city ​​of sanctuaries

Chapter 1258 Reward

Chapter 1258 Reward
Staring at the tower, Fang Tian's inner anger also gradually increased, and the soul energy in the space between the eyebrows kept churning.

The soul body in the space between the brows is already extremely large, and the urge to control this ability in his heart is getting stronger and stronger.

He had a hunch that at critical times, he could easily manipulate these soul bodies and use them for his own use.

"Fang Tian, ​​the prison master must have received the news. The teams of hell creatures in the other districts are gathering and preparing to attack us. Now is our good opportunity to attack first while they are still gathering."

Fang Tian hummed lightly, everything went as planned.

"Go, attack the central area."

With an order, the prisoners marched towards the central area in mighty force.

Standing far away, Fang Tian could already see the towering minaret in the central area.

That's where Mana Exhaustion is restricted, the Tower of Calamity.

Thousands of prisoners gathered together, and many of them were joined by powerful prisoners.

The only way to leave the Seventeenth Prison is the central area.

This is only possible by breaking through there.

If you stay here, you can only wait for death. The best result is to become a prisoner again. Only there is hope.

The prisoners were very clear in their hearts. They looked at the central city in front of them, and their eyes were filled with a desire for freedom.

There was no need for Chris to say anything, before Chris gave the order, the screaming prisoners couldn't help but attack the outer seal.

Countless different magics exploded on the outer seal wall.

Chris was a little happy.

The restraint of these prisoners is the most troublesome. In less than two days, there have been a lot of infighting. If the time is delayed, I am afraid that the infighting will start before the seventh prison center is reached.

Fang Tian nodded to Chris, and the two of them came to the rear together and began to arrange the magic circle.

According to Chris' instructions, many prisoners moved stone slabs from the scorched hell beast, gathered them on the ground one by one, and arranged them in an orderly manner.

"Chris, what are you doing?" Cumbray looked curious and came over to observe.

"Kumbrai, watch out, Fang Tian is going to do a magic trick for you."

Cumbray raised his eyebrows, stood next to Chris with great interest, and echoed: "It looks very powerful!"

When Salimo saw these special stone slabs, his eyelids jumped.
Are those all demon summoning magic circles? !
Fang Tian was already very familiar with the high-level demon summoning magic array, but even so, setting up the magic array here was still a waste of time, so two days ago, Fang Tian had already started to burn the magic array on the stone slab.

This saves him a lot of time.

On the open space, the stone slabs were arranged in the predetermined order. Fang Tian took two steps forward and opened his arms suddenly.

The stone slabs arranged orderly on the ground in front of him were affected by the power fluctuations and began to shake.

Press your hands forward suddenly.


Under the infusion of the power of chaos, hundreds of stone slabs were simultaneously suspended in mid-air out of thin air, and the connected magic circle was touched, and a scarlet light bloomed.

Countless hell creatures roared out from the erected slate magic circle, and under Fang Tian's control, rushed towards the seal outside the central area.

The flames of war are on!

Fang Tian stood where he was, the flames of hell in his pupils sped up and danced, and hundreds of magic circles continued to rotate.

Countless roaring hell creatures rushed out of the magic circle one after another.

Converging into a torrent that opened the gate.

"What a magic trick!" Cumbre exclaimed.

Salimo was extremely shocked when he saw these magical creatures being continuously summoned from the magic circle.

What the hell is this? !
He also knows a little about the magic circle of demon summoning, but how can anyone control hundreds of magic circles of demon summoning at the same time?Or can it be summoned so continuously?

Ordinary people, like Chris, who can summon several high-level demons are considered relatively powerful summoners. He has never imagined that someone can use the demon summoning array to such an extent.

The torrent of hell creatures collided with the red barrier, constantly attacking and tearing the seal.

That sight is enough to make people feel horrified.

Kumbrai was also secretly speechless. If it continues at this speed, the entire seal will definitely collapse within an hour or even less!

No.17 prison, central area.

Adi Lomond, who was disturbed from his deep sleep, was very angry.

Unexpectedly, some prisoners rebelled and occupied several areas of the Seventeenth Prison.

Has the Seventeenth Prison been at ease for too long?Can't even suppress such a simple rebellion?
In addition to being angry, Adiromond was extremely dissatisfied with these subordinates, and by the way, took advantage of this incident to beat and beat these wastes under his command, and ordered them to exterminate these rebellious prisoners.

However, at this moment, his mind was touched again.

Someone actually dared to destroy the seal in the central area?

Is it these prisoners? !
There is no one else but them!
Seeing the rapid drop in the energy value of the seals outside the Seventeenth Prison, Adiromond couldn't sit still.

He began to realize that this was no ordinary rebellion.

If things go on like this, the seal from the outside world will really be breached, and once that happens, he will lose his position as Prisoner!

He immediately mobilized the hell creatures in the city, and he had to go out of the city to meet the enemy and get rid of those guys!
Just as Adiromond gave the order, the energy crystals in the room flickered.

Dark blue signals represent sources of information.

It is a deeper abyss.

Adi Lomond came to the energy crystal, took a deep breath, stared ahead, and raised his hand.

Seeing the figure floating on the crystal illusion screen, Adiromond's expression changed slightly, revealing unprecedented respect, kneeling on one knee, lowering his eyebrows and saying pleasingly: "Master Demon Lord."

"I feel that the seal of Prison No.17 has been touched."

The figure's tone was very flat, without any emotion.

There was a layer of cold sweat on Adiromond's forehead, and his heart was beating involuntarily, "My lord, this is just an accident, there are a few prisoners making trouble, give me some time, I can deal with them quickly, Sir, please..."

"Diris is already on his way." The figure on the phantom said: "However, teleportation takes time. It is estimated that it will take some time to arrive at the Seventeenth Prison. If you can't buy this time, there is no need for you to stay here gone."

"Yes, my lord."

"It's very interesting, I don't know who is interested in the tower of disaster..."

The phantom slowly disappeared while talking to itself.

(End of this chapter)

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