Chapter 1248 Pit

A few hell brats hovered above the pit, constantly whipping the prisoners in the pit with long whips in their hands, showing ferocious smiles, enjoying the pleasure of sadism.

"Hurry up! Get over here! Stand in line one by one!"

"Don't think about making any moves! I'm watching you!"

The hell guard standing behind Fang Tian said, pushing Fang Tian and the two into the pit heavily.


The long red whip whipped Fang Tian's back.

The little devil who was waving a long whip in mid-air grinned and looked at Fang Tian with fierce eyes.

For some reason, a surge of anger rose in Fang Tian's heart.

Raising his head, Fang Tian's eyes suddenly focused on the little devil.

The moment Fang Tian's eyes were focused on him, the little devil's movements suddenly froze, staying in mid-air.


After being dazed for a full second, the little devil's body exploded in the air, and its flesh and blood exploded.

The little devils near this weird scene hesitated for a moment, as if wondering why this happened to the little devils, but soon, they continued to plunge into the joyful sadism.

What's wrong with me?Why did this emotion suddenly arise?

Looking at the little devil that exploded in mid-air, Fang Tian frowned. Moreover, he obviously didn't use his ability just now, why did the other party explode himself?

"Don't dawdle! Hurry up and leave!"

The guard shouted.

Fang Tian and Chris mixed in the crowd together and stood among the crowd in the pit.

Arnolding, whom I met at the tavern yesterday, walked slowly from a distance, and stood in front of the pothole, holding a red contract certificate in his hand.

"Okay, trash from hell, the game is over here, listen to me, Master Rencombe is not interested in convicting you, in short, you will all be sent to Prison No.17, can you survive? It's all up to you!"

When Arnoldin said the words No.17 Prison, the reality in the pit was silent for a few seconds, followed by howls, full of despair.

Chris glanced at Fang Tian, ​​licked his lips, and said in a low voice, "See, Prison No. 17 is so famous. Ordinary people have only one result when they go in, and that is to become bait."

Arnoldin seemed to enjoy the wailing of these people, as well as the helplessness they felt when they were about to face death. He waited for a few minutes before waving, "Okay, start, teleport!"

The red teleportation array suddenly lit up.

Everyone in the entire pothole disappeared in place at the same time.


For the next few days, Fang Tian and Chris were always teleporting.

Transfer to the lower level of hell, sent to the prison, meet with the prisoners in the next level of hell, and then continue to transfer down, so reincarnation.

With each transfer, more and more prisoners gathered around.

Fang Tian found out that the lower the floor, the fewer the number of prisoners. Similarly, the stronger the strength of these prisoners, the less restraint the guards have on the prisoners.

It seems that the number of prisoners is still close to a hundred, but there were originally a hundred people on the first floor and Fang Tian sent to the lower floor, but now, only a few of them died.

They all died on the way, even in the Seventeenth Prison without even seeing them.

The guards didn't seem to care about their lives, and even very much hoped to see the prisoners kill each other, and took pleasure in it.

Sixteen prisons, in a large pothole.

Those annoying little devils had already been disposed of by the prisoners, leaving corpses all over the place.

The prisoners even set fire to the imp's dead body.

For some reason, after entering the No. 12 hell, there are very few hell guards to control them, as long as they don't try to escape the pit.

So, after dealing with these imps, they can be sure that no one will bother them again until tomorrow.

As for wanting to escape from here, it is impossible.

There are layers of demonic creatures on the periphery of the pit, suppressed by the shackles of hell, and they will definitely become their bait after going out.

Beside the fire, a small and wretched old man smiled and said: "Hey hey, I'm going to see Prison No.17 soon, I'm really looking forward to it."

"Old man, don't be happy now. You don't know how you will die when the time comes. People who can survive in that place are not that simple." The corrosion looked extremely disgusting, and he said disdainfully, "Don't be the first to die then."

"Hey hey." The old man didn't answer, but was still grinning grinningly, not knowing what he was thinking.

In order to survive, holding a group has almost become the instinctive behavior of these prisoners.

If you don't hold together, you will die.

In just a few days, the entire prisoner group was divided into four forces, and the old man and the young man were two of them, two opposing forces.

"Hehehe, let me say the two of you." A woman with an enchanting figure came over with light steps. She has a graceful figure, and her eyes and smile are touching. It's time to let go of the grievances and grievances, and we will go to Prison No.17 tomorrow, so we still think about how to get through this difficulty."

The meaning of the woman is obvious, she wants to unite everyone's strength.

The old man and the young man looked at each other.

Then, they cast their eyes on Chris who was next to the fire.

Sometimes, not getting into trouble can be seen as a weak existence.

So, Chris took action to get rid of the two prisoners who came to provoke him.

With just one shot, Chris made many people's eyes shine.

After that, Chris became the leader of the fourth force.

Although, it is also the weakest one.

Because Chris didn't show much strength that time, they knew very little about Chris, and Chris didn't develop his intentions.

In fact, Chris didn't expect things to develop to this extent.

However, Chris thought it was a good idea to do so. He knew very little about the information on the Seventeenth Prison. He didn't even know where Lisa was hidden in the center of the Seventeenth Prison. It's not bad, no matter how bad it is, it doesn't matter if you can't get the information, and it won't hurt him too much.

At least, he can be quiet these days.

Chris licked his lips lightly, and said sullenly: "It seems to be right, since it is so dangerous, it is better to unite, so according to the routine, the dragons cannot be leaderless, we have to choose one person to preside over the overall situation, right? "

Both the old man and Xiaoer narrowed their eyes.

While speaking, Chris looked at Fang Tian with a questioning look, and sent him a message with his eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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