city ​​of sanctuaries

Chapter 1336 Absorption

Chapter 1336 Absorption
But soon he was relieved.

The black dragon queen in the coffin was in a strange sleeping state, those black auras were only stimulated to attack autonomously.

The power without conscious control is very weak, Fang Tian only needs to concentrate on absorbing the energy that turns the black breath into the dungeon mark.

The black breath seems huge, but in fact it does not have too strong attack ability.

Of course, this is only for Fang Tian who has the mark of the dungeon. If it is Yu Le, the dark aura will inevitably produce a swift attack. I am afraid he is really not so easy to deal with.

Yida and the others couldn't see the situation in the thick fog clearly, and they were sweating for Fang Tian, ​​while Yu Le, who was standing aside, felt a little envious in his heart, and kept muttering about Fang Tian's good luck , How did you get a lot of benefits after doing it?
The weird sleeping of the Black Dragon Queen made Fang Tian very uneasy. He was very worried that the Black Dragon Queen would suddenly be triggered when he was absorbing energy to a certain stage. At this point, Fang Tianyue forced himself to speed up to absorb the power of the dungeon mark.

Just as Fang Tian absorbed the mark of the dungeon with all his strength, at another place, the dark elf who had just fled in the chaos slammed the door of a room on the third floor of the main hall.

That young man is so weird!
The dark elves didn't know why Fang Tian was able to absorb the power of the Black Dragon Queen. It was totally unreasonable for this to happen.

Don't think about it so much, you must hurry up and report this matter to Lady Taci!

Must be fast!This is the only way to stop him!
After activating the teleportation array in the room, the dark elf suddenly disappeared in place.

The other end of the teleportation array.

The brief dizziness caused by the long-distance teleportation made the dark elf feel a little dazed for a while.

When she saw the person standing in front of her clearly, the dark elf's pupils shrank slightly, and she half-kneeled on the ground suddenly.

"Master Taci! The altar of the Black Dragon Queen that my subordinates are ordered to guard..."

"Karida, I already know everything." The female elf wearing a black veil nodded and interrupted Karida, "Master Lina already knew when the coffin was triggered."

The dark elf Karida heaved a sigh of relief, thinking that it is no wonder that she saw Master Taxi as soon as she came back. It turned out that Master Lina already knew what happened. She bowed her head obediently, "The other party has the ability to absorb the power of the Black Dragon Queen, Also ask Lord Taci to take action."

Carida found that Taci didn't answer, she raised her head strangely, and asked in doubt: "Master Taci?"

"Lena is very disappointed in you, you did one thing wrong."

Karida's heart jumped suddenly, followed, with an expression of disbelief on his face, his brows were full of pain, and he fell to the ground.

At the same time as it fell, Karida's body decayed rapidly, before it completely landed, it turned into a cloud of black mist and dissipated in the air.

"Still like a child." Taci shook her head and sighed, "Are you satisfied now? Lena?"

"Damn her, who told her to shoot Brother Fangtian." Lina pouted in the stealth state, showing her figure, with the words "unhappy" written all over her face, and ran to kneel and sit on the edge of the teleportation formation , staring at the portal intently, as if wanting to see clearly the situation over there through the teleportation array.

"Since you've been thinking about him, why don't you go to him yourself?"

"Go over in see him?"

Lina suddenly curled up on the ground and said, her body trembled involuntarily. She embraced her arms and buried her head deeply in them, like a frightened kitten, she said to herself, " No, don't, what if Brother Fangtian doesn't remember me? Don't...don't...I'm so scared..."

Tacie rubbed her forehead, "No, Lena, you have to have confidence in yourself."

"No, don't." Thinking of the possible scene, Lina trembled in fear and shook her head frantically.

"It's fine if you're willing." Taci didn't want to force Lina, shook her head, and said, "It's just a pity that we spent a lot of effort to build this altar, and it was a waste of time to collect the Black Dragon Queen's clone. time."

"Forget it, it's just a little bit of the power of the dungeon mark, and it won't have any big impact." Lina poked her head out, thought of something, and then smiled foolishly, "The best way to help Brother Fang Tian Alright."

"I really can't do anything about you." Tassie fondled Lina's long, smooth hair like a waterfall, and said, "Lena, you know, we can't reveal the space-time beacon leading here."

"No!" Lina was so excited that she protected the time and space beacon with both hands and stopped her: "No! No! Aunt Tassie, let me look at him again. After watching him for a while, I promise not to reveal the beacon!"


Underground world.

It took Fang Tian more than half an hour to absorb the power of the marks of the five black dragon queens.

The awakening of the black dragon queen that Fang Tian imagined did not happen. After absorbing five clones, the dungeon imprint successfully reached lv: 7, and his strength went a step further.

Seeing that the surrounding dense fog had completely disappeared, Date and the others were completely relieved.

"Boss, what should we do now? The dark elf has already run away, and Amyk and Fulin..."

The paladin's tone was a bit heavy, he probably already guessed something in his heart, I'm afraid their two companions have become bait for the Black Dragon Queen.

After absorbing the power of the Black Dragon Queen, Fang Tian breathed a sigh of relief.

"Let's look for it again, and take someone to search the entire hall together." Yida squeezed her fists and made a final effort.

I thought I was used to seeing the sacrifice of my companions, but every time I encountered such a thing, Ida still couldn't help feeling a burst of grief.

Yu Le patted Ida on the shoulder, and rarely said anything rude to spoil the atmosphere.

"I'm fine." Ida cheered up, "I hope to find a way to leave this underground world."

"Don't worry about this, we have a way to take you away." Yu Le smiled and pointed to Fang Tian over there.

Although he still had some doubts about the escaped dark elf, Fang Tian still had a lot of doubts in his mind, but he didn't want to waste too much time here.

Now that he wanted to continue chasing the escaped dark elf, the success rate was almost zero.

"Boss! Found again on the third floor!" Just as he was talking, a soldier in the team hurried down to report, "We found the teleportation array on the third floor, it may be the teleportation array that left here!"

"Go! Go and have a look!"

It is naturally the best not to use the power of the gate of the temple. After all, Date and his group are quite a lot of people, which is a waste of the energy of the portal.

(End of this chapter)

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