city ​​of sanctuaries

Chapter 1267 Blood Shadow

Chapter 1267 Blood Shadow

Strong blood filled Fang Tian's nose.

Very familiar taste.

This is the smell of mana drained blood.

Everything happened so fast that Fang Tian couldn't even make any reaction. He saw the surrounding scenery constantly receding backwards, and the split sword light kept eating away at the back of the mana exhaustion. He felt the mana exhaustion in his embrace. Constantly dissipating.


Fang Tian felt his back hitting the hard Kenguertuo, and then fell down.

His eyes were covered in red.

The two fell into the pool of blood at the same time.


The remaining sword energy crashed into the Kenguertuo strain group and exploded.

Raindrops of red blood fell all over the sky.

That's the juice from the popped Kegua Ertuo.

"Master Lisa!"

Chris, who had just struggled to climb out of the pool of blood, saw this scene, his eyes were red, he turned his head and stared at Dilis with hatred, and shouted: "Go to hell!"

The roaring hell scorched beast roared and rushed out of the magic circle that appeared in front of Chris.

Dilis in mid-air didn't even look at the scorched hell beast, and slowly spit out two words: "Trash."


As soon as the scorched hell beast rushed forward a few steps, it exploded on the spot, bursting into a cloud of blood mist.

Immediately, Dillis turned his head and looked at the blood pool.

A figure slowly stood up from the pool of blood.

Fang Tian held the fainted mana exhausted with one hand.

He stood there dumbfounded, watching the mana in his embrace exhausted, like a bloody person, her black hair was slowly fading, a piece of white, and the vitality was slowly dissipating.

She opened her hand when her mana was exhausted, her eyes were fixed on Fang Tian, ​​she stretched out her hand, wanting to touch Fang Tian's face, wanting to forcibly keep this most precious memory.

The red dripping all over the sky fell on Fang Tian.

That was the juice produced by Ken Guertuo after being blasted by the sword energy.

The juice blended into the pores on Fang Tian's body and blended into his body.

Fang Tian clenched his fists tightly, and he felt that there was something in his heart that couldn't be restrained and wanted to break free from a dark place in his heart.

His thoughts gradually drifted away, and a certain memory emerged from his mind.


Under the ancient tree of Yilintonte, a seven-year-old child was sitting under the tree, dazedly holding a wooden craft that had been broken into several pieces.

It was a spotted beast, lifelike, and each feather was meticulously depicted, which showed its carving level.

Only now, he has been torn apart.

The girl in a white skirt hid beside the big tree, clenching her fists.

She watched for a long time and struggled for a long time.


The white kitten let out a lazily yelp, probably disliking his master's hesitation.

The girl who was thinking about something was suddenly startled, and then glared at the little white cat next to her.

The little white cat trembled and ran away.

Fang Tian suddenly turned his head and looked behind the big tree.

"Brother Fang Tian, ​​are you okay?" Lina knew she couldn't hide, she came out from behind the tree, sat next to Fang Tian, ​​and said in a low voice, "Don't be angry, I've helped you take those two The bad guys have their heads screwed off, so they won't annoy you any more."

"Thank you, Lena."

"Are you really not angry? I know they are wrong, at worst..." Lina blushed, and buried her head deeply under her hugging legs, "at worst, I will let you kiss me, and you will not be angry ,OK?"

Fang Tian raised his head, looked at Lina, then shook his head, "Thank you, I'm not angry, just a little distressed."

"Aren't you angry?" Lena blinked her big twinkling eyes, and came over curiously, "Why? This is the only toy your father left you, and it was broken by them. It's a pity, you really Are you not angry?"

"I... I never seem to feel angry. The master also said that I am used to being calm by nature." Fang Tian raised his head and looked at Lina curiously, "What does it feel like to be angry?"

"Angry, it's hard to describe, probably just the urge to tear everything apart." Lina approached, "Master also said that anger is also a source of power, just like a giant beast , it's just that this giant beast is not well controlled, and often hurts itself before hitting the enemy..."

"The urge to tear him apart..."

Muttering to himself, raising his head, Fang Tian looked at Dilis.

The throbbing blue in the pupils suddenly grew larger.

That is, anger?
The heart beat violently, and Fang Tian felt a huge force flowing from his whole body.

Fang Tian felt that anger was a monster hidden deep in his heart.

For the first time, Fang Tian no longer restrained the anger in his heart, but instead let go of the giant beast from his heart.

Like a flood opening in Fang Tian's body, power surged into his body instantly. At the same time, a huge amount of energy rushed into his mind. For an instant, Fang Tian's mind went blank and he closed his eyes subconsciously.

Opening his eyes again, the flames of hell in his pupils had turned red.

Blood red.

It was a pair of eyes full of anger.

Fang Tian stepped out of the pool of blood step by step.

The breath on my body has changed.

Mana exhaustion seemed to realize something, she reached out her hand anxiously, grabbed Fang Tian's clothes, and wanted to say something.

"Hush, leave the rest to me, take a rest." Fang Tian said, lowered his head, and lightly kissed his mana-exhausted thin lips, "Let my woman hurt this What a disgrace."

Hearing what Fang Tian said, his mana was exhausted and his pupils shrank.

Fang Tian stretched out his hand, flicked lightly in front of his mana-exhausted eyes, and immediately fell asleep.

Leaving the blood pool, laying the exhausted mana flat on the ground, Fang Tian glanced at Chris at the side.

"Chris, help me keep an eye on her."

Chris's blow just now couldn't cause any damage to Quan Dilis. He gritted his teeth and followed him to observe the situation of mana exhaustion.

Seeing it, Chris couldn't help being terrified.

Being forced to burn the source of the soul just now has already injured part of the soul, and then it was severely injured. It can be said that it is very lucky not to die in the first place.

For a while, Chris didn't know if mana exhaustion was good luck. If it wasn't for Dilis who shot mana exhaustion just now and let mana exhaustion continue to burn the source, I'm afraid that if he persisted for a minute or two, mana exhaustion would no longer be able to live down.

Either way, Mana Drain is now in hibernation, and she needs immediate medical attention.

Fang Tian raised his head and looked at Dilis in mid-air.

Using the magic sword twice in a row had exhausted Dilis's enormous strength. He shook his head and said, "It's boring, Fang Tian, ​​is it interesting to hide behind a woman? Lisa became like this because of you, Come back with me, Fang Tian, ​​I can promise you, find a way to save Lisa's life."

(End of this chapter)

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