Chapter 1231 Trap
Atavid dragged his broken body and staggered to the altar.

Blood stained his vision.

To get here, he has paid too much.

Fortunately for him, he did it, and the Dragon Soul Crystal was right in front of him.

Finally, you can relax.

Atavid reached out, touched the Dragon Soul Crystal, and slowly closed his eyes.

The power of the ancestors entered his body through the dragon soul crystal, quickly healing the wounds he suffered in the battle.

The warm dragon soul crystal energy gradually improved his body, as if his soul had been baptized, making him feel so comfortable that he almost groaned.

Atavid didn't notice that not far away, there was a pair of eyes staring at him in the dark.

"I'm coming."

After waiting for so long, I finally saw a dragon clan that was able to reach the final dragon soul crystal. Looking at the dragon clan that was constantly absorbing the energy of the dragon soul crystal, Hydra's eyes shone with excitement.

Fang Tian also stared at the ancient dragon that transformed into a human form.

Under the effect of the Dragon Soul Crystal, Atavid's body gradually emitted a soft red light.

Fang Tian tapped his fingers lightly.

Atavide would never have imagined that the dragon soul crystal he absorbed would actually contain a trace of swamp power.

Not only that, receiving the guidance from Fang Tian, ​​the hell-originated insects hidden in the shadowed state of the dragon soul crystal were also induced, and drilled into the hell-originated insects along the energy body.

Atavide, who was in the stage of absorbing strength, didn't notice all this at all!He also inhaled the hell source insects and swamp power contained in the dragon soul crystal into his body.

very smooth.

Fang Tian also closed his eyes, feeling the spiritual induction from the hell worm.

The hell-origin worm lurks in Atavid's body, he can try to devour the ancient dragon at any time!

No, wait a minute, not yet.

The ancient dragon has only absorbed part of the energy of the dragon soul crystal in his body. This energy has not been absorbed by him. Now, if he drives the hell source worm to devour it, it will not have much effect. At most, it can only absorb the power of the ancient dragon's body. And now The power of the Hydra has not yet been activated. Once discovered, it will not be difficult for the ancient dragon to resist the devouring of the hell source worm.

Fang Tian waited patiently, waiting for the ancient dragon to absorb the breath of the dragon soul crystal.

For about half an hour, Atavid felt that he had reached his limit, and the absorbed energy had filled every corner of his body. If he continued, his whole body would explode.

Sitting cross-legged on the ground, frantically fusing the Dragon Soul Crystal energy absorbed in the body into the body temporarily.

At the same time as the fusion, the original energy of the dragon soul crystal quickly transformed Atavid's body, and he clearly felt that his strength was constantly rising, rising!to the top!

Atavid has a feeling that he doesn't know whether he can successfully complete the holy dragon's realm with the help of the Dragon Soul Crystal, but one thing is certain, he can definitely use the power of the Dragon Soul Crystal to become stronger!

Just 3 minutes.

A cloud of red mist exploded from the dragon soul crystal, and the mist wrapped Atavid's entire body in it.

"call out!"

Atavide opened his eyes suddenly.

If there is any substance, there is a sharp glow in the pupils.

It's a pity that it's still a big step away from the final holy dragon form.

Atavid's body can no longer hold any more dragon soul crystal energy.

Although it is very reluctant, it is probably very good to have come this far.The energy contained in the dragon soul crystal in the body has been absorbed by Atavid in sevens and eighty-eight, and there are still [-] to [-]% of the energy left. It will take more time to completely digest them.

This place is too dangerous and may be encountered by other dragons at any time. Atavide is going to find a quiet place to rest temporarily. After completely digesting the remaining power, there may be a slight chance to continue moving forward. Take a step forward and truly evolve into your holy dragon form.

It wasn't just Atavid who was disappointed, Fang Tian, ​​who was lurking aside, was also very disappointed.

It's a pity that Atavid has no way to reach the promotion of the holy dragon, otherwise he can get more energy from him to speed up the speed of the hell-originated insect.

Thinking about it, Fang Tian whispered: "Hydra, do it."

"Hey, I can't wait for a long time." Hydra let out a grin.

Atavid was about to leave here, and just as he lifted his footsteps, he suddenly felt a severe colic in his heart.

That is how the matter?

In an instant, Atavid's complexion changed drastically. Halfway through his steps, he couldn't control his steps. The whole person leaned forward and fell straight on the ground.

Lying on the ground, Atavid found that he had completely lost control of his body, he couldn't even touch a single finger!

A tyrannical force was rampant in his body.

That power is the source!
God!Why is it the power of Hydra!Hasn't he fallen into eternal sleep? !

After the power exploded completely, Atavid immediately discerned what was the source of the abnormality in his body.

That is the deadly enemy of the Dragon Clan.

The power of the ancient Hydra!

The muscles of Atavid's whole body trembled involuntarily, and sweat continued to overflow from his body.

Why is the power of the Swamp Hydra in his body?When was he taken down?
Attard was terrified by what was happening inside his body.

"Hey, is it cool?"

A joking voice rang in his ears, Attavid barely turned his eyes to look forward, and saw clearly the young man standing in front of him, Attard's eyes showed a look of horror.

This young man?
He did it?

Hydra's voice sounded from the Dragon Soul Stone on Fang Tian's chest again, "What about you, does absorbing the energy of the Dragon Soul Crystal make you feel good? Unexpectedly, I secretly added something to it , I hope you like it."

Attard almost exhausted all his strength, gritted his teeth and asked, "Who are you?"

"Me? A low-level dragon is not qualified to know my name." Swamp Hydra said disdainfully: "But, I can give you a chance."

"what chance?"

"Hydra, stop playing." Fang Tian has no interest in talking to a dying dragon. In fact, in Fang Tian's eyes, he is just a phantom of energy. Fang Tian is convinced that he does not exist, but The phantom in the fantasy dragon dream is an entity created by the special energy of the fantasy dragon. He interrupted: "What to do next?"


The hydra finally found a toy, and it seemed a little uncomfortable to be interrupted by Fang Tian, ​​and said casually: "The next step is up to you, he has the swamp imprint I planted in his body, at least three hours Can't move within three hours, is it enough for your bugs to swallow it?"

(End of this chapter)

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