city ​​of sanctuaries

Chapter 1330 Investigation

Chapter 1330 Investigation
Date personally led the elite players in the team to investigate together.

From that day on, Ida disappeared with the whole team.

Afterwards, the four major cities launched a desperate counterattack. Karma and the remaining key members of the Revival Society tried to counterattack, but unfortunately, without the leadership of Date and the elite team that Date took away, They can only be forced to defend and gradually shrink their sphere of influence.

If Fang Tian didn't happen to appear today, I'm afraid even this branch of the base would be destroyed in the raid.

After Karma finished talking about the whole incident, she looked at Fang Tian with a sincere look, "Mr. Fang Tian, ​​the Western Continent is now in a great crisis. We need your help to overthrow the oppression of the four major cities..."

Fang Tian frowned slightly.

"Cough cough..." Yu Le coughed lightly, took over the conversation, and interrupted: "Hey, little sister, don't say it so openly, it's for the future of mankind, don't talk about these brainwashing things, We are not Holy Cross Church.”

Yu Le smacked his lips, changed the topic, and continued: "Of course we can help you. After all, the relationship between Fang Tian's little brother and the four big cities is not very good, but let's uglify first, and this time we are not here for a special purpose. To help you, our East Continent didn’t wipe the shit off our butts, and we didn’t have time to stay here.”

Karma understood Yu Le's subtext, and immediately said: "If there is anything our revival association can help, please tell me directly, our revival association will definitely do our best, and we will never refuse."

"You look quite sensible, so that's fine. I'll just say it straight. We have two things to do this time. The first is to form an alliance." Yu Le pointed at Hao who was beside him carelessly. Wan, said: "You will also send people to the Federal Assembly in more than half a month, right?"

"Indeed, we've been informed that we'll be involved then."

Karma smiled wryly in his heart. It was more than half a month ago when he decided to participate in this council. At that time, they already had an absolute advantage, so the Federation found them. If it were changed now, they would have long since lost their minds to participate in this kind of council. parliament.

"That would be the best."

"The second thing is the key to heaven, you know that thing, right?"

Hearing the words "key to heaven", Kama and the key members of the Revival Society behind him were startled.

"Looking at your expressions, it seems that you know what to do?" Yu Le rubbed his chin, didn't bother to think about it, and said directly: "Anyway, there is something wrong with our Eastern Continent, and I want you to borrow your Western Continent. The key to heaven, as for when I will return it, I don’t know.”

The key to heaven in the western continent is the most troublesome, because the Church of the Holy Cross in the western continent has been destroyed, so they still need to search for the key of heaven.

Karma quickly thought about it, nodded and said: "As far as we know, the key to heaven involves a quest line, and now this quest should still be in the hands of the four major cities."

"Tch, trouble, it's the four big cities again." Yu Le curled her lips and said, "We don't have time, Fang Tian and I will go find Ida together, and you guys can help me find where the key to heaven is." , of course it would be best if you can help us snatch it over."

Kama nodded, "Don't worry, everyone, just help us find Ida, and leave the rest to us. I will immediately launch a revival meeting to find the key to heaven."

Yu Le and Fang Tian exchanged glances, and then said: "Then you can take us to find Ida now."


A certain forest in the Western Continent.

The Hell Origin Insect flies quickly at high altitude.

In mid-air, Karma frowned, and she said: "Half a month ago, we learned that the people in the four major cities had strange movements, and all signs indicated that these were related to the Light Feather Forest. After discussing it, we decided that Date Lead the team to investigate and see what the people in the four major cities are up to."

"Then disappeared?" Yu Le looked down at the dense forest below, and began to feel that things were not easy to handle.

It would be troublesome to search such a large dense forest.

"Yeah, we haven't heard from us since."

Yu Le curled his lips, "Don't blame me for crow's mouth. This guy has been missing for more than half a month. Are you sure he won't die?"

"No!" Kama suddenly became excited, and she said, "Ida will not die!"

"What's the reason?"

Kama took a breath, calmed down, and continued: "At that time, there were five players in the team who entered through the game device as offline contacts. Three hours after entering the forest, they entered a special state. There is no way to force them to go offline, and until now they are still trapped in the game, maintaining their lives through nutrient solutions."

"Are you trapped in the game..." Fang Tian muttered to himself.

"That doesn't mean they are still alive." Yu Le curled his lips and said, "Maybe..."

"No, we have tested them, and their brain waves are normal, which means that they have not died in the game, but are simply trapped in the game."

"Okay, okay." Yu Le raised his hands in surrender, instead of going further on this topic, he turned his head to look at Fang Tian, ​​and asked, "Boy Fang Tian, ​​do you feel anything?"

Standing on the back of the Hell Origin Insect, Fang Tian looked down, tried to sense it with his thoughts, and then shook his head, "No, I can't feel anything."

"Me too, I hate such troublesome things the most." Yu Le sighed, and continued to ask: "Didn't you continue to send people in to investigate?"

"I sent people to check twice, but they also lost contact. Afterwards, the four big cities launched a surprise attack on our revival site. The people who dealt with the four big cities have already made us breathless, and we don't have the energy to send people into the forest to look for Yida. "

"It's all here, what else can I do?" Yu Le sighed in disappointment after not getting any more useful information from Karma, and patted Fang Tian on the shoulder, "I can't see anything on it, either. Come on, let's go down and have a look."

Fang Tian nodded, and jumped into the dense forest with Yu Le.


Landing on the ground, Fang Tian lowered his body and quickly glanced around.

No threat was perceived.

The difference from Fang Tian's cautiousness is that after landing on the ground, Yu Le strode carelessly towards the depths of the dense forest.

Fang Tian waited on the spot for more than ten seconds before he started to follow Yu Le's pace.

In the dense forest, after walking forward for about ten minutes, Fang Tian stopped.

"What?" Yu Le blinked curiously, "Why did you stop? What did you find?"

"Over there." Fang Tian pointed to a location and said, "That direction."

(End of this chapter)

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