city ​​of sanctuaries

Chapter 1225 Consciousness

Chapter 1225 Consciousness
"What?" Hydra's voice paused, and it was strange: "You understand again? What do you understand?"

"You heard what they said just now. Since the Spirit Enlightenment Society can obtain the real location of the Dragon Soul Crystal through Lucius, then Ai Luo and the others must know it too."

"so what?"

"But the Spiritual Enlightenment Society and they haven't found the Dragon Soul Crystal yet." Fang Tian squinted his eyes slightly, thinking: "It's not only the Spiritual Enlightenment Society, the Dragon Soul Crystal is still there, which means that Ai Luo and the others have not found it either."

"And then? This can only show that the idiots of the Dragon Clan have recorded these things wrongly in the classics they left behind. What else can there be?" Hydra still didn't understand what Fang Tian wanted to say, and said with a smile : "Probably it just means that your luck is good, otherwise they would have obtained the Dragon Soul Crystal long ago?"

"Do not."

Fang Tian didn't mean to be joking, following his previous train of thought, he said word by word: "You asked me the question just now, where are we now?"

"The Emerald Dream?"

"Yes, the Emerald Dream, that is, the dream of the magic dragon, these are all worlds constructed according to the dream of the magic dragon."

"Oh?" Hydra felt that Fang Tian was getting more and more interesting, "And then?"

"Perhaps Huanlong has not experienced the scene of fighting for the Dragon Soul Crystal at that time, so all this is just her fantasy..."

"Hahaha," Hydra laughed loudly upon hearing Fang Tian's answer, "Fang Tian, ​​you are wrong, I can tell you very clearly that Huanlong may not have experienced these things, but he will never It's not her pure fantasy, these are the memories obtained from the ancestors, and they are all things engraved in the blood, otherwise, do you think these things can be made so perfect just by illusions?"

Fang Tian's complexion changed slightly.

"In this case, there is another reason."

Hydra asked: "What else is there?"

"There is a discrepancy between the memory and the dream."

"In and out? Why do you say that?"

"You said that the prototype of the Dragon Soul Crystal is the fantasy gem, and the fantasy dragon relies on the fantasy gem to maintain the Emerald Dream." Fang Tian continued along the previous train of thought, "Once the fantasy crystal is captured, the Emerald Dream will not be able to recover." Continue to support, the dream is shattered, and the magic dragon can't continue to maintain his dream, so I guess, maybe in the subconscious of the magic dragon, she doesn't want the emerald dream to disappear, so she gave the real entrance to the dragon soul crystal. Hid it up."

Listening to Fang Tian's words, Hydra fell into silence for a long time.

Fang Tian didn't urge him either, but continued to think.

After a moment, Hydra said: "Kid, your idea is very interesting, but I still think that the possibility that those stupid dragons got it wrong is more reliable."

Fang Tian shook his head, obviously not convinced by Hydra's simple mistake.

"What a stubborn brat. Well, even if it's true as you said, it's the Phantom Dragon's subconscious that is at work, then what are you going to do?" Hydra said rather dissatisfied: "According to what you said , none of the many entrances here is correct, haven't we wasted our efforts? And I can tell you with certainty that the power of the Dragon Soul Crystal is at our feet, but we can't find the entrance."

This question of Hydra is also Fang Tian's hard thinking.

The subconscious of the phantom dragon.

This is an inference without any basis and does not seem to be substantiated.

"So, let's look for it honestly. I think it's those dragons who have made mistakes in their records..."

"No, we should have other ways."

Fang Tian thought about it.

"What other way?"

"I have an idea." Fang Tian said in a deep voice: "If the subconscious of the magic dragon really exists, then as I speculated before, all the teleportation arrays in front of the stone statues are not real entrances, and the real entrances should be hidden elsewhere. "

"It's mysterious." Hydra said disdainfully: "I don't want to hear so much nonsense from you, what exactly do you want to do?"

"Hydra, if it were you, if these teleportation arrays are all blindfolds, then where would you say the real entrance will be set?"


The dragon soul stone on his chest was suspended in mid-air.

"Of course it's the hardest place to find, a place that no one can think of." The Dragon Soul Stone seemed to sense the surroundings quickly, and then came a response, "It doesn't make sense for you to think so, such a big place, you How do you want to find it?"

"For the Dragon Clan, the safest place..." Fang Tian said to himself, narrowing his eyes, suddenly thought of something, ignored the Hydra, and sneaked towards the main hall.

The brat!Could it be that he was so lucky that he bumped into something again?
Hydra followed Fang Tian all the way to the entrance of the temple, saw Fang Tian standing in front of the statue of Long Zu and entered the daze mode again, and couldn't help saying: "Little ghost, what are you thinking? Tell me and listen."

"Why is there no teleportation array in front of the Dragon Ancestor Statue?"

"Because it's Longzu."

The statue of Longzu is facing the entrance of the main hall, and the teleportation arrays in front of the rows of stone statues on both sides of the statue are opposite to each other.

But from the layout point of view, no one finds it strange that there is no teleportation array in front of the Longzu statue.

After all, it was Long Zu.

Hydra noticed the tangled expression on Fang Tian's face, paused, and continued: "Little ghost, you want to tell me that the magic dragon created an entrance here and hid it?"


"Cut! Where is it? Where is it hidden?"

Fang Tian said slowly, "It's inside the stone statue."

"Huh?" Hydra was taken aback, then laughed loudly, "Are you trying to tell me that the entrance is hidden inside the stone statue? Hey, don't you just want to vent something, and want to destroy this stone statue? A deliberate excuse?"

"No, the Dragon Clan's respect for the Dragon Ancestor is in their blood, and all the people living in the Dragon Realm are the Dragon Clan. They will definitely not offend the Dragon Ancestor and destroy the statue. It is a very safe place to hide the portal here. "

Hydra thought for a while and asked, "How sure are you?"

Fang Tian was not sure about this, he stared at the stone statue in front of him, and replied: "This question is meaningless, as long as it is not ten points, there is no difference between one point and nine points, just try it."

"Cut, you annoying brat, then you can try it! I want to remind you that the entire hall is protected by Dragon Soul Crystals. If you accidentally trigger some mechanism, you will die here."

Now that the decision has been made, Fang Tian does not continue to pay attention to the Hydra. He took a breath, and slowly approached the statue of the Dragon Ancestor in front of him, stretched out his hand, and put his palm on the statue.

(End of this chapter)

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