."

Fang Tian?Who is he? The recruit Clay nodded blankly, remembering the captain's words. Just as he walked down the stairs of the city wall, he heard cheers from the city wall behind him.

It seems that a remarkable person has come?

Fang Tian didn't expect that he would be so popular in this world.

Fang Tian felt a little uncomfortable with the warm welcome from the crowd.

Fortunately, the safe zone seemed to be in a special state of alert, and this kind of celebration didn't last long. Fang Tian was taken to the council hall of the town where Yi Shiqi was located.

Finally, I can catch my breath.

Fang Tian felt that this welcome ceremony was even more tiring than killing seventh-order creatures.

"Fang Tian?!"

In the town council hall, seeing Fang Tian's arrival, Yi Shiqi's eyes were full of surprise, "Did you receive the message I left you so soon?"

"Information? What information?"

Fang Tian shook his head blankly.

"Didn't receive it?" Yi Shiqi was a little surprised, "Then why did you come here?"

"I met a strange old man." Fang Tian recounted the situation when he met that old man while recalling.

In fact, until now Fang Tian still doesn't know who the old man is and what his name is.

"It turned out to be like this, and it was just a coincidence that you came here." After listening to Fang Tian's narration, Yi Shiqi understood, and she said, "Fang Tian, ​​the senior you met was Xu Yunfeng, don't look He has such an unreliable appearance, and his strength has already stepped into the level of the ten sages. He used to have a deep friendship with his master, and I often saw him when I was training when I was young."

Fang Tian was startled.

Ten sages?
It's no wonder that Fang Tian didn't take any advantage from the old man in that short fight, and he didn't even understand the opponent's true strength.

"Is what he said true? Are you really in trouble?"

"Yeah." Yi Shiqi nodded and said, "Fortunately, you are here. This time our world is in great trouble. I have already sent many letters for help to the outside world, but I have not received any reply."

Fang Tian opened his mouth, "I haven't even received your request for help, have you received the letter from Hesna?"

Yi Shiqi shook her head, "At first I thought it was undelivered. Letters were sent out letter by letter, and I didn't even receive a single reply. Not only yours, but also others'."

Fang Tian has realized something.

"It wasn't until this time that I realized that there was a problem. The communication of the boundary was temporarily cut off artificially." Yi Shiqi pursed her lips and said, "Afterwards, I used the special channel given to me by the master to spread the event information. I think Senior Yunfeng came to me after he got the news."

"What on earth happened?"

"Come with me, it will be clearer if you see it with your own eyes." Yi Shiqi said, leading Fang Tian out of the hut, and boarded the outer city wall of the safe area together.

Pieces of skeletal creatures outside the city wall kept coming from all around, exuding a rancid smell.

The magic tower built on the city wall automatically sensed the bombardment of the gathered bones. Occasionally, the skeleton creatures that broke through the firepower net were quickly dealt with by the soldiers after approaching the bottom of the city wall.

"About less than a month ago, the troops sent by the Federation began to evacuate from here on a large scale." Ishiqi pointed to several magic towers on the city wall and said: "The magic towers originally funded by the Federation also Because it has been left unattended for a long time, the damage rate has reached [-] to [-]%. Coupled with the current lack of energy supply, less than [-]% of the magic towers are actually in use. Now the entire city can only be guarded by our people."

Fang Tian frowned, he clearly understood the situation here.

In this world occupied by the undead, there are several passages leading to the underworld. If you want to completely seal these passages, at least with the strength of Fang Tian and Yi Shiqi, it is absolutely impossible.

At first, he just stood far away and glanced at the passage. Fang Tian clearly felt an unprecedented sense of crisis from it, and immediately moved away quickly.

While it may appear that humans have established a foothold here, in reality they are not.

The undead just give humans a chance to reproduce. Once the abyss Hades encounters a huge war and needs to be recruited, a huge army of undead will come here through the transmission channel and assimilate everything into dry bones.

And those who live here are prepared from birth, ready to deal with this crisis.

(End of this chapter)

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