Chapter 1338 Cost
It was much bigger than Fang Tian imagined. It looked like a triangular magical building, which was as high as three floors. There were towering shelves beside it. Many goblins were reinforcing the building.

"We have studied the batch of ore you brought back last time. The good news is that there is an almost universal ore among them. This ore has greatly improved our construction progress."

Fang Tian's eyes lit up, "You mean, the gate of the sanctuary is about to be completed?"

"You can put it this way." Master Keriback pointed to himself proudly, "Of course, it's not an exaggeration to say that I am the only one in the whole continent who can do this."

Fang Tian stared at the goblin with burning eyes, "How long will it take?"

"Ahem." The goblin coughed lightly, "Well, this brings me to the second question I'm about to explain."

"what is the problem?"

"Because the universal ore is used as a substitute, the stability during the transmission is slightly less than the original one." The master goblin craftsman said and gestured with his fingers, "If you erase the odds, it will probably be better than the original design." The risk is [-] percent higher."

Fang Tian opened his mouth, he didn't quite understand the concept of the number [-]% higher, but it didn't sound like this number was an understatement like what the goblin said.

"In other words, the probability of damage during transmission is extremely high?"

Kerry Barker blushed, and continued: "Hey, brat, don't waste your attention on this detail, I have found a solution, just add a layer of stability coating to the outside, so that As a result, the security performance can be improved, and even the overall transmission security will be stronger than the original design version!"

"Then..." Fang Tian felt even more strange, "Why didn't you do it?"

Carey Barker sighed, tilted his head, and looked distressed, "Because in this way, the energy consumed by teleportation will be greatly increased, which violates the original design intention. The original design, the performance of the temple gate The consumption will be one-thirtieth of what it is now."

Consume thirty times the energy?

This effect is not generally large.

"First do the transformation, and then change it back after collecting the special ore later."

Fang Tian thought for a while, at least for now, he needs to go to the lost church to see what happened there.

As for large-scale teleportation, he doesn't need it, and the ore can be collected slowly in the future.

It shouldn't be a big problem to find a way to collect energy and complete a transmission back and forth from the temple.

"Success! With your words, I will start to work. If it is fast, it will be completed in about two or three days." Keri Buck gave Fang Tian a thumbs up, but he still looked very troubled, after all, he is not 100 % to optimize the blueprint, it consumes [-] times more energy than before, which is a big blow to his self-confidence.

"One more thing, master." Fang Tian said, stretching out his hand forward.

The strange lines still remain on the palm of his hand.

"Master, do you know what this mark is?"

"What? You mean the imprint?" Keriback leaned over curiously, stared at Fang Tian's palm, and then blinked, "This is the rune imprint of the elemental family? Where did you get this?" thing?"

Elemental family?
Fang Tian was stunned.

The last time I heard about the Elemental Race, I was still looking for Princess Anya. It seemed that Princess Anya and the Elemental Race had formed an alliance, and the remote communication devices used in the Snowy Region also relied on the power of the Elemental Race.

Keribaker smacked his lips and said: "Yes, I'm sure, this is the mark of the elemental family. I saw it at that time. Their mechanical technology is not good enough, but they are quite spiritual and gave me a lot. inspiration."

Fang Tian felt strange, why did Audella give her elemental rune imprint?

What does this mean?
Elemental family?
"Hey, stinky brat, if you want to be dazed and go somewhere else, don't stay here, can you?" Keri Buck pouted and said, "If you don't tell me where you got this thing, I can't help you. "

Fang Tian came back to his senses and replied, "Audella gave it to me."

"Audella? That female doll from the Church of the Holy Cross?" Keriback was also dumbfounded when he heard that, and then his eyes also showed a suspicious look, "It's strange, I don't seem to have heard that the female doll is also related to the elemental race." Ah, why don't you ask the queen, she is closely related to the elemental family, so she probably knows something."

"Forget it, let's have a chance next time."

Fang Tian waved his hand, although he was a little puzzled, but he didn't want to go any further.

Now the queen is still having a headache for the ghouls raging in the empire, and Fang Tian doesn't want to bother her at this time.

Although the four keys of heaven have been found, and the power of the keys of heaven can be used to completely seal the entrance of the ghouls, those ghouls that have escaped the seal still need to be dealt with.

The entire empire is already in dire straits, and the Queen and Hesna are already busy.

Moreover, Fang Tian always had a strange sense of distrust towards this weird Odella.

Fang Tian was sure that Audella was hiding something.

Maybe this is just Odella's suspicion, or even, it may just be a joke made by Audella and herself.

Putting away the imprint, Fang Tian went to see Mana Exhaustion.

Since she was seriously injured, her mana was exhausted and she has been recuperating in the snow area, and she is in a good state of mind.

This is the most peaceful day she has ever been, and Mana Exhaustion cherishes such a day, but when Fang Tian mentioned Lin, Mana Exhaustion showed a kind of doubt and apology on his face.

"I'm sorry, Fang Tian, ​​I can't remember these things clearly, this name is very unfamiliar to me."

Due to her damaged soul, she had completely forgotten her past experience as a shepherd.

Fang Tian opened his mouth and said in a low voice, "I will find a way."

Mana exhaustion pulled Fang Tian, ​​stared into his eyes, and said: "Don't worry, knowing or not knowing some things will not affect anything, don't put yourself in a dangerous situation, cherish this peace, I don't want you to have Danger."

Fang Tian looked suspiciously at the exhaustion of mana.

Mana exhaustion shook his head and said: "I am the same as you, I understand your feelings, although I don't remember some things, but I think if your mother still loves you, she should come back to you, right?"

Fang Tian opened his mouth, he felt that Mana Exhaustion seemed to be right, but it seemed that something was wrong.

Leaving from the mana-depleted room, Fang Tian bowed his head and thought for a moment.

Looking up again, Fang Tian has already made a plan for the next step.

Taking advantage of this time, he was going to return to God's favor once.

(End of this chapter)

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