Chapter 1317 Net

The rewards are really good, but if you take your life, you will lose a lot. That guy has the ability to kill fighters of the same level with a single blow, so will they also end up in the same way?
Seeing the players standing still, Fang Tian's goal of intimidation was successfully achieved. He ignored the players behind and continued to slaughter the guards.

In just a few minutes while the players hesitated, the last five royal high-ranking elite sword guards fell one after another.

This time, the onlookers were even more afraid to move.

Even if they were given a small team, they couldn't guarantee that they would be able to deal with the five elite sword guards. What was the background of this young man?How did he do it?
Qian Hunyu kept moving forward across the central magic circle, and black numbers lit up above the magic circle.

There is a defensive magic circle outside the central magic teleportation circle. If you want to attack the core, you must clear the outer defense circle.

The core has the same blood tank as the magic circle outside. Once the central core is attacked, the teleportation magic circle will lose its teleportation effect immediately. The more blood the core loses, the longer it will take to repair. Once the core is completely destroyed, it means The entire teleportation array was destroyed.

Fang Tianqian's soul defense attack has a bonus, and the blood bar of the external defense magic circle decreases rapidly.

"Step aside!"

Just as the blood volume of the outer defensive array was being rapidly reduced, a cold drink sounded from behind.

Fang Tian frowned, sensing a strong killing intent sounding from behind, he turned sideways immediately.

The green glow is approaching.

The dagger flashed across his eyes.


The wooden arrow approaching his chest was shattered by Fang Tian.

Not far away, the face of the player who fired the arrow changed slightly.

Was it blown to pieces?
Few people can block his arrows so easily!
Zhan Bafang suddenly noticed that the figure of Fang Tian not far away was a bit vain.

not good!

Suddenly, Fang Tian appeared directly in front of him as if splitting the space.

Zhan Bafang's pupils shrank suddenly.


Fang Tian swung the dagger at the same time as the voice sounded from behind.

Without any accident, the archer who was approached by Fang Tian turned into white light and went away.

Hearing that familiar voice, Fang Tian frowned slightly, and looked in the direction where the voice came from.

Hong Tao arrived first with several players, and he looked at Fang Tian solemnly.

The archer just now was a member of his intelligence bureau. Although the guy didn't obey the order and didn't wait until after the assembly before attacking, but being given a knife by the other party for a second is enough to prove his strength.

"I'm Hongtao, executive officer of the Northern Continent Division, tell me your identity."

Fang Tian glanced at him coldly, and secretly said in his heart that they came so fast, I am afraid that the elite guards in the city are already on their way, and they must not continue to pester them.

Thinking about it, Fang Tian tapped his toes on the ground again, his body was extremely light, and he passed by everyone like the wind.


With a wave, another black light burst out from the central teleportation magic array.

"Stop him!" This act of ignorance irritated Hong Tao, his face was ashen, and the veins on his forehead bulged, and he shouted: "He is a person from another world! He is very powerful, be careful! Don't fight with him!" Trembling, blast him to death with long-range skills together!"

While waving the dagger, Fang Tian sensed several auras approaching rapidly from behind. Their auras were by no means comparable to that of ordinary people.

"Surrounded by elements!"

"The Curse of the Wind!"

After receiving the order, the men brought by Hong Tao immediately released their skills, and many colorful spells blasted towards Fang Tian.

yes!There is no way to get close to the past, you can consume him with long-range skills!There are so many people here, can he really rush up and kill them all? !

The rest of the players who were affected were also stunned by Fang Tian's resolute methods before. They didn't expect it for a while, but now that they reacted, they immediately followed suit and threw the spell skills on hand desperately forward.

This kind of long-range skill locked by legal professions is the most troublesome for Fang Tian. He doesn't care about one or two people. He can easily counter it with the use of virtual power and the special power of chaos, but there are too many people now!
With so many spells coming, it is absolutely unbearable to continue like this.

Thinking about it, Fang Tian's pupils shrank, his muscles swelled, and he suddenly entered a living parasitic state, and his blood volume increased hundreds of times.

Turning around, facing the overwhelming magic, the chaotic vortex was driven to [-]%.

Dark shock!

With [-]% strength, part of the power of chaos was also added during the fist bombardment.


There was a slight crisp sound.

The fist hit a point in the space, and a tiny crack appeared because the space couldn't bear the force.

Microscopic cracks heal themselves in an instant.


The huge dark energy spreads out from this point as the center.


Players felt a ringing in their ears and fell into a state of dizziness.

Qi Jin formed a dark black net visible to the naked eye in the air.

All the spells that touched the dark energy were submerged by the energy without making any sound.

The power exploded too fast, and the players in the area ahead were blown away by the energy, and even many players were instantly killed by the violent energy and turned into streaks of white light.

Fang Tian withdrew his fist, blood slipped from the palm of his hand.

The chaotic vortex with a flow rate of [-]% will also cause great damage to the body.

Lifting his head and swallowing a bottle of quick healing potion, Fang Tian forced himself to suppress the hidden wounds he had received, and took advantage of the time he had won to attack the magic circle behind him.

Hongtao barely blocked the shock wave, his head was dizzy, he barely suppressed the restless wave of thoughts, looked intently, saw Fang Tian who was destroying the teleportation array, and immediately flew towards him.

In his opinion, the strength of Fang Tian's move just now has reached the realm of the holy rank, but he seems to have suffered a great backlash after releasing this blow.

Now is his weakest time!We can't continue to let him destroy the magic circle!


At this moment, under Fang Tian's accelerated attack, the magic circle shattered, revealing its core.


Hong Tao's eyes were full of anger, he watched Fang Tian's black dagger across the core of the teleportation array.


When the core of the teleportation array was attacked, there was only a weak crisp sound, followed by the entire teleportation array dimming, and the blood gauge of the teleportation array dropped by a large bar instantly.

Hong Tao couldn't help but want to curse, his heart sank to the bottom.

How difficult it is to repair the teleportation array, it will take at least ten hours for them to repair it with just such an attack.

Fang Tian swung dozens of knives with the dagger in his hand, and then disappeared in situ.

(End of this chapter)

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